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Nine years ago maps of NOLF PS2

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Hi folks,

I totally adore The NOLF games.

What is the status of the extra levels we have in the PS2 version, nine years ago?

How can one convert LTB files?

you can use the following decoder to unrez the LITH_PS2.rez to get all the resources:


Edited by HeadHunter2
Wrong spelled
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Posted (edited)

I need help from you with this:



its some source files of


this tool can export maps as lta!

when i open the ltb maps with the Godot tool hey throws this:

SCRIPT ERROR: build: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'is_lithtech_jupiter' in base 'Reference ()'.

At: res//Addons/LTDatReader/WorldBuilder.gdc:132

My guess is to add

func is_lithtech_jupiter():
        return false


but i cannot create the GODOT plugin by myself.

There is a tool called GodotPCKExplorer which can export the plugin files.

someone fimiliar with GODOT?

Edited by HeadHunter2
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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Nice progress !

I can't help you but maybe other people could in LithFAQ Discord / Spawnsite.net Discord (or even XeNTaX Discord ?) or Eliteone in this forum ?

PS2 Level Port to PC screenshots

Also, someone has tried to import Cate Thief model into the main menu but with the wrong model.

Maybe you could help to make this work ?

With modernizer INTHERO_ACTION.ABC is dislayed on the title screen and on fridays it will be INTHERO_CASUAL.ABC.

Replacing on of the two models by Thief model could be a good easter egg.


Edited by Lilarcor
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Some tools :


It needs to write a script to read the map, save all the structures, and then write it all out to this format with https://github.com/haekb/godot-dat-reader/blob/master/Research/bspv66.bt

Then Test, bug fix, repeat.

Some PS2 files, see below :


Model :

hero_thief.ltb -> PS2 Cate thief model

Textures :

hero_thief.dtx -> PS2 Cate body texture

hero_thief_head.dtx -> Ps2 Cate head texture


thiefmission1.ltb -> PS2 exclusive mission part1

thiefmission2.ltb -> PS2 exclusive mission part2

thiefmission3.ltb -> PS2 exclusive mission part3

-Weapons (PS2 exclusive weapons)

Models :




Textures :






PS2 cate model file had twice the amount of polys compared to the PC version so it would be nice to associate it with No One Lives Forever ESRGAN Upscale Pack.

Action Cate can be swap with thief cate so it could appear in main vanilla menu.

In Thief.REZ (modernizer addon) File :



INTHERO_ACTION.ABC Cate main menu model

INTHERO_ACTION.LTA -> NOLF2 / source file

INTHERO_CASUAL.ABC Cate main menu model that appears on fridays if you have installed modernizer

Nolf1 uses ABC

Nolf2 uses LTA,LTC as source and LTB as compiled format

The Modernizer release by haekb (heythere.coffee/nolf ; Coffeee ; OopsAllNaps) said it was supposed to be included "Add PS2 Cate to multiplayer", the file thief.rez was shared apart at least in Discord.

About the PS2 exclusive Nine Years Ago levels, some fans still tried to work on it in 2021.

LithFAQ and Spawnsite Discords seem's to be active.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/5/2024 at 10:10 AM, Lilarcor said:

Nice progress !

I can't help you but maybe other people could in LithFAQ Discord / Spawnsite.net Discord (or even XeNTaX Discord ?) or Eliteone in this forum ?

PS2 Level Port to PC screenshots

Also, someone has tried to import Cate Thief model into the main menu but with the wrong model.

Maybe you could help to make this work ?

With modernizer INTHERO_ACTION.ABC is dislayed on the title screen and on fridays it will be INTHERO_CASUAL.ABC.

Replacing on of the two models by Thief model could be a good easter egg.


I‘d like export all the models especially hero_thief but the converter looses the animations, or requires a mesh to export. 😑






Edited by HeadHunter2
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If you open the lta model you see what i mean. Havent found a way to convert the ps2 dtx to png to pc dtx.

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Posted (edited)

Have you seen this guide about dtx files or tried to contact the author ?


A tool posted on spawnsite https://spawnsite.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=688

Perhaps look at the edit tools for "Blood 2: The Chosen" also by Monolith. It uses the same engine, ABC models, DTX textures as Nolf. Maybe good for reference (old link http://www.fileplanet.com/9862/0/fileinfo/Blood-II-Ed.-Tools). Or Contract J.A.C.K.

also https://github.com/cmbasnett and https://github.com/leoschur/dtx2tgahttps://github.com/Five-Damned-Dollarz/DTXTool still active on github.

I hope you will manage to make these map/character models work !


Edited by Lilarcor
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Posted (edited)

Nice, how did you get the textures on the model? 

it worked for me with modeledit.

Thanks for the references, i used all of them even fixed (had an error) the godot dat/ltb viewer/to lta converter)https://github.com/StenApp/godot-dat-reader

took me a while to get it working. Can view the PS2 DTX files and convert it to png.

The PS2 dtx files are BBP_32PDTX-LithTech2.0.bti had to fix dtx v2 https://github.com/AkvenJan/DTX-Meta-Transfer/tree/main/research to get it to read in 010 editor https://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/ see attached dtx files, renamed to org to keep them next to the converted dtx files.

dtxutil 7.0 doesn't know the BPP_32P so i get an empty csv after scanning.

Until now i see no chance of getting the PS2 Models fully working except for the meshes, because PS2 version uses different child models (base animations) that are not transferable.Animations Compare.html.zip

hero_thief_head.dtx.org hero_thief.dtx.org NOLF chars - nolfps2 chars.csv Model Folder Compare.html

Edited by HeadHunter2
added more info
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10 hours ago, HeadHunter2 said:

Nice, how did you get the textures on the model? 

it worked for me with modeledit.

Thanks for the references, i used all of them even fixed (had an error) the godot dat/ltb viewer/to lta converter)https://github.com/StenApp/godot-dat-reader

took me a while to get it working. Can view the PS2 DTX files and convert it to png.

The PS2 dtx files are BBP_32PDTX-LithTech2.0.bti had to fix dtx v2 https://github.com/AkvenJan/DTX-Meta-Transfer/tree/main/research to get it to read in 010 editor https://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/ see attached dtx files, renamed to org to keep them next to the converted dtx files.

dtxutil 7.0 doesn't know the BPP_32P so i get an empty csv after scanning.

Until now i see no chance of getting the PS2 Models fully working except for the meshes, because PS2 version uses different child models (base animations) that are not transferable.Animations Compare.html.zip

hero_thief_head.dtx.orgUnavailable hero_thief.dtx.orgUnavailable NOLF chars - nolfps2 chars.csvUnavailable Model Folder Compare.htmlUnavailable NOLF chars - nolfps2 chars.csvUnavailable

I used Blender v3.6 with Lithtech tools 1.1.0 Import-Export addon by Colin Basnett and HeyJake. I made this capture some times ago, I can't remember well but I think I imported the texture in .png or .jpg format after importing the model, just to make some tests.


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10 hours ago, HeadHunter2 said:

Here is a PC to PS2 comparision and the diff of both versions, some textures are already upscaled (dtx ps2 to png with godot, png upscaled, converted to tga, import in DEdit)


I can't download the archive files, it is recognized as a virus.

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Posted (edited)

Spawsite.net discord is interesting in #Dedit channel, some members successfully imported cate thief model into the game.

Maybe try Xentax Discord #archive-fileformats/#3d-model-fileformats/#animation-fileformats/#graphics, there are skilled people there.

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27 minutes ago, Lilarcor said:

Your .html file doesn't display well when I open it and I can't download any of the file you posted in attachement in this forum.image.thumb.png.865e793591a3dbdc2ff754703b64889f.png

I had to give up the folder with the icons you see now missing.

The other attachments cannot be downloaded, why? I can redownload them.

Don‘t know why.

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25 minutes ago, Lilarcor said:

I can't download the archive files, it is recognized as a virus.

What? There is no executable and no dll file 😳

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You can change the model shown in menu in the file Attributes/LAYOUT.txt.

Search for Character0 and inthero and Cate1

TitlePos            = (-100,-100)
SinglePlayerPos        = (54,148)
ResumePos            = (54,180)
MultiPlayerPos        = (54,212)
OptionsPos            = (54,244)
QuitPos                = (54,276)
VersionPos            = (620,468)
Character            = "Cate1"
Attachment0            = "SunGlasses;Eyes"
Attachment1            = "P38;RightHand"

Name                = "Cate1"
Model                = "IntHero"
Style                = "Action"
Pos                    = <35.0,-30.0,80.0>
Scale                = 1.3
Rotation            = 0.0

There you change the model

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On 5/14/2024 at 11:41 PM, HeadHunter2 said:

You can change the model shown in menu in the file Attributes/LAYOUT.txt.

Search for Character0 and inthero and Cate1

TitlePos            = (-100,-100)
SinglePlayerPos        = (54,148)
ResumePos            = (54,180)
MultiPlayerPos        = (54,212)
OptionsPos            = (54,244)
QuitPos                = (54,276)
VersionPos            = (620,468)
Character            = "Cate1"
Attachment0            = "SunGlasses;Eyes"
Attachment1            = "P38;RightHand"

Name                = "Cate1"
Model                = "IntHero"
Style                = "Action"
Pos                    = <35.0,-30.0,80.0>
Scale                = 1.3
Rotation            = 0.0

There you change the model

Nice find ! Any chance to add the Cate thief model from modernizer REZ file ? It might be possible to bring animation to it ?

MULTI HERO_THIEF_MULTI.ABC -> multiplayer model

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36 minutes ago, HeadHunter2 said:

Below the attachment (for every you posted so far ) I see "Unavailable".

And when I click in it I see :


This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location."

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4 hours ago, HeadHunter2 said:

@Eliteone can you check please why my attachments cause problems for others?

What type of file/s are you trying to attach?

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