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About This File

Modernizer by HeyThereCoffeee: Widescreen support up to 1920x1080, stable FPS for the Display, fix jerks and wavy mouse movement, the ability to connect a gamepad, English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Czech GUI and subtitles.

Mod Modernizer2 Beta 2c by HeyThereCoffeee (Multilingual version)
- Widescreen mode up to 1920x1080
- stable FPS for the monitor
- mouse jerks fix
- mouse bug “Mouse moves in wavelike pattern when attempting y-axis movement” fixed
- the ability to connect a gamepad
- the music box
- Several original game crashes have been fixed
- Game updates are automatically checked in the Multiplayer Menu


Changes for Multilingual version
- Added translations: English / German / French / Italian / Polish(2) / Russian(2) / Spanish / Czech
- Added translation of textures (posters, signs, names, etc.) for Russian (SoftClub), French and German versions.
- for the German version, all options are enabled (blood enable) and the missing sound files for character voice acting have been added.
- Added all missions(20) and all characters(35) to the Co-op.
- Added files and instructions for fixing the "Catastrophic failure" error on Windows 10

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