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Hey everyone! biggrin.gif

I'm sure some of you recognize my name from the NOLF2 doomsday servers. I've been a frequent visitor for the last month or so. I'd just like to tell everyone that clan AFK is officially recruiting. I'm finally ready to stick straight with NOLF2 only. (I am an avid starcraft mapper) I've started a website. You can visit it at www.clanafk.cjb.net. The forums are linked on that page, I need help getting them going laugh.gif I'm looking to pick up 5-7 more players for my clan. That way we can start to play lots of matches. specool.gif Alright that's all for now, make sure you check out the site, and register on the forums!!!


PS. If any clans want their site linked to off mine, please post a small button in this thread, or email it to afknolf@gmail.com. Thanks everyone.


-+-Love and Peace-+-

[A.F.K] lolrus!


Nice going Lolrus........I will check out your site..........hope recruiting goes well smile.gif


Welcome to the community!

Good luck with your new clan and if you need any help just come here smile.gif


Welcome to the Unity forums and Welcome to the Nolf 2 group of clans as well cool.gif


On behalf of SFI Clan well and if we can be of assistance in your getting your clan off the ground don't hesistate to contact us.

Good luck & Don't recruit our members, do you ?...


Wow Jac, way to be rude...



I hope your Clan turns out well, best of Luck. biggrin.gif




Jacques said that in this topic perhaps in not the best judgement since it is a given that clans should respect other clans and not solicit players already in an established clan.


E1, what do you do for a living? Not being a wise acre, just curious. I'm guessing something in law, or administration.




E1, what do you do for a living? Not being a wise acre, just curious. I'm guessing something in law, or administration.




something along those lines wink.gif of sorts.


She's the Divine Empress of the Computer World. Geesh, KNIX, where have you been? blink.gif


Best of luck to you with the clan, Lolrus. Or is it Iolrus? biggrin.gif


Come on E1, We know what city you live in, Who you are engaged to, what your sister wrote to you both using first names (made me cry personally.....wait....ok i'm fine now), but you can't tell us what line of work you're in? I own a corporate travel business in Midtown Manhattan so now u're turn.


PM me if you want, I'll die with the secret! tongue.gif


She's the Divine Empress of the Computer World. Geesh, KNIX, where have you been? blink.gif


Best of luck to you with the clan, Lolrus.  Or is it Iolrus? biggrin.gif




see Bella knows cool.gif

I think it had to do with something that happened between NS and AFK but is now resolved. Move along please, nothing to see here!  biggrin.gif




blink.gifblink.gifblink.gif huh?


Goo was refering to Jacques' post asking AFK people not to recruit our players tongue.gif Personally, I don't know what happened anyway. Please excuse us, Lolrus, as this kind of comments don't really fit in a welcome thread, and I wish you the best with your new clan!

Sonic Goo,Sep 8 2005, 02:20 AM](It's on the NS forum, for those interested.)




Is the NS site down? blink.gif

the link to their site doesn't seem to be working


Yeah...let's get back on topic....you can discuss that in PMs or over MSN.


sooo, lolrus smile.gif

havnt seen u in a while smile.gif

its Factor, man u keep disapearing and re-popping up smile.gif


hope your clan does great smile.gif

dont be afraid to talk to me on msn...

and so u know i know u...-NeXuS- smile.gif

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