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On November 10th Nolf turned 5 years old.


Found this article that talked about it.


Tuesday, November 07, 2000

Latest Chat ThreadNOLF Release Date & Shots [06:14 pm]

141 Comments - Steve Gibson

Well, Fox Interactive was feeling all nice and decided to send along some new screenshots of NOLF for all of us here. Kyle from Fox says they are that coveted 'exclusive' type but I think I recognize a couple of them. At any rate here are the 8 screenshots and all of the screenshots that he sent along. Also a pretty little features listing page for the game. NOLF will be on shelves November 10th.


you can check it out at http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/10381




Ahhh, nostalgic. NOLF 1 was fun, but NOLF 2 is a much better game for me.


HAPPY Birthday NOLF1....Long Live NOLF 1&2


Word RXS... If I'd gotten #1 first, I imagine I would've been all nostalgic about it. But since I got #2 first, Nolf1 has remained the cool prequel to the game I dig. Nevertheless it was more inventive and colourful than most others I've tried!


Happy birthday Nolf1!


Happy birthday dear nolf 1..happy birthday dear nolf 1..happy birthday dear nolf1..happy birthday to you!!!!





my ears!!! Stop it..arrggghhhh... :D NOLF NEVER DIES!


Awww, man! If I'd been paying attention I'd have arranged a fun NOLF1 weekend to celebrate. Dang, I hate it when I drop the ball. :(


NOLF1 was the first computer game that captured my heart and my interest. It wasn't the single player, it was the multi-player that did it for me. I could play using a female character, the gadjets were totally unique, the maps were fun and for the most part the people playing were pretty decent, at least when compared to other online fps games at the time. No One Lives Forever... the beginning of an excellent gaming series! Happy Birthday!! :D


AH the "Good Old Days"........................I can still remember my oldest boy bringing it home from college with him and loading it on my puter. All that money for him to play games! It has been worth it, Both turned out to be joys in my life . :) Have I really been playing that long!


Holy Crud!...

its been 5 years i been playing this thing?



ahhh the good ol' days...

how long have i been in a clan with u bel?

since like...wow, a long time ago?...


first year or two of nolf...

yikes, scary thought!!!

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