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I've been reading this talk by Ralph Koster. It talks, amongst other things, about the future of FPS games. He says that, like simulations before, FPS have been getting a certain kind of audience and new games are being developed for that certain audience. Like simulators became so complicated that you'd have to be an actual F16 pilot to use them, so FPS games have established a number of conventions and are deepening them, rather than expanding on them. New FPS games have flashier graphics, cooler weapons, farther horizons, nonlinear storylines, etc. but on the inside, conceptually, they are still the same games from ten years ago. And because of this, they will mainly attract people who already are into these games, or belong to the same demographic.


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For the new engine Monolith has developed, the first game they've released is FEAR, which is the kind of game mentioned above. Of course, you don't develop such an engine for just one game. So what should the next game be like? Considering the above, you wouldn't want another game like that. You don't want to cannibalise your own sales. What you would want is a game with crossover potential. A game that can break out of that little niche. A game that attracts people who would normally be put off by the gore and violence of most FPS games. A game that has the immersiveness and challenges of a FPS, but has a different kind of setting, different kinds of characters, offers a different kind of experience. Something with a female lead character, with a focus on fun and humour, with lots of cool gadgets to use, with lots of sneaking rather than just run & gun. Of course, that game would be NOLF3.





Seriously. Good thinking. I can only hope Monolith read this and get a bright idea.


You are absolutely right, its so simple Sonic..........why don't they get it?? :blink:


well id love to see NOLF3, especialy cause of cate arche, cause she r0x, and the story itself, and fresh james bond parody.


sonic...some1 has to be paying you for this shiz...

that was amazing...


some1 e-mail that to monolith! :P


lets get them on top of this!

  • 6 months later...
Sonic Goo' date='Jan 15 2006, 12:04 PM' post='26252']



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. What you would want is a game with crossover potential. A game that can break out of that little niche. A game that attracts people who would normally be put off by the gore and violence of most FPS games. A game that has the immersiveness and challenges of a FPS, but has a different kind of setting, different kinds of characters, offers a different kind of experience. Something with a female lead character, with a focus on fun and humour, with lots of cool gadgets to use, with lots of sneaking rather than just run & gun. Of course, that game would be NOLF3.


That's the only game that has these characteristics, none other! I know that Nolf's bank ben robbed, but why not to take some of FEAR success and split it for Nolf (Money and engine wise). Or start off with something small, like a special edition pack or something else, or give some applause, sponsor a server or make one to bring more people to Nolf 2 multiplay, creat a patch, mod, maps, skins. Do something! If only they spend their money on some better sequal and kept Archer instead of making bank corrupting, score killing Contract Jack. It was their fault, why do we how to suffer for it??? Anyway I'm just saying that if they won't bring back nolf then all the staff that Sonic Goo wrote would not exist in any game. If only thers something we could do?

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