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The Nolf 2 Master Server is back in service.


We thank Sierra VU for getting it back up for the Nolfing community!!






Now go NOLF everyone !!!




E1! what did you have to do to get sierra to get the server up again?

...wait, dont answer that, i forgot you husband Major reads this forum too,


well type on IM ;)




E1! what did you have to do to get sierra to get the server up again?

...wait, dont answer that, i forgot you husband Major reads this forum too,


well type on IM ;)





What, are the batteries for your humor radar dead? dont roll your eyes on me girl! :P

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

hey cool just read it and i'm still in school


can't wait to go home and start gaming :D


Why exactly should we thank them?

Sure, it's nice of them to fix the master server issue, but is it just me or is anyone else sick and tired of Sierra screwing things up? They can't keep their master server working and they have the most bitchingly bad (heard that phrase in a us comedy show and wanted to use it desperatly :P)tech support I have ever experienced. Replying to an email, which was about the master server issue, they said that they had never heard about this problem before...an obvious lie!


Have we EVER received ANY support or help regarding bugs or glitches or whatever?



So we should stop kissing Sierras butt...


Have we EVER received ANY support or help regarding bugs or glitches or whatever?



So we should stop kissing Sierras butt...





It's one of those things where you attract more bees with honey than you do vinegar. I don't know why it takes so long to get the MS back online, but I do know I sure am glad when it happens. Sometimes a 'thank you' goes a long way and just maybe it will help us next time this happens. No butt kissing here, just thankfull to be able to play NOLF again.


It would be nice if they had a back up server that would come online if the primary server fails.


Of course a "thank you" you is nice. I just don't want to thank Sierra as they lie to people when they receive complains :angry: .


The "butt kissing" wasn't meant to offend anyone, if it did I am sorry. I just think Sierra doesn't deserve it.


Hm, well though it always bugs me when the MS is down I have to admit Sierra have never promised to keep Nolf2 online 24/7 365 days a year - sometimes unexpected things happen with computers, and sometimes those problems take a while to fix (as I'm sure most of us have experienced with our own technology). Which is fine. The problem here is that they are well aware of this problem and should therefore take better precautions and steps to fix it permanently. And, I might add, not lie to us when we contact them about the problems.


So you are all right... Sierra does deserve honey for fixing the master server for now, but also vinegar for letting the problem occur again and again.


Working in the information technology field I know a bit about servers that run 24/7. They are not guaranteed to run every waking moment.


I also know this having had to repair server issues. You tend to hurry if you know people are counting on you and have let you know of the problem in a "professional"manner. At the same time if people just toss insults at you techs then develop the I'll get to it attitude. You should all pat yourselves on the back as it appears they heard you this time, based upon the reply I got from them in particular. The servers they run the Nolf 2 masters servers (the WON servers) are old. CS moved off them to steam etc.

For you to get a change to the present system you have to let them know how many play the game. Everyone needs to let them know. From Sierra VU's standpoint it has to be viable for them to explore other alternatives to how it is set up now. Tearing them a new one doesn't help fix the problem just irritates the technicians who are just trying to do their jobs according to their companies management.


So yes you should thank them had no one contacted them like Eliteone suggested you do the server would most likely be down still. I think you got their attention with the emailing and phone calls and they worked on this outtage as diligently as possible to get it resolved


Well put Major B)


Does Major get two desserts for his response E1? :P


Seriously though, your answer makes sense. I wonder what the cost would be to purchase the source code and rights to the NOLF game and label? That way if we the community owned the code and rights, we could use our vast knowledge to make a new game?


Yeah Knix i'm sure it would be cheap :P.



Knix' date='Jan 25 2006, 09:48 AM' post='28231']

Does Major get two desserts for his response E1? :P


Maybe............ :P


Knix' date='Jan 25 2006, 09:48 AM' post='28231']

Seriously though, your answer makes sense. I wonder what the cost would be to purchase the source code and rights to the NOLF game and label? That way if we the community owned the code and rights, we could use our vast knowledge to make a new game?


Yeah Knix i'm sure it would be cheap :P.


I doubt they would give up rights to the game anytime soon. They do allow mods to be made and perhaps that is the way to go for fixing issues in the game if a patch is not in the cards.



What ever happened to that game extension being head up by Genesis and Goo-boy? Did that die on the operating table? For that matter did Genesis die on the operating table? What happened to him?


The reason why I bring this up...is that I played the SP for NOLF2 when the server was down, and realized how great an SP it is as well. It would be fun to see an extension of the game, or a type of mod (like pegasus in CJ) or those in UT'04, which change the whole dynamic of the game. I know my clannie Zero is working on some right now. I look forward to seeing it.


One more thing E1, with you being close to the Sierra office (so cool!) when you have some free time, you should try and set a meeting up with a honcho there, to see about the future of the series....or we can interview him/her at unityhq!



Knix' date='Jan 25 2006, 11:52 AM' post='28237']

What ever happened to that game extension being head up by Genesis and Goo-boy? Did that die on the operating table? For that matter did Genesis die on the operating table? What happened to him?


The reason why I bring this up...is that I played the SP for NOLF2 when the server was down, and realized how great an SP it is as well. It would be fun to see an extension of the game, or a type of mod (like pegasus in CJ) or those in UT'04, which change the whole dynamic of the game. I know my clannie Zero is working on some right now. I look forward to seeing it.


One more thing E1, with you being close to the Sierra office (so cool!) when you have some free time, you should try and set a meeting up with a honcho there, to see about the future of the series....or we can interview him/her at unityhq!



Maybe I've been to their offices recently, though I can neither confirm nor deny that ;)

Knix' date='Jan 25 2006, 02:52 PM' post='28237']The reason why I bring this up...is that I played the SP for NOLF2 when the server was down, and realized how great an SP it is as well. It would be fun to see an extension of the game, or a type of mod (like pegasus in CJ) or those in UT'04, which change the whole dynamic of the game. I know my clannie Zero is working on some right now. I look forward to seeing it.

Jiao had been working on 'The Man from UNITY', but I haven't heard from her in a while on the status. Her website is: http://www.badgerbones.com/




An update for everyone I am presently pursing the offer I made them about the backup solution with positive results so far. I don't want to devulge too much as it is in process. I wanted everyone to know that just cause the server is working again I haven't given up on the proposal.

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