Seemann Posted January 16, 2006 Posted January 16, 2006 (edited) . Edited August 15, 2014 by Seemann Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted January 16, 2006 Posted January 16, 2006 He is a Black Belt in Judo....and should turn Chechnya into Russia's very own Grand Canyon IMHO Uh..and he's much better then Stalin, Breznev, Andropov, Kruschtev...but not as good as Yeltsin and Gorbachev Quote
RXS Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 Knix' date='Jan 16 2006, 02:28 PM' post='26446'] He is a Black Belt in Judo....and should turn Chechnya into Russia's very own Grand Canyon IMHO Uh..and he's much better then Stalin, Breznev, Andropov, Kruschtev...but not as good as Yeltsin and Gorbachev Pretty much my thoughts as well. Quote
>FoXSy< Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 Why dont you guys like him? he seems cool to me... oh, is it because hes a commie? commies are people too you know. Quote
Seemann Posted January 17, 2006 Author Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) . Edited August 15, 2014 by Seemann Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 Knix' date='Jan 16 2006, 10:28 PM' post='26446'] ....and should turn Chechnya into Russia's very own Grand Canyon IMHO That's pretty much been done already, here's some pictures from Grozny: Anyways, Seemann, can you tell us a bit more about Putin's power consolidation of recent? I remember hearing about it, but it's not really on the Western media's radar... Quote
Seemann Posted January 17, 2006 Author Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) . Edited August 15, 2014 by Seemann Quote
Seemann Posted January 17, 2006 Author Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) . Edited August 15, 2014 by Seemann Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 Actually, only the first part was meant to be about Chechnya (on which subject, I would disagree labelling every single citizen a terrorist would be truthful or useful). In my last question I was referring more to the attempts to quash internal dissent or the attituted towards Ukraine, for example. Things like that. Quote
Seemann Posted January 17, 2006 Author Posted January 17, 2006 (edited) . Edited August 15, 2014 by Seemann Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 Sonic Goo' date='Jan 17 2006, 08:23 AM' post='26565'] Actually, only the first part was meant to be about Chechnya (on which subject, I would disagree labelling every single citizen a terrorist would be truthful or useful). In my last question I was referring more to the attempts to quash internal dissent or the attituted towards Ukraine, for example. Things like that. If the people of Chechyna are not able to police their own people in their commiting atrocities such as... The Moscow Theater Hostage crises.... and the very brave attack killing over 100 children at the school in Beslan... Then they are all terrorists, either in action or appeasement. Maybe goo we can ask the terrorists to raise their hands so the Russians would not risk shooting the innocents? I am old enough to remember the cold war during the 80's. While there where obvious moments of tension between the East and the West, at least there was a sense that our advesaries held some modicum of decency. I would much prefer the "conflicts" with the USSR over the animals that we deal with today with the radical Muslim terrorists. Quote
Caip Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 Why dont you guys like him? he seems cool to me... oh, is it because hes a commie? commies are people too you know. blah, communism does only exist in theory. It has never and will never work... ...consider my post a side note Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 So what particular method would you advocate for your 'final solution' to the terrorist problem? I've heard rounding them up and gassing them is quite effective... Quote
RXS Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 Low blow Goo....what method would you advocate....more hugs? Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 To make sure I understand you Goo, before we move forward... Are you suggesting that the actions taken by the US, Russia, and other nations fighting Terrorism by Radical islamic fanatics, would be equal to that acts done by the Nazis against Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, etc during the holocaust which killed over 6 million people. Am I understanding you correctly? In regards to my "final solution" (another nazi comparrison?).... You infiltrate the various cells set up around the world. You pick off their hierchy one by one (or all at once if they are willing to stand in a row). The Israelis fought very succesfully against the Palestinians by using these means. Israel would actually control all of the West bank, Gaza, Sinai, AND the Golan Heights if she did not acquice to foriegn demands on her. The US and our allies, if we really wanted to control the problem of terrorism as we know it could do so. Its the collateral damage that comes with such actions (tragic of course) that we are not willing to do, which keeps us on the slow road to hoe we currently see. Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 I was responding to Knix's remarks that "....and should turn Chechnya into Russia's very own Grand Canyon IMHO " and "...they are all terrorists...". I was especially curious about the first one. Did he mean they should send in men with shovels? Quote
Seemann Posted January 18, 2006 Author Posted January 18, 2006 (edited) . Edited August 15, 2014 by Seemann Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 Goo Boy....see what Seeman sez...he somes up my thoughts quite nicely. Shovels are ok, but daisy cutters work more quickly... Keep fighting the good fight Goo....maybe someday someone will listen Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 Following your logic, would you also advocate slaughtering all Palestinians? Libya has been connected to terrorism too, would you murder all Libians? Sudan isn't doing as much as they should about the Janjaweed either - better snuff them too? During WWII, about as many Dutch collaborated as joined the resistance, the rest did nothing. You would have killed them too? Or what about the Soviet Union under Stalin? Lots of state terrorism there and no big popular movement against that either. Death to all? In Northern Ireland most people were aiding terrorism on one side or the other (either Republican or Unionist/Loyalist) - blow them all up? These things happen with failed states. That doesn't mean everyone who lives there is evil, a terrorist or should be killed. Whether you use a kitchen knife or a 15,000 pound bomb, killing over a million people is still genocide. And advocating the eradicaton of a whole nation is hate speech. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 Not an independent country Goo, but a regional section of Russia. Palestinians, not a country either. When dealing with troubled areas within one's borders.....a country does what it has to to keep the peace. The Chechnians are trying to break away and become their own country. Russia has the means and the right to do what ever it has to do to protect its borders. Same thing goes for Israel vs. the Palestinians. If that entails making palestinians cease to exist, or chase them into another country where they will be absorbed into the be it. Its not hate goo-boy its reality. Your Utopian ideals of solving problems by sitting in a circle and smoking a peace pipe are not reality. I'm sure you had some cowardly dutch who aided the Nazis during WW2, but you also had a strong resistance ( I know one dutchman personally who fought the Nazi's and was imprisoned during WW2). In France with the Vichy French government during WW2 made up of colaborators..same thing. The point is that there was a population of french who resisted. Thats not happening in Chechnya. In a war, there are winners and there are losers. One army uses all the power within its means to defeat the other, and to the victor goes the spoils. This is how wars have gone throughout history. When one army is so defeated and destroyed, that they cannot , or chose not to fight anymore. The Atomic bombing in Japan proves this. If the US had to invade Japan to end the Pacific portion of WW2, millions of lives would have been lost. By dropping A-bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we actually saved thousands of lives we would have lost. Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted January 20, 2006 Posted January 20, 2006 This is the kind of thing Abu Hamza is on trial for right now. Actually, this is worse. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted January 20, 2006 Posted January 20, 2006 Yeahhhhhh good response goo-boy, I'm right up there with him. Speaking of Abu Hamza... Think there is any relation? These people must be stopped at all costs (especially captain hook!). Don't let your lack of testicular fortitude, keep you from seeing this goo-boy. Quote
Seemann Posted January 20, 2006 Author Posted January 20, 2006 (edited) . Edited August 15, 2014 by Seemann Quote
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