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At 9:25PM EST, September 25th, 2005, the [WR] clan will officially close off its branch for Nolf2. The overall leaders, and a majority of the members have decided to end its reign in the Nolf2 division. This is being done mostly because Sierra decides it's a good idea to crash the master server every week, and the increasing inactivity of our members due to the fact that most of us actually have lives. Nolf2 has become more of a disgrace than ever, and frankly, we are getting sick of it. Everyone has resorted to BS tactics just to inflate their score to make them think they are the best. Leaning, phossing, explosive ammo whoring, glitching, camping, spawn killing, and playing with no respect for other players has just engulfed Nolf2 multiplayer to the point of where it is impossible to play anymore. It was fun while it lasted, but now people play with no dignity, decency, or respect. Therefore, our solution to ending this is to pull the [WR] clan out of this train wreck.


For years, the [WR] clan was able to remain on top without resorting to noobish tactics, and we are proud of every member that is/has been with us throughout our existence. When [WR] came back earlier this year, we again made the foundation of this clan to play with decency and respect, only on a higher level. The one goal of [WR] was to preserve the already wounded community of Nolf2, but we found that it is beyond repair.


We wish the best of luck to all of our members, and some other clans that are still alive to this day. [WR] may still pursue its division in F.E.A.R., however it is unlikely, for we know that most of the Nolf2 community will be involved in F.E.A.R. as well.




The [WR] Leaders

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Skizzor writes "Nolf2 has become more of a disgrace than ever, and frankly, we are getting sick of it. Everyone has resorted to BS tactics just to inflate their score to make them think they are the best. Leaning, phossing, explosive ammo whoring, glitching, camping, spawn killing, and playing with no respect for other players has just engulfed Nolf2 multiplayer to the point of where it is impossible to play anymore. It was fun while it lasted, but now people play with no dignity, decency, or respect. Therefore, our solution to ending this is to pull the [WR] clan out of this train wreck."



Waaa. In fact, Waaaaaaaaaa. Waa, waa, waaaaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. W-w-w-w-w-w--w-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


P.S. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.




Sorry to see you guys decide to toss in the hat.

Though to insult others as you close shop :rolleyes:


I wish you the best in your future endeavors.


the way your post was written is insulting and condescending to the rest of the nolf community. why act as if WR is so superior to all other members. im sorry to see WR fade out, but dont try to play it off like the fact that the reason you guys are closing is because "we" suck and n00b it up. why cant you blame it on inactivity and lack of determination? its not very classy when you close down your clan and instead of shouldering the blame you blame it on the rest of the bunch.


WR was back into NOLF2? I guess you guys used aliases most of the time while playing :P


...who cares about WR anyway...

SkiZZor' date='Sep 26 2005, 03:39 AM' post='15299']

At 9:25PM EST, September 25th, 2005, the [WR] clan will officially close off its branch for Nolf2. The overall leaders, and a majority of the members have decided to end its reign in the Nolf2 division. This is being done mostly because Sierra decides it's a good idea to crash the master server every week, and the increasing inactivity of our members due to the fact that most of us actually have lives. Nolf2 has become more of a disgrace than ever, and frankly, we are getting sick of it. Everyone has resorted to BS tactics just to inflate their score to make them think they are the best. Leaning, phossing, explosive ammo whoring, glitching, camping, spawn killing, and playing with no respect for other players has just engulfed Nolf2 multiplayer to the point of where it is impossible to play anymore. It was fun while it lasted, but now people play with no dignity, decency, or respect. Therefore, our solution to ending this is to pull the [WR] clan out of this train wreck.


For years, the [WR] clan was able to remain on top without resorting to noobish tactics, and we am proud of every member that is/has been with us throughout our existence. When [WR] came back earlier this year, we again made the foundation of this clan to play with decency and respect, only on a higher level. The one goal of [WR] was to preserve the already wounded community of Nolf2, but we found that it is beyond repair.


We wish the best of luck to all of our members, and some other clans that are still alive to this day. [WR] may still pursue its division in F.E.A.R., however it is unlikely, for we know that most of the Nolf2 community will be involved in F.E.A.R. as well.




The [WR] Leaders




HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, you saved my day skizz :rolleyes: Oh well, never saw anyone of you playing anyway except bong.

I never really thought you would last long anyway




Au revoir !


Indeed the WR members are too important to be bothered with the simpletons and downright jerks who pester the world wide web within the pocket that is Nolf2.


I won't let you go without a real pat on the back for your astounding efforts for the community though; your optimism and drive whenever a tournament was suggested - how you've taken responsibility against cheating, against Sierras lack of interest and to keep the community together - and not the least how your diplomatic skills have resolved so many issues between 'some other clans'. At least you went out fighting and did everything anyone could have to fix the problems.


Oh how empty the servers will feel without those two little letters, WR, smiling at me from the score sheet.



... On a non-ironic note; you could take a lesson from anyone from ST to Gerhard Schröeder on how to bow out gracefully. If this post represents the whole, honest story on all WR members' part, I am inclined to believe this community just might be better off. Good day.


If I may quote Dale Evans "Roy" Rogers.....



Happy trails to you, until we meet again.

Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.

Who cares about the clouds when we're together?

Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.

Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again.


Some trails are happy ones,

Others are blue.

It's the way you ride the trail that counts,

Here's a happy one for you.


Happy trails to you, until we meet again.

Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.

Who cares about the clouds when we're together?

Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.


Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again.



God that Roy knew how to get to the heart of the matter.





And you wonder why we're pulling out.


I just find it funny that the ones getting offended in this post are guilty of the acts that I stated in my first post. :rolleyes:


its not very classy when you close down your clan and instead of shouldering the blame you blame it on the rest of the bunch.


As sad is it may be, it is the truth. Why play in a game when 99% of the players play like cowards?

Knix' date='Sep 26 2005, 01:41 PM' post='15316']

If I may quote Dale Evans "Roy" Rogers.....

Happy trails to you, until we meet again.

Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.

Who cares about the clouds when we're together?

Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.

Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again.


Some trails are happy ones,

Others are blue.

It's the way you ride the trail that counts,

Here's a happy one for you.


Happy trails to you, until we meet again.

Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.

Who cares about the clouds when we're together?

Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.


Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again.

God that Roy knew how to get to the heart of the matter.



lol.....i thought van halen sang this song. (bum ba dee da, bum ba dee da).


don't know why everyone's nuts are in a twist. i'm sure war will open and close its nolf2 division at least 3 or 4 times b4 year's end. :P

SkiZZor' date='Sep 26 2005, 01:54 PM' post='15317']

And you wonder why we're pulling out.


I just find it funny that the ones getting offended in this post are guilty of the acts that I stated in my first post. :rolleyes:

As sad is it may be, it is the truth. Why play in a game when 99% of the players play like cowards?


Perhaps they are reacting to the mudslinging?

Clans come and go and the good ones with all their ducks in a row prevail the longest. From what I've read you guys have had more than one go at this. What was the reason for quiting the first time?


For whatever reasons you decided to call it quits you could have simply said we've decided to close shop and not go into it's so and so's fault etc.

Then the responses would have been more palatable for you.

SkiZZor' date='Sep 26 2005, 03:54 PM' post='15317']

And you wonder why we're pulling out.


I just find it funny that the ones getting offended in this post are guilty of the acts that I stated in my first post. :rolleyes:

As sad is it may be, it is the truth. Why play in a game when 99% of the players play like cowards?


whoa whoa whoa, hold the phone. YOU guys actually PLAY? :lol: how would you know if we played like cowards if you guys were never in the server. like someone said the only WR i've seen in game on a basis is bongchick.


oh, but then again you guys have lives... :P is that why you created your own nolf 2 fansite, skizzor.

heed major's advice. if you had done this with tact, you would be getting a better farewell.


i look foward to [WR] opening under new management.


Perhaps they are reacting to the mudslinging?

Clans come and go and the good ones with all their ducks in a row prevail the longest. From what I've read you guys have had more than one go at this. What was the reason for quiting the first time?


For whatever reasons you decided to call it quits you could have simply said we've decided to close shop and not go into it's so and so's fault etc.

Then the responses would have been more palatable for you.


Yes, we did "leave" Nolf2 once due to personal problems with our leaders, and came back earlier this year.


I never named anyone personally of whose fault it was, I just stated that many players nowadays do not play with the same respect as earlier when Nolf2 was in its more "alive" days.


whoa whoa whoa, hold the phone. YOU guys actually PLAY? :lol: how would you know if we played like cowards if you guys were never in the server. like someone said the only WR i've seen in game on a basis is bongchick.


oh, but then again you guys have lives... :P is that why you created your own nolf2 fan site?


heed major's advice. if you had done this with tact, you would be getting a better farewell.


i look foward to [WR] opening under new management.


Funny how you can accuse us of not playing when I have only seen you once in a few months. Anyway, in the first month of us being back, we had many players playing, perhaps you didn't notice. As time went on, our members started to have less and less time for Nolf2; for example, college, school, work, etc.


Newsflash, the fansite came out when I BOUGHT THE GAME. It hasn't been updated since February. I have much more going on in my life than then. Perhaps you should investigate things for more than a second before replying.



how would you know if we played like cowards if you guys were never in the server.


Hmm, interesting. Did I ever accuse you or {SFI} of playing like cowards? Seems like someone has a guilty conscience.

SkiZZor' date='Sep 26 2005, 03:54 PM' post='15317']



I just find it funny that the ones getting offended in this post are guilty of the acts that I stated in my first post. :rolleyes:



uhh, no guilty conscience here, buddy boy. you quoted me in the same exact post AND you said people getting offended are guilty of such "acts"



next, when i say "we", i dont mean me or SFI. i mean everyone else that plays thats not WR. im not taking what you said as an attack against SFI, i take it as an attack against everyone that chooses to continue to play nolf 2.


the reason why you probably dont see me those times you play is because you dont play very often...wouldn't that answer many of your questions.

i play enough nolf to know who's active on the scene. ask around. in fact, just ask bong.


uhh, no guilty conscience here, buddy boy. you quoted me in the same exact post AND you said people getting offended are guilty of such "acts"

next, when i say "we", i dont mean me or SFI. i mean everyone else that plays thats not WR. im not taking what you said as an attack against SFI, i take it as an attack against everyone that chooses to continue to play nolf 2.


the reason why you probably dont see me those times you play is because you dont play very often...wouldn't that answer many of your questions.

i play enough nolf to know who's active on the scene. ask around. in fact, just ask bong.


Sorry, I misstated myself in that post. I meant to say SOME of the people getting offended yadda yadda yadda.


I don't play very often...right. Ever realize that we are in DIFFERENT TIME ZONES? How would you know? :rolleyes: I play at least a full rotation every 2 days.




there's an hour difference, 2 at most between us. i guess i've never played or talked to anyone not in the states before, huh. those pings in the 100's and 200's must be people on dial-up.




there's an hour difference, 2 at most between us. i guess i've never played or talked to anyone not in the states before, huh. those pings in the 100's and 200's must be people on dial-up.


Just trying to get across that people tend to play at different times...and the times you play and the times I play are most likely different, as I NEVER see you.


I'm glad to hear this.

It happens when you go to church :)



:blink::blink: ok not following you


I'm glad to hear this.

It happens when you go to church :)



i think i speak for everyone when i say.................HUH?????

WR's Closing


Im glad to hear this.

Good things happen when/since I go to church.


*chuckles at Jacques* I doubt God had much to do with WR closing, despite any prayers people had one way or the other about it.


Skizzor - It's a shame to see WR closing (again) but I agree with everyone else here, it could have been announced with some degree of tact. Many of us still love and play the game (when the master server lets us) and we take offense to your attack (yes, it was an attack of sorts). Best of luck to you in whatever WR pursues, but I personally hope you'll steer clear of the NOLF community from now on since it's abundantly clear you hold all of us in low regards. :(


Okay, I agree that the closing message was aggressive and offensive to..everyone. There are a lot of genuine Nolfers out there, but it is the few rotten apples in the bunch that has totally ruined the game for me. I'm sorry that I made it sound like EVERYONE is the problem. But after 2 years, several incidents arising, and now a few players of the game play with no regard for anyone else, it really got to me in a bad way (and it figures a couple of them are on 24/7). I wrote up the message after a round of Nolf2 in which was very unpleasant to say the least, and I didn't really think twice about it, I just let my feelings decide how it was written.


Excuse me...


I disagree with what Skizzor posted... I found it rude, but those words were just thoughts and opinions of Skizzor. There is no need to stereotype all of WR. Not everyone is a jerk... or a buttcrack or whatever. I find everyone quite decent, most of the time. Some of us have made stupid mistakes, including me. However, I'm sure everyone's made a mistake.


Our clan closed due to inactivity. More than half of our clan members are young and are busy with school. Therefore, there was a lack of determination.


And Caip, I care.


Anyway, best of luck to the NOLF Community. I'll see you from time to time when I'm not so busy. ;)

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