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The Official UnityHQ.net Mappack is now live up on the Unityhq download. It is the Official Mappack used on the UnityHQ and SFI Servers.


Be sure to download it soon.


Thanks to SgtPepper for making it for us B)


Wich maps does it include?

I have the mappack 1.3 and I think I downloaded all other maps, too.

Do I still need this UnityHQ mappack?


It's newer than the 1.3 plus it's the one used on the UntiyHQ and SFI servers. So if you have it you're definately covered ;)

  • 1 year later...

I got a request:


In that downloadsection of unityhq.net it seems the "unityhq_NOLF2_Mappack version 1" is replaced by "UnityHQ_NOLF2_Mappack Version 2.0 **Updated Aug. 14, 2006**"


The problem is, that the first one also contained the retailmaps (antarctic aggression, calcutta, japan, a.s.o.) which aren't included in the newer version anymore! So it is not possible to play the retail maps with only that version 2.0 mappack installed! So i suggest either adding the retail maps to the Mappack version 2.0 or put the old mappack online again, since you cant install the sierra-official-mappack2 (which contains the retail nolf2 dd maps) on pc's/servers which haven't got installed nolf2, but only have the nolf2 folder on it, for server running purposes only :) therefore you need to manually add the maps to the "resources" folder. Else you cant run the server!




I got a request:


In that downloadsection of unityhq.net it seems the "unityhq_NOLF2_Mappack version 1" is replaced by "UnityHQ_NOLF2_Mappack Version 2.0 **Updated Aug. 14, 2006**"


The problem is, that the first one also contained the retailmaps (antarctic aggression, calcutta, japan, a.s.o.) which aren't included in the newer version anymore! So it is not possible to play the retail maps with only that version 2.0 mappack installed! So i suggest either adding the retail maps to the Mappack version 2.0 or put the old mappack online again, since you cant install the sierra-official-mappack2 (which contains the retail nolf2 dd maps) on pc's/servers which haven't got installed nolf2, but only have the nolf2 folder on it, for server running purposes only :) therefore you need to manually add the maps to the "resources" folder. Else you cant run the server!




Our mappacks have never contained the retail maps (copyright licensing etc)


SFI and UHQ servers run just fine using the official packs and the UHQ pack ;)


nope that's not true, if u open that first "unityhq_mappack 1" with winrez, you will see, that the retail maps are part of it ;) the last time i reinstalled nolf, i didnt install any of the retail mappacks from sierra, i only copied the "unityhq_mappack 1" (which was online before the new one was added) into my resources folder and it worked for either Deathmatch and Doomsday :)


And about the official mappacks: There's a way of hosting a server for nolf2 without even installing the game, if u just copy the nolf2 folder including the 1.3 update + the server.exe and also copy the NOLF2 registry-entries from a pc that has nolf2 installed, and paste it on a server or other pc that hasnt got nolf2 installed, you are yet able to get the server to run! Only problem is the maps, since the retail mappacks can't be installed on systems that haven't got nolf2 installed ;) so those would be missing and the only way around this, is to manually add them to the resources folder! :) ..


Anyways, nvm, I found what i needed in our own downloadsection :)


nope that's not true, if u open that first "unityhq_mappack 1" with winrez, you will see, that the retail maps are part of it ;) the last time i reinstalled nolf, i didnt install any of the retail mappacks from sierra, i only copied the "unityhq_mappack 1" (which was online before the new one was added) into my resources folder and it worked for either Deathmatch and Doomsday :)


And about the official mappacks: There's a way of hosting a server for nolf2 without even installing the game, if u just copy the nolf2 folder including the 1.3 update + the server.exe and also copy the NOLF2 registry-entries from a pc that has nolf2 installed, and paste it on a server or other pc that hasnt got nolf2 installed, you are yet able to get the server to run! Only problem is the maps, since the retail mappacks can't be installed on systems that haven't got nolf2 installed ;) so those would be missing and the only way around this, is to manually add them to the resources folder! :) ..


Anyways, nvm, I found what i needed in our own downloadsection :)


Don't know what to tell you but we didn't put retail maps in the mappack and never will due to the copyrights on them (need approval to distribute them in a different manner than the publisher intended)

The new mappack is the first one plus some new maps is all.


Well, I dont want to argue with you, but the mappack i downloaded here (the UHQ mappack no.1) had all retails + all customs which were out at that time for either DM and DD :) .. I can send you that file, i assure you i havent added those maps to the mappack on my own, cause i don't know how to do that, since there is so much folders that need to be rezzed ;) Anyways i liked that mappack, since it was all in one and no other mappacks needed to be installed :)


edit: don't u have that mappack stored somewhere on either your pc or your serverbox? if so, then you can easily check on it, by opening it with winrez ;)


Here you go: That's a screeny of the "UnityHQ_NOLF2_Mappack" opened with winrezLT. The mapdata on the right, which go with "DD_01" .. "DD_02" are all retail ones :)

IPB Image


I don't know what all got put on the first mappack, but that one shouldn't be used at all. It has maps in it that are outdated versions and can cause problems when the updated maps come on. The UHQ_DD_N2_CUSTOM_MAPPACK.REZ mappack had all the maps included on it when it was created. The unityfall05mpack.REZ mappack contains some newer maps that came out since then. Eventually there will be another huge mappack made that has all the maps again.


Well it works just fine for me, thou i have both installed the first and the second one (btw havent got sierra-retail mappacks installed ;) ).

But what problems? :blink: The only problem that may occur with updated maps, can be, that it'll kick me as soon as it starts, since i wouldn't have the necessary resources then :)


Don't know what to tell you but we didn't put retail maps in the mappack and never will due to the copyrights on them (need approval to distribute them in a different manner than the publisher intended)


Uhm... but you can put stuff like "Peril In Poland" (I think that was the name of Phantizen's map; based on "Siberian Strife") into it without getting problems with the copyright? ;)


Not meant as an attack, i might have done the same, but is it possible, that you are kinda afraid to admit you broke those copyrights, by adding the retail maps to that first mappack? :lol:


So gonna tell Sierra about that! :o ..

No, j/k :P , since im not innocent either when it comes to copyrights, who is anyways? :P


Siberian Strife, Peril in Poland... those are still custom maps no matter how much of them came from the game itself. All custom maps bring parts of the game into them.


If the official mulitplayer retail maps somehow got into that mappack it was purely by accident and not intentional. Calling Eliteone a liar is not cool. Cut it out.




Uhm... but you can put stuff like "Peril In Poland" (I think that was the name of Phantizen's map; based on "Siberian Strife") into it without getting problems with the copyright? ;)


Do you do anything else besides whine discoMIME? (It makes me want to offer you some cheese to go with it)


Have you read our legal stuff in the downloads section? I'm guessing NO


Maps and files are created by various community Authors or Monolith/VU games. UnityHQ makes no claim to the creation of the maps nor takes credit to such creation. All maps and Mods ARE NOT MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY Monolith Productions, or any of its affiliates and subsidiaries."


We at UnityHQ make every effort to provide files that are in accordance with copyright laws, that are virus free and are legal in every way. However, we DO NOT guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of the content available for download. All files are 'as is' and UnityHQ is not responsible for any problems that may occur. We are not responsible or liable for content that may be considered unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy invasive, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable, or any content that infringes the intellectual property or other rights of another.



Basically it is the mapmaker's responsibility in regards to copyrights for their maps not ours.


On a side note Sgt. Pepper put the first mappack together. IT is possible he used the contents of his folders to do so. But you'd have to ask him that.


It's rather simple to just use the official packs or the rez files from a previous install (how to clone servers FYI) anyhow.


Siberian Strife, Peril in Poland... those are still custom maps


Siberian Strife is a custom map? :lol: Didn't know that! Think that's the reason why it sucks so much :lol:


Do you do anything else besides whine discoMIME? (It makes me want to offer you some cheese to go with it)


Do you do anything else besides interpreting everything the wrong way on purporse eliteone?


Did I whine? Or did I add something to a discussion in a public forum?


Legal or not ... the question is always how much people care about that anyway ... and then some times the one face they show makes very little sense if ... no, never mind.


Well, I dont want to argue with you, but the mappack i downloaded here (the UHQ mappack no.1) had all retails + all customs which were out at that time for either DM and DD :) .. I can send you that file, i assure you i havent added those maps to the mappack on my own, cause i don't know how to do that, since there is so much folders that need to be rezzed ;) Anyways i liked that mappack, since it was all in one and no other mappacks needed to be installed :)


edit: don't u have that mappack stored somewhere on either your pc or your serverbox? if so, then you can easily check on it, by opening it with winrez ;)


Here you go: That's a screeny of the "UnityHQ_NOLF2_Mappack" opened with winrezLT. The mapdata on the right, which go with "DD_01" .. "DD_02" are all retail ones :)

IPB Image


The files you're talking about are probably added by a mistake.. They don't affect the custommaps at all


CFG files contains mapname info and path to the loading image.. .

TXT is a summary of the textures that are used also called assetlist (makes the map run smoother

DAT is the real levelfile

The DTX files you're talking about are loading images for the levels


But it would be a good idea to remove them to save space since they are already in the game

Still don't see any problem with them beeing there :)


I might add.. Peril In Poland.. Its a good map.. made with the nolf2 tools

which contains prefabs..

meaning.. Monolith put those prefabs there for people to use it.. So this isn't really a copyright issue


The files you're talking about are probably added by a mistake.. They don't affect the custommaps at all


If I got Sugsen right he wanted to say that it does even make sense to have these maps in there to use them when you're hosting a server at which NOLF2 isn't installed (which means that you cannot execute the official mappack installers - 'cause what they are doing is checking the registry entries first of all).


I might add.. Peril In Poland.. Its a good map.. made with the nolf2 tools

which contains prefabs..

meaning.. Monolith put those prefabs there for people to use it.. So this isn't really a copyright issue


Be careful; someone might call you a whiner for having added this argument... Seems to be happening a lot which is both sad and ridiculous when you get the impression they are just sitting somewhere in the background with their rifles; waiting for something to run into their crosshair...

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