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Jen Taylor, whose voice talents were used in No One Lives Forever 2 and many others top games, has graciously agreed to answer some of our member's questions in an email interview. If you have a question you would like to submit to be asked of Jen, please post!!! :D


For more information on Jen Taylor, visit HERE

A big thank you goes to Major for arranging this!


I would like to know if she ever plays the game (in multi-player mode of course) and what her game name is.


Also, will she be the voice of CATE ARCHER in NOLF 3 ? :lol:


Question 1- Have you been getting the "Cd Key" error message as well, or do you have special access to E1's server?


Question 2- If you (Cate Archer) got into a fight with Lara Croft who would win?


Question 3- Have you ever killed anyone using a snowmobile?


Question 4- Did Magnus wear anything under his kilt?


Question 5-Did Sierra's check bounce the first time they paid you?


Question 6-Did you prefer working in Siberia or Calcutta?


Question 7-Are you going to buy F.E.A.R?



Thank you Ms. Taylor for taking the time to answer my questions. If you are ever in New York City...Lodingi and I will get you sloppy drunk and introduce you to Skizzor.






Guest Doffy90

Question 1: Can You Confirm That Will There Be A NOLF3?

Question 2: Do You Know What is H.A.R.M short for?


dang doffy, i really like that H.A.R.M. one... but i doubt she knows :(


1) How much money did you get for doing cate's voice? ;)




My question would be.


Did you tape the dialogue for each character separately or were there times like when Isako and Cate had a conversation (trailer park) did you "switch" voices and record the whole scene at once?

Sonic Goo' date='Oct 5 2005, 12:04 AM' post='15669']

If you look at the audio files in your game directory, you'll see that they are very small snippets - they could very well be recorded that way.



Thought your name was Sonic :rolleyes:



And, to get back to topic, I noticed she's done a lot of voice acting. Does she have any ambitions beyond games, in movie voice acting or actual oldfashioned acting?




***This post edited and a bunch of others deleted in order to keep this topic on track - Bella***


"If you were trapped on a desert island and could only have three things, what would they be?"


Always an interesting one. For me it's Denise Richards, Cameron Diaz and Tara Reid ;)

Knix' date='Oct 4 2005, 04:29 PM' post='15626']

Thank you Ms. Taylor for taking the time to answer my questions. If you are ever in New York City...Lodingi and I will get you sloppy drunk and introduce you to Skizzor.




was jen also the body double for all of cate's nude scenes? if so, what knix said :w00t: (minus the skizzor part of course). :P





if ms. taylor were to join a nolf2 clan, which would it be?



i can only hope she won't be a poop eating monkey lover. :P


Ok my question for Jen Taylor is did she get to work with the other voice people like the person that played Armstrong's voice ect. AND of course does she play NOLF!???! AND WHAT IS HER NAME???? Ok under control now..... :P



My questions (BTW Thanks much Bella & Major !!! :D ):


1). What extra scenes did you record for that never ended up in the game?



2). What lines of dialogue that you spoke were your favorites, regardless of

whether or not they ended up in the game?






"If you were trapped on a desert island and could only have three things, what would they be?"


Always an interesting one. For me it's Denise Richards, Cameron Diaz and Tara Reid ;)


What do you expect? shes a women! :rolleyes:

cell-phone, make-up, and tampons...


...you have about the same taste in women as Caip has in music, Leese...




Pepsi or Coke?




What do you expect? shes a women! :rolleyes:

cell-phone, make-up, and tampons...


...you have about the same taste in women as Caip has in music, Leese...




Pepsi or Coke?



i dunno, tara reid is pretty hot...


and coke is better ;)


ask her Who Are the Top 3 People she thanks for her career...


[like God, Mother, etc...]

Posted (edited)

Uh...no, shes a crack-head > <!

why she isnt a pornstar is as good of a question

as why Marion Knight isnt dead yet, or why

MODs keep editing my posts even though they

are breaking no rules...




Ask her the only important question, is NOLF3 coming out?

Edited by >FoXSy<

Is she still in contact with the development crew from nolf1 or 2? Do any of them ever spend any time playing either one?



A few more questions:



1.) Why when asked about another NOLF does Craig Hubbard reply, "I can't comment on the future of the franchise at this time"?



2.) Do you know if there is a problem obtaining the rights to the NOLF Franchise

from Fox? Can you enlighten us?




BELLA, when will the selected questions be submitted?!!! :thumbsup:


A few more questions:

1.) Why when asked about another NOLF does Craig Hubbard reply, "I can't comment on the future of the franchise at this time"?


Thats something every developer says until the publisher announces the game.



I'm compiling the questions and preparing them to send to Jen Taylor. Any other questions need to be submitted by tomorrow. :)

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