Belladonna Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 Lately it's become popular for players to use 'cheats' in order to allow them to escape tags, such as bananas. If you're able to get out of a tag by hitting your keys quickly or jumping, then that's fine and acceptable. But putting yourself in third person view or popping in and out of the game screen in order to move around in a tag or get out quicker is CHEATING. We've endured the wall hacks, the map glitches, and now this. It's just pathetic that you people can't play decently. The worst part is experienced and talented players are the ones I see doing this. Shame on you!! Why lower yourself in such a manner? As Leader of SFI's NOLF Division, I'm warning all my members, if I see any of you acting like this then you just might find yourself looking for another clan. As an admin in the SFI servers, chances are I'll be booting anyone I come across who does this, regardless what clan they're in. I am not putting up with this kind of crap.
Eliteone Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 Amen and same would apply to UnityHQ Servers as well as we believe in the cheat free playing experience.
Caip Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 (edited) Glad to hear that such behavior won't be tolerated! Edited November 6, 2005 by Caip
Surak Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 Well, its your stupid fault if you walk into a tag, so don't use cheats.
Natter Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 yep, better watch ur steps than destroy the nana-fun i personally like them more fried....with honey
Moody Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 wow is there a tagging cheat too?? Does that include tagging "doorsteps" too? Just because you cant see the nana. I mean, I remember we practiced that while I was in ST Thats no cheat is it? But the other things should be forbidden, word
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 I think this happened to me accidentally recently. Don't remember because of what, possibly the game screen thing, since I've had Norton trying to annoy me with demands for renewals. So I'd say don't ban people immediately. They might not know they're cheating. But apart from that, I'm an enthousiastic tagger, so it'd be nice if it kept its zing.
Spacko Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 Nah, placing a banana cleverly ain't no crime - just this whole "getting up while tagged" cheat.
RXS Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 Sonic Goo' date='Nov 6 2005, 07:21 AM' post='17338'] I think this happened to me accidentally recently. Don't remember because of what, possibly the game screen thing, since I've had Norton trying to annoy me with demands for renewals. So I'd say don't ban people immediately. They might not know they're cheating. Oh come on....People know what they are doing to defeat the tag...I doubt Norton pop ups can cause you to coincidentaly jump right back up after being tagged. Besides, they can appeal their ban.
Alexa Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 Oh ##########! Another bug! That explains some recent incidents that left me wondering. On the other hand, every once in a while I slip on a nana or get tagged otherwise and mysteriously am untagged within a second, without pressing ANYTHING (or am sliding around on the floor on my back ). Now if the communtiy was bigger, we could at least remove the severest bugs and even expand the game (SP, COOP etc.). That's what the sources are for.
RXS Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 I've slid around after being caught in a trap on rare occasion, but I have never mysteriously popped right back up after stepping on a nana. I've got a lot of hours in this game, and like I said, I've never popped right back after a nana encounter.
Catmama Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 I've popped back up after slipping on a banana a few times out of hundreds, or perhaps ahem...thousands of games. I am not familiar with changing to the third person view. Are we sure that this is not a bug?
Alexa Posted November 6, 2005 Posted November 6, 2005 (edited) Well, I admit it happens very rarely with the nanas, but more often (for me) when I'm tagged in the beartrap. A few times I could jump around, in beartrap or glued, but more often I just get released. I understand that the "strength" of the impact e.g. of a sleep nade is included in the calculation of the tagging time, but sometimes I get a direct hit, fall down, next to me a regular nade explodes and suddenly I'm not sleeping any more...Rarely, ok, but happens...Of course these are bugs. And I'm still not sure if the self-tagging with own nana when an explosion destroys it or the "collective" slip with the enemy was intended by the gamemakers. Anyway there ARE peeps using the detag-bug, I heard some admit it yesterday. Ah, and I didn't even experiment with it. Never did. Since I'm nana-victim No. 1 it would attract attention when I'd be suddenly on my feet again. Perhaps you should slip more, RXS? Speaking of bugs, I've experienced the mysterious respawn twice by now. This says I've edited the post. This is not true, it's all lies. As always I've slain the grammar and defeated the orthography on the first attempt! | | V Edited November 6, 2005 by Alexa
>FoXSy< Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 I saw someone (forgot name) pop up right after he was tagged today.. i think its a bug, who would make a cheat thats so obvious to spot
RXS Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 It's about three key strokes...the operator forces the cheat
{GD}Independent Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 Oh ##########! Another bug! That explains some recent incidents that left me wondering. On the other hand, every once in a while I slip on a nana or get tagged otherwise and mysteriously am untagged within a second, without pressing ANYTHING (or am sliding around on the floor on my back ). Now if the communtiy was bigger, we could at least remove the severest bugs and even expand the game (SP, COOP etc.). That's what the sources are for. Me too, Alexa! On rare occasions, I mysteriously recover from a nana tag really quickly. Also, I've seen people I have tagged literally fly all over the place for no reason at all! I hope others have seen this, because it sounds pretty silly, but hey! I ain't lyin'!
blue Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 i think what you two are describing happens when you are tagged simultaneously. say, with a nana and a fire grenade. it gets funky and lets you coast around on your butt while burning.
EZ.Target Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 I am glad for these lamentable facts are being argued here. I just signed up to this forum, to show what I think about this (even though I know this kind of thing probably will never end...). Oh, and before someone maliciously ask or maliciously make a comment: I admit I use this cheat (I have the nerve to admit it, who else?), and although it's not my intention to justify myself, I just started to use it because I was tired to be cheated that way. I just could not leave this insult happen "gratuitously". I can still agree that accidents happens, sometimes it can happen of some player get up suddenly after got tagged (maybe due to some bug or something else), but when you see this happen 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times with the same player during the same map, it is very hard to believe. Some players seem not feel ashamed doing this... But the worst of it all: this "happens" not only with nanas, but also with glue, bear traps and sleep nades. And since we are talking only about TAGS, I will not tell about other strange facts which I have witnessed in DD. I have many tales to tell about this, but by now I'll tell only one of them. Just about 2 days ago, I was playing in NS server when I throwed a sleep nade against player "XYZ", but as this player was too close, we both got tagged. When I was still on the ground, I just got killed by the same player, who supposedly would be still on the ground, together with me. Funny eh? Yeah... it also could be funny to see players running when tagged in a bear trap, for example, but it is not, since they use it to get advantage on the others. That's all.
Alexa Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 Good post, EZ! Though I would never abuse a bug when I see others abuse it. Where would that lead? We all sitting in the woods with a phos-AK because there's nothing left that you could do without somebody else cheating himself out of? Frankly, when tagging has gotten useless in NOLF2 I might as well play FEAR. Didn't know but already feared that the cheat would also work for sleep nades. Perhaps we SHOULD talk about the other strange things you witnessed? The only problem is, even if I'd make up a bug, somebody would swear he'd seen somebody else use it. That's why I pointed out that these things also happen because of bugs. The sleep-nade incident you described could very well be just one more NOLF2 glitch! Or not... Hasn't there been talk about a NOLF court
Eliteone Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 Well on the sleep "incident" you mention it depends on who was closest to where the nade went off. They would be the "last" one it would wear off on. My biggest concern is exploits like this take the fun out of the game for alot of people. Tagging is an essential part of the game and to take the tag basically against someone is like binding /kill in quake engine games to suicide and take the point away from the player that knocked you off the cliff etc. I'll reinterate what was said in this post already though. If you are caught using this in SFI or unity servers you will be banned for it. I admire your "comming out" about it but you have been warning now.
Natter Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 i have seen i go fast out of a nana tag if the nana is placed on a ladder... but this happens without any strange key-hits or else.... also if u slip on a nana during crouching thru a tunnel
NiXsa Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 (edited) This "tagging cheat" is 1 of those BUGS. **** Sometimes this happens when u go quick to options and back while ur tagged Not cool EDIT BY CAIP ...please don't post this kinda stuff here, thanks Edited November 7, 2005 by Caip
EZ.Target Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 Didn't know but already feared that the cheat would also work for sleep nades.Yes, this cheat works for any tag. If someone wants to test it, just wait 3 or 4 seconds after tagged and hit that magic key combination and it's done. The sleep-nade incident you described could very well be just one more NOLF2 glitch! Or not... Well on the sleep "incident" you mention it depends on who was closest to where the nade went off. They would be the "last" one it would wear off on.I forgot to say we both was tagged exactly at the same. Before my screen got dark, I saw the other player's bot laying down at the same time as mine. No way that player could get up so fast. As I said, I could even consider that as a momentary "glitch", but this same player already did this before. My biggest concern is exploits like this take the fun out of the game for alot of people.Yes, I just did not quit NOLF2 yet because: #1 - I love this game #2 - I love some ppl who play this game (I have some really good memories of good moments lived while playing ) #3 - I love to play with some ppl who play this game #4 - My hardware specs are a bit "out-of-date" for the newest games. Well, #5 could be the "fun"... but when things like that happens, I feel like an uncontrollable desire to uninstall the game and toss away the CD.
Spacko Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 I'm thinking... you have to wait a few seconds to perform the cheat. I don't see how this can be that helpful as you are breaking up your drive anyway by suddenly jumping into the menu and then back into the game. I attempted the cheat a few times when I first learned of it and it was icky. Anyway, still not allowed, but I am not sure it's such a huuuuuge advantage.
Surak Posted November 7, 2005 Posted November 7, 2005 (edited) This "tagging cheat" is 1 of those BUGS. **** Sometimes this happens when u go quick to options and back while ur tagged Not cool Thanks nixsa, every noob now knows about it. EDIT BY CAIP ...had to edit this quote aswell Edited November 7, 2005 by Caip
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