Moody Posted August 21, 2005 Posted August 21, 2005 Hey I want to apologize about the latest issue in the community..I let a "freelancer" play in our team against sfi recently, I really dont know but the game is about fun after all and fun only...I understand SFI got pissed cause they didnt know about it, It was wrong not telling, but in those circumstances i thought it didnt matter. Nolf doesnt have that many people/clans playing these days. Well, anyways, it was wrong and i apologize..Whole NS is sorry about this. Well, as a punishment I wont be playing the next match, Agreed with Belgaron and Jacques about that, who is also 2 of 3 leaders of NS. I also want to clear something else up while im at it..Today someone asked me if i use a "hack" Well i heard there was a rumour of me cheating now. Well the people who knows me better would know that i doesnt cheat. So whereever that came from its false..It was a mistake about this freelancer but everyone make mistakes sometime, im not perfect and none of you are either. So personally i will take a break now for a not sure when or if im coming back yet.. Well, just wanted to apologize and i guess this is my last post in this forum since im out of this community, atleast for a while. Peace out!
Belladonna Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Thank you for having the guts to apologize publicly, Moody. I know that had to be hard. I don't think you quite understand what happened was wrong, though. When a match is arranged it is between one clan and another, a way to see who is better. Allowing a 'freelancer' to play changes everything. Sneaking that freelancer in under an assumed name, making sure the other clan is unaware, is flat out wrong. If a clan doesn't have enough players, the standard way of operating is to have one from the other clan leave to even teams, so that argument is invalid too. You let your desire to kick SFI butt cloud your judgement, Moody. Hopefully you've learned your lesson and it won't happen again and the =NS= name will not be tainted. SFI is not 'pissed', since none of the members knew about the deception till it was made public in your forums. Eliteone and I kept it private while investigating the issue. We (SFI) don't demand a rematch or consider the match null and void. SFI looks forward to the next match against NS, maybe some time in September, with the slate wiped clean. Yes, this is a game and it should be about having fun while challenging yourself and others. Call me foolish, but I believe losing with honor and integrity is much better than winning through trickery and lies.
Death in a Box Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 See now I like would like to have matches for fun, not to see who's better. Than nothing bad can really happen, as its for fun. 8D No idea when this happened, and don't know the specific details of it, but sounds like you did a good job admitting it publicly. Nice job Moody.
ONYX Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Thanks for apology Moody, I'm not speaking for all SFI, but I don't think you need a punishment of a match ban, everyone makes a mistake and you were sorry. Generally we all need as many clan members we can for a match......... but I guess your other clan members must have been a bit miffed. Besides, I took it as a compliment that you had to play AE as a "ringer", you must have been plenty worried about us.......... (Mind you, Angel could've helped you out by just joining =NS=!!!)
Spacko Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Hey, apologies are always cool - way to go Moody. Bella already said everything I had on my mind, so I'm just going to stand behind her. Mind you, something of this kind happened with ST a while back too, so I'm no stranger to the idea. Well it's all bygones now - Jonas you can't take a break now, I get my computer back today! No need to disappear! In any case =NS=, everyone gets more than one chance - you're still cool.
Genesis Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Thanks for these explanations, Moody. The fact that you don't really see what was wrong is not so important after all - just don't do it again, and as Onyx and Spacko said, no need to take a break. Your clan needs you if you wanna keep on playing matches...
Guest Doffy90 Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 im confused what did he do?? what is "freelancer"?
NiXsa Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 im confused what did he do?? what is "freelancer"? 12714[/snapback] Player who isnt in that clan but plays and helps them in clanmatches if they need help
Belgaron Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Its not unusual.....................just that both sides should be informed. I admire =NS= Moody for what he's done. Shows signs of Leadership.
Factor Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 Moody, way to go man, very impressed by that. and to what bel said about it not being unusual, he is also right. i am willing to bet that at one time or another every clan has done it...MAYBE with the exception of SFI, but thats cuz they have been HUGE since day one... when a clan is gettin started, u only have a certain 8 ppl or so in the clan. so gettin a time where all of them can show up is rare enough, and if u can get 8 members to show up or "agree" to, its not unusual for 1 or 2 to forget, or become busy, so a last minute free lancer is taken sometimes... so moody, dont feel too bad, ur not the first to do so, ur definatly not the last, and hey, u apologized, ur slate is clean, lets move on, its not a big deal, a clan match isnt that big of a deal, so what, u used a Freelancer...the world isnt gonna end, its not like the winner of that clan match gets to become president of the United States, and u cheated to win it... Time to move on [i do not speak for anyone but myself, and i know lots dont agree with the way i state stuff, so i apologize before hand if i said anything bad, im just, shall we say, different]
Belladonna Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 My apologies if I offend, but I'm in a bit of a mood. It matters not how big or new a clan is, when you meet for a match it's assumed the players are all from that clan. What is the point of having a clan match if 'anyone' can play? The excuse of not having enough players is BS. Every time there is a match the sides are uneven for whatever reason and whoever has too many usually asks someone to not play. I've seen that happen countless times. Freelancers were never an option or suggestion at the last minute that I can recall. SFI has never used a freelancer because it is WRONG. If we can't get enough people, then we play short or reschedule the match. I assumed that's how everyone else ran it too. I guess I'm just a little disgusted to hear people saying it's not a big deal.
Factor Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 looks like i pushed the wrong button there... again, i say, i speak for myself, and my views and poinions arent the same as everyone else...but yah...i dunno, there r plenty of ways around this, especially when playing a monster like {SFI}...they almost always have members standing around, so if u r short, im sure that member wouldnt mind playin for the other team, and {SFI} would lend them too, just cuz its a friendly gesture and it helps get some of their members a chance to play too... im not saying what moody and/or =NS= did is right, im just sayin, its not the first, or last time it has happened...and moody should get mad props for commin out and takin the heat for it... Moody, im behind u 100% of the way...(if that means anything to u)
RXS Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 Didn't happen with least not that I am aware of...
Factor Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 no one is pointing a finger at any clans and sayin who did and did not do it... i know for a fact that =NU= didnt do that...but i mean, thats not the point here... its just that it has been done before, and that it will be done in the future, not necasarily in nolf though... im just tryin to get some heat off of moody's back.
Belgaron Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 Moody did well enough "getting the heat off his back" thank you very much. I think everyone who has read this thread is well aware now of the process of matches. There will be no more "grey area" concerning players. The best we can do now is let the matter die and keep on gaming. Please let this dog sleep!
Spacko Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 ST never did and never would have done such a thing either, thank you very much. It happened with an opponent once, but we sorted that out. Anyway, this should be obvious to anyone and everyone! Just imagine a real life football team, basket team, hockey team or whatever, 'borrowing' a player from another team and dressing him up as their own player? (I imagine fake moustaches, glasses and the real player's shirt). Any fool would think that was ridiculous and utterly illegal. To wrap it up, this is not common, not normal, not usual, generally frowned upon and not allowed and OBVIOUSLY a wrong, bad and dare I mention it, stupid and cowardly, thing to do. Apologizing for it was obviously the only thing to do, but still a good thing. I guess we are all clear on this now, in any case I'm ready to move on.
Genesis Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 Same here, Mari. Err, Spacko. I said I would come back to =NS= clan if I had the feeling that things were cleared, and I think several people who posted in this topic share my opinion enough to save me a long, long post. So, I'm glad to officially announce that I'm back in =NS=! A big THANK YOU goes to all the people who supported me when I decided to leave, who understood the reason why, while it wasn't either easy, nor a pleasure for me. I know you will also support me now that I'm back... Moody, I'm sure you'll do a great job as a leader, since you can now see that YES, people DO care about the rules, even if it's just a game. Being a leader is not an easy thing, I know. Nixsa told me that I would understand if I were a leader myself. He only forgot that I once was the leader of [sA] along with Sweep1. We had to face problems, had to help our players stick to the rules, which wasn't always easy, had to say "sorry" for some of them, etc, etc... So, I can help. I don't, and will probably never, understand why we took AE for this match, but I do understand what your job is, and how hard it is to apologize, sometimes. You did the right thing, mate
Natter Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 No acceptance playing the comming NS match without Moody... Our victory will not be complete then
ONYX Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 hey factor.....were you a grave digger on a former life?............ you certainly know how dig yourself a hole lol......... I should quit while you're at the bottom
Factor Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 haha, naw man, cuz i just keep diggin and diggin, and eventually, i pop up on the other side of the earth, so i come out sooner or later most of the time its later though... and i really dont care about how any1 views me or my opinions, thats why i throw them out... i am pretty much done with nolf2 anywayz, i play nolf1 way too much now... dont get me wrong though, i still play nolf2 sumtimes...and might be in the 2 upcoming clan matches if im not at work or a soccer game, but yah, i just kinda gave up giving a damn about nolf2 community... cuz my views r too different from everyone else...and its just tiring tryin to argue my point of yah... i dont really care...
Genesis Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 cuz my views r too different from everyone else...and its just tiring tryin to argue my point of yah... i dont really care... ...Then for God's sake don't really post
Factor Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 gen buddy, i like u, so i aint gonna go off on u... but man, can u stop kissin SFI arse and make up ur mind whether u gonna stay and leave =NS=...u cant puss out and leave everytime 1 thing goes wrong, cuz the world aint perfect, and sumthin is ALWAYS gonna go wrong... so chose who u wanna be loyal to, dont be worried about bella and e1...they aint gonna eat u or sumthin for stickin with =NS= even when bad stuff happens... so 2 ppl might lose respect for u...u will gain way more than 2 pplz if u actually stick around with one place, and stop flip floppin...
Belladonna Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 Spazz, you might want to think a little before hitting that submit button. You of all people shouldn't be throwing stones about hopping in and out of clans. Genesis wasn't kissing up to anyone and no one from SFI cares whether he stays in or leaves =NS=, that's entirely up to him. He did what he did based on his own convictions, without any input whatsoever from eliteone or I. Regardless what clan he's in or what happens in that clan, he's a friend of mine and would remain that way no matter what anyone else in his clan did. I'm rather insulted you think I need people to only do things that please me in order for me to consider them a friend or respect them.
blue Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 sheesh. gen was just making a crack at you because you always seem to get yourself into big doody with your posts. no need to go off the deep end. with that said, show a little respect for the people that support the community. i didn't say you have to like them, but dont insult them.
Genesis Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 Spazzie, I'm sad to see that you don't understand crap about what happened, but need to post about it anyway. As you said, "you don't really care". Well, I DO care about what happens in my clan. If Moody hadn't started this thread, I would've stayed out of =NS=. I'm certainly not a clan hopper, but it was the second time in a short while that I didn't feel confortable with problems that occured in this clan, so I thought leaving and telling people why would make things move a bit, and it seems it worked. Now, since I'm not Moody's enemy, and since he did the right thing (if not the only thing to do, maybe), I'm back. Contrary to you, I did not change my name to avoid problems, and I'd rather switch clan if things go wrong. So, if another clan wants me, they'll be sure I'm still good old Gen/Aleister, with his frigging principles about how things should be. Some like me that way, some don't, but I'll remain the same however. Peope always knew who I was when I posted or played, that's why I never asked the admins to change my user name on this very board, for example...
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