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StixsworldHD's HD-4K Experience

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StixsworldHD's HD-4K Experience

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This mod/preset is designed to help you get the sharpest, cleanest image you may get out of your game without the need to force anything upon your gpu and taken a massive performance hit.

I spent many years injecting shaders into games and for the longest time I was like everyone else and always skrewing over the lighting and actually making the overall image blurrier than it by default was. This the final product of solving those issues.

I highly recommend getting the Modernizer from: https://haekb.itch.io/nolf-modernizer
http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/ and download the latest version
Open zip
Extract "dgVoodooCpl.exe" and "dgVoodoo.conf" to where you have your game installed. Ex:  C:\GOG Games\No One Lives Forever
Enter the "MS" folder in the zip
Then the "x86" folder
Extract "D3DImm.dll" and "DDraw.dll" to where you have your game installed. Ex: C:\GOG Games\No One Lives Forever
Run "dgVoodooCpl.exe"
Under the "General" tab change the option for "Output API" to be "Direct3D 12 (feature level 11.0)"
Click the "DirectX" tab
I recommend changing the "VRAM" to "4096 MB" and the "Resolution" to one you desire
I also recommend under "Texturing" section to change "Filtering" to "Force anisotropic 16x" and to change "Antialiasing (MSAA)" to "8x"
And under "Miscellanneous" check off "Bilinear blit stretch", "Force vSync", "Fast video memory access", & "Apply Phong shading when possible"
Then click "Apply" and "OK"
Goto https://reshade.me/ and download the latest version
Run the file after the download finishes
Click on "Click here to select a game and manage its ReShade installation"
Either wait and click the game in the auto search or click the bottom right corner button, "Browse...", and search for the game's exe. Ex: lithtech.exe
When prompted with the question, "Which rendering API does lithtech use?", select "Direct3D 10/11/12"
Check mark "Standard effects", "SweetFX by Ceejay.dk", and "qUINT by Marty McFly"
Click "OK"
I highly recommend then clicking on "Edit ReShade settings"
Then checking off on "Skip Tutorial" then "OK"
Close ReShade installer
Download my mod/preset and just extract it where you installed ReShade or where the game's exe is located
In the games launch menu select the "Display..." option
Then choose "LithTech Direct3D Renderer (d3d.ren)" under the "Renderers:" window
Then under "Displays:" choose "dgVoodoo DirectX Wrapper (display)"
Then choose the same resolution you chose in dgVoodooCpl.exe
Then click OK
Then click the "Advanced..." option
Check "Disable DirectX 6 controls" & "Disable joysticks"
Then click OK
Then click Launch
Then ingame select "Options"
Then select "Display"
Then change "Texture depth" to 32
Then go back to the "Options" menu and select "Performance"
Enable "Sound filtering effects"


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