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I was asked the other day how come SFI nor UnityHQ are running the Pegasus Mod.

As you know UnityHQ runs a 24/7 CJ server presently.

I would very much like to however Fatwiener is the reason we don't. He has made it clear that UnityHQ nor SFI is to run his maps nor any of his work.


This all apparently is a result of a incident that happened between him and one of our former members over 2 years ago. We publicly apologized for it but he seems to be holding the eternal grudge.


It's unfortunate to cause the mod would be up on a server if not for this restriction.


Since I've been asked why more than once I figured a post would be easier then having to repeat this.


Any of the mod makers can of course contact me if there is a way around Fatweiner's imposed rules.


Uh is it copywritten material? Is there a patent pending? Or are we just being nice and honoring a person's wishes? I don't play CJ, so no skin off my nostrils...just wonderin'.



No Elite has been asked why several times now so she was posting the why plain and simple. The beta was enjoyed by alot of people and there was every intention of promoting it and running it for everyone untill the restrictions mentioned above.


Just so everyone knows I'd like to host the mod but untill I get the go ahead that it is allowed then I can't.


The only thing that is said and agreed is that the mod was supposed to be hosted at the modmembers' sites and NG, and that others could link to the sites.. mainly for easily applying updates to the mod.


There was never said anything about not alowing people to host it in servers..

If Fatweiner told you not to host his maps.. that's his decission, not the modteam's decission ;)


There are still 19 other maps left B)

Sonic Goo' date='Nov 9 2005, 05:56 PM' post='17571']

Who cares? Are UHQ or SFI here to piss people off or to be friendly and inclusive? Discussing that possibility would suggest the former. (Or the gossip circuit would certainly twist it that way.)


Because if someone creates a item, and does not copywrite or patent that item, it is free to be copied, applied, modified, hung from the highest tree, etc.

If fatweiner does not want it to be used by UHQ because E1 kicked his dog or something copywrite the sucker, and she no can touchy. If not its just by her good grace that she chooses not to. Pissing people off is just a wonderfull by product :P.




You're looking at it from an (American) lawyer's kind of perspective: if it's not illegal, it must be legal. I'm looking at it from a public relations/diplomatic kind of perspective. Doing something like this will only feed the animosity between UHQ and TGF. Which I think we can do without.


American Lawyer? Would a European Lawyer think that Copywrites and Patents are not a matter to consider?


This is (*&)( MOD for a game! This would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Maybe you should use your public relation/Diplomatic skills with Fatweiner then?


I believe that the words I used in that last sentance have never been spoken or written before in the history of time :lol::lol: .


Come on Goo. What is the worst that could happen? FatWeiner has kittens and E1 gets put on double secret probation?

Posted (edited)
Sonic Goo' date='Nov 10 2005, 01:11 PM' post='17676']

You're looking at it from an (American) lawyer's kind of perspective: if it's not illegal, it must be legal. I'm looking at it from a public relations/diplomatic kind of perspective. Doing something like this will only feed the animosity between UHQ and TGF. Which I think we can do without.



Here we go again Goo...I think you are looking at if from a Dutch Lawyer's perspective with your head some place stinky.


I'll use this argument next time my 6 year old tells my 2 year old not to copy his coloring.

Edited by RXS

Um.......... back on topic.

It's the same policy (see Cheat Tag thread) as well that is why this isn't run. Cause it has restricted clauses in where it's hosted. UnityHQ hosts files for the servers it runs.

SFI server use those same files.



But bottom line it's not worth having Fatweiner's issues thrown at us so we chose not to deal with that potential migraine.


To put one thing strait..


As far as I know, fatweiner has never told anyone that his maps couldn't be played on a Uhq/SFI server. He also confims that!


To put one thing strait..


As far as I know, fatweiner has never told anyone that his maps couldn't be played on a Uhq/SFI server. He also confims that!

You need to check the private area of your own forums then, Spawn. :unsure:

But bottom line it's not worth having Fatweiner's issues thrown at us so we chose not to deal with that potential migraine.




As my good friend Foxsy always sez...



"Did we wimp out when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor??!!!!!!!!"


To put one thing strait..


As far as I know, fatweiner has never told anyone that his maps couldn't be played on a Uhq/SFI server. He also confims that!



Than have him come here and public post that please.


Hmmm he's a no show. Now why am I not suprised.... :rolleyes:




It's all up to Fatweiner now. Publicly post what he told Spawn and UnityHQ will run the pegasus mod for a CJ Server.




Well obviously I don't play CJ so I don't expect my opinion to carry much weight for the CJ community; however in general I hope Fatweiner will clear this up once and for all if it's just a misunderstanding. We all make mistakes, the trick is to mutually apologize and let go afterwards.


I get the impression that this Pegasus mod is a cool thing for Contract Jack, so let's see some kissing and making up!


As for the whole copyright issue, no European court would acknowledge an attached readme.txt document as a copyright agreement, Sonic. As KNIX said, it only counts when people want to respect it for some reason - be it basic respect for intellectual property, for the creator, or to stay within the ground rules of netiquette. Someone more opportunistic might go right ahead and run the mod, but UnityHQ and its leaders are about walking on the right side of the road. Thumbs up! That said, let's fix this and get this mod running!


Well obviously I don't play CJ so I don't expect my opinion to carry much weight for the CJ community; however in general I hope Fatweiner will clear this up once and for all if it's just a misunderstanding. We all make mistakes, the trick is to mutually apologize and let go afterwards.


I get the impression that this Pegasus mod is a cool thing for Contract Jack, so let's see some kissing and making up!


As for the whole copyright issue, no European court would acknowledge an attached readme.txt document as a copyright agreement, Sonic. As KNIX said, it only counts when people want to respect it for some reason - be it basic respect for intellectual property, for the creator, or to stay within the ground rules of netiquette. Someone more opportunistic might go right ahead and run the mod, but UnityHQ and its leaders are about walking on the right side of the road. Thumbs up! That said, let's fix this and get this mod running!


Nicely put B)

Same could be said for the other files that could benefit many but due to a few they are unable too. Just remember the needs of the many should matter more than the needs of the one.


Nicely put B)

Just remember the needs of the many should matter more than the needs of the one.


*On the starship Enterprise*


"Ship....out of .....danger?"

"Why Spock? Why?"

"The needs...of the many....out way....the needs...of the few..."



Good rule to live by;)



Hope you'll be able to use the Mod, been following the development for a while and it looks great. Perhaps I'll get CJ and give it a try!



As for the whole copyright issue, no European court would acknowledge an attached readme.txt document as a copyright agreement, Sonic. As KNIX said, it only counts when people want to respect it for some reason [...]

As far as I know, in Europe a person's work is automatically under copyright. No need for e.g. the © sign that sometimes is used in the US. Heard that the US signed an agreement to adopt the same practice (before one had to use the sign to ensure the copyright in the US).


"The needs...of the many....out way....the needs...of the few..."


Good rule to live by;)

As long as I'm not part of the few, go ahead....

Posted (edited)

As far as I know, in Europe a person's work is automatically under copyright. No need for e.g. the © sign that sometimes is used in the US.


How could that work? The reason for a copyright or patent is to ensure that it is somehow unique. If I draw a picture of a stick figure, does "my work" automatically become copyright? Sounds strange to me, but then again, we are talking European Law - very strange.

Edited by RXS
Posted (edited)

The reason for copyright is that your work may not be used or claimed by other persons. Indeed in the US and Europe you have the copyright as soon as your work is in the physical form (or so). The only difference WAS that in the US you had to identify your work by adding "©". Don't ask me how this works now, but I guess in court you would have to prove that it was your work first. If you can, you got copyright.


And don't even start thinking about patent law or ask why. My roommate is working in the field, it's beyond all reason and sanity.


Just wanted to add this to Spacko's comment. I'm not sure this applies here at all, since it's not the work of an individual and the CJ Tools certainly were used. You prolly agree to some kind of disclaimer when you download the tools. And it's not about commercial use either....


And talking about strange laws: Ever heard about submarine-patents? In short, somebody has a patent that is "unpublished", nobody knows about it. Companys working in the field are selling their work for years. Eventually, the patent holder claims his patent and all (formerly) unknowing users have to pay fees! WOOT?


Wiki US submarine patents


On a related note, clown faces in the US and UK are painted on eggs to ensure the copyright of the design. Apparently no legend but true. Now THAT is strange!

Edited by Alexa

I think this is a really good mod FYI (have tested a dedicated server setup of it).


Just want to make sure all will be ok to run it etc is all.



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