Cel Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 Ok I dont know numbers or have any statistics on this subject only my real life experiences. Many of you are animal lovers Im sure and this is an area Im very passionate about. Why are there so many in this world who are cruel to: or neglect animals?? Since I have settled down in Ireland I have found more lost and abandoned dogs than I can mention! I only chose to have one dog but have found my other two dogs through chance...Lennie was found in a town , sitting sheltering under a shop, he was cold and skinny and very dirty. All efforts were made to find his owner and no one came for him So he became dog number 2! I found many more dogs since Lennie and found homes or owners who didnt seem to care less about their lost dogs! Sammy joined us recently..he was dirty, skinny and in a terrible state! Again no one came froward to claim him so he has also joined the rather crowded home of Cels dog rescue center!!(Just a joke!) In ireland everyday dogs are found, put into kennels and put down after 2 weeks or so and this really annoys me!! Its not just dogs either I know, cats get a raw deal as well as every other domesticated and farmed animal out there. Also animal experiments...this is a prickly one! Are these really neccessary?? What do you think NOLFERS??? Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 Good topic Lass! I have two cats and a dog. I grew up owning at one time or another. -Gerbils (no wise azz remarks ) -A rabbit -Fish -An 6' Iguana -A Nile Monitor -A Sun Coneur (bird) I love animals. Now I also love to fish (catch and release only), love to eat meat, have owned a leather jacket, however do not like the idea of wearing fur (unless you are an Eskimo). I feel that animal cruelty is usually due to displacement of anger. Many times these people are upset with people (wife, husband, boss, etc) but can't rightfully hall off and hit the real focus of their anger. They inturn turn on one of the few things in their life who will give them true unconditional love. I think it is pure cowardess to abuse an animal. Unless you are wrestling a bear, the person is mostly likely abusing an animal that cannot defend itself. There are stories all the time in the paper or TV news about people throwing animals into traffic, or lighting them on fire for fun. 'edited' Fighting is a major betting sport in many places (just as bull fighting is in Mexico, Spain, and Portugal) While I will never mourn the death of a pet the same way I would a loved one, I do feel that increased animal cruelty laws are warranted. Quote
Cel Posted August 17, 2005 Author Posted August 17, 2005 Oh yes Knix!! You are so right! The world can be a sad and strange place sometimes! I've given up trying to understand why people do the crazy and cruel things they do...and its always the innocents that suffer the most! Cel Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 'edited' Fighting is a major betting sport in many places (just as bull fighting is in Mexico, Spain, and Portugal) For the love of all that is holy. See what I mean about not allowing certain words in this forum? C.O.C.K fighting should not be changed to -edited- fighting! Quote
RXS Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 I think you hit the nail on the head Knix. It's easy to come home after a bad day and kick the dog because it won't do anything about it. If you come home and kick the wife or kids or friends....there are immediate repercussions. Although I must say, kicking a small, ankle biting, yapper dog brings a certain satisfaction that can't be beat j/k Quote
Belladonna Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 *pokes KNIX with a cattle prod* Stop yer whining. 99.9% of the time that word is going to be used in a vulgar manner, so I don't feel in the least bit bad about having it automatically edited. Hiya Cel, welcome to UnityHQ! Like you, it dumbfounds me how people can be so cruel to their own pets. Strange animals, maybe I could understand a little bit (but still abhor), but these are people's pets that are being neglected and abused. I frequently watch a show here in the States on the Animal Planet channel called 'Animal Precinct'. It follows ASPCA officers around as they investigate animal crimes. Each time I'm horrified by what I see, but the best part is seeing the situation resolved. Sadly, some of the animals have to be put down because they aren't safe to be adopted, but it is so great to see an abused, starved dog/cat/horse looking healthy, vibrant and happy in a new home with people that love him. Luckily there aren't any strays in our neighborhood because I know I'd take them in. My husband agrees that I'm never allowed to work in an animal shelter because I'd quickly have a zoo in my house. We only have one dog at the moment, and she's aggressive towards other animals, so that keeps me from picking up animals people are giving away. The birds are safe up in my daughter's room. I can see how some abuse can happen, though. If that annoying yippie dog next door that never shuts up comes over to my house I'd have to... oh, alright, I'd pet him because it's the owners that are the morons, not the dog's fault. Quote
Surak Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 Knix, about the bull fighting in Spain, almost every "modern" person is against it. The only people who visited bull fighting are mostly the older people and the tourists. So all the tourist who come back home and tell their friends and family that they saw bull fighting and how "horrible it was" support it by going to them a paying for a ticket. (oh btw. there's a very strange looking monkey in our house my parents call it "my little brother" ) Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 *pokes KNIX with a cattle prod* Animal Cruelty! Surak- Would you consider the running of the bulls in Pamplona to be animal cruelty? Granted the are the ones doing the most of the damage to the knuckleheads who run in it, however the bulls do whipe out into walls and tear themselves up when the slip turning the corners. Quote
Moody Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 Knix' date='Aug 17 2005, 03:19 PM'] I love animals. Now I also love to fish (catch and release only), love to eat meat, have owned a leather jacket, however do not like the idea of wearing fur (unless you are an Eskimo). Worrrrd! I never wear those kind of clothes either..And i also release the fishes I love animals, all kinds, ugly and pretty..I got a 6 year old iguana right now and she's really special..Before i owned a reptile i never thought they could be so social..Ok not like a dog but they still understand, many people say they are dumb but they arent..I hate people who are cruel to animals..I saw lots of 'frack' here for example to cats..Some one put acid in the eyes, pulling all the claws etc. Those people are sick..Some people do it to humans, some other do it to animals, and i think its just as sick to do it to a helpless dog or cat or any other living life. Quote to Belladonna= Like you, it dumbfounds me how people can be so cruel to their own pets. Strange animals, maybe I could understand a little bit (but still abhor), Doesnt matter what kind of pet it is..Theyy are all living things and deserve to be treated like it..Dog or rat..Doesnt matter to me..Who said a rat's life was worth less? I heard lots of stupid comments on this subject before..So an answer to you Cel. People who do those things are COWARDS , SICKOS and they deffinately doesnt have any RESPECT of living life. Quote
Belladonna Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 By 'strange animals' I meant those that are not your own pets but someone else's who have been causing you problems, wandering the streets and digging through your trash, for an example. I'm all for owning strange pets. My husband used to have a tarantula and two ball pythons when we married so I'm cool with different. Does the fact that I use mouse traps make me a bad person, Moody? Considering all the damage they've been doing to my home, I don't think so. I let the bats in the attic live in peace, but the mice have been major pests. They have to go. Quote
Factor Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 i am a sucker for dogs when i get older, im not gonna be able to live anywhere near a pound, because i will be in there every day gettin a new dog every day. sad thing is, i am attracted to the ugly ones...its wierd, but i just feel sorry for them. so like, whenver i see homeless ones, i HAVE to have them. worst part is, my favorite type of dog in the world, is like, the only one ive never owned. maybe for my 18th b-day this year, or chirstmas...but i really want a Boston Terrier. anyways thats way off topic. i dont have any idae how people can actually be mean to their animals. i for one admit to beating up my cat, but not punching and stuff like that. we just wrestle ...he wins half the time cuz he has claws and teeth...but i dont know how someone can actually be mean to an animal. they r so small, cute, and innocent. and the people that can be mean to the infuriate me. its a heartless act. good topic cel Quote
Surak Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 Animal Cruelty! Surak- Would you consider the running of the bulls in Pamplona to be animal cruelty? Granted the are the ones doing the most of the damage to the knuckleheads who run in it, however the bulls do whipe out into walls and tear themselves up when the slip turning the corners. 11498[/snapback] "The knuckleheads who run it" and get caught are mostly tourists as I said, "What, you are kidding me that bull isn't real" But well, I prefer bull running above bull fighting because the bull at least doesn't get killed and I get a good laugh every time a "knucklehead" gets caught ^^ Quote
Moody Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 Does the fact that I use mouse traps make me a bad person, Moody? Considering all the damage they've been doing to my home, I don't think so. I let the bats in the attic live in peace, but the mice have been major pests. They have to go. 11701[/snapback] Actually yeah..Im sure you can get rid of them in a more friendly way Im sure you dont mean anything bad with your traps, only protect your home But they just want a place to live at and a place to eat Quote
Cel Posted August 18, 2005 Author Posted August 18, 2005 Oh Belladonna, about the mouse traps...its understandable you want to rid your home of these little critters especially as you have children, I would be the same I think. You probably know about the little boxes you can get to trap them in. But then it means a long trip to a field somewhere to let them go as they are very good at finding their way back again! My Dad was a farmer and although humane in many ways was always trying to rid the farm of what he termed pests; possums, rabbits and mice etc. However my mother who is irish was always saving every little critter she could find, she had a real healing touch and even Dad had to resign himself to the menagerie of animals that my mother rescued, healed and sent on their way! Once my brother asked me to go possum hunting and to hold the torch in the possums eyes while he 'kindly' clubbed it to death. He was very mad when I held the torch in his eyes, allowing the poor creature to escape! Another time a dog wandered up to our place, it had been shot in the head and was close to death! My sister, mother and I pleaded with my dad to allow us to keep this animal and to pay for the vet to fix it but he would have none of it! I suppose it is this experience that has stayed with me and now every animal I find I take care of as best I can! What I'm trying to say I think, is it is often our childhood experiences that mould and shape us and imbibe in us a sense of responsibility towards those less fortunate, I believe if a parent does a good job of teaching their children respect for life and the world around us then gradually we will see less of the atrocities that are committed against the innocents in this world! Quote
Jacques Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 I don't like Animals so much. I don't get why people cry when someone kills, leave a dog, although they eat cows or pork every day. It's like unfair and arbitrary. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 "The knuckleheads who run it" and get caught are mostly tourists as I said, "What, you are kidding me that bull isn't real" But well, I prefer bull running above bull fighting because the bull at least doesn't get killed and I get a good laugh every time a "knucklehead" gets caught ^^ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Stupid tourists!!!! Quote
RXS Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 It's easy to take this too far. While it is well and good to take care of injured dogs, cats, etc., I think it is a little over the top to "save the mice and rats". There is a reason why we don't want them co-habitating with us - they carry nasty little diseases that are easily transmitted to humans. Live catch and release rarely if never works when it comes to vermine. Quote
Moody Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 I don't like Animals so much. I don't get why people cry when someone kills, leave a dog, although they eat cows or pork every day. It's like unfair and arbitrary. 11787[/snapback] Well, and some people doesnt like you^^ Doesnt mean we can kill you or torture you..Sometimes i wish i could I bet you are one of those sickos who used to torture them and then laugh about it Quote
Genesis Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Let's not take this too far, Moody. I do understand what Jacques says, I don't like hypocrisy too much, myself. He didn't say that killing or leaving a dog was an OK thing, Mood, he said that complaining about abandonned or killed dogs while not giving a damn about the cattle we eat is NOT an OK thing. Quote
Moody Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Let me repeat then Quote by Jacques I don't like Animals so much. I don't get why people cry when someone "kills", leave a dog Well, Not even I understand french english all the time He did say he doesnt get it when people cry about someone killing,leaving a dog didnt he? Personally i dont think thats ok Quote
Genesis Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 I don't agree, Moody. You can't just cut this sentence where you want. It says: I don't get why people cry when someone kills, leave a dog, although they eat cows or pork every day. It's like unfair and arbitrary. If you keep on cutting sentences like this, I guess you can even quote me saying I'd love to marry George Bush. Quote
RXS Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 I'd love to marry George Bush. 12229[/snapback] W is not that kind of guy! Besides, he's into intellectuals. Quote
Cel Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 Okay back to topic...Jacques did you grow up with pets in your home? Maybe Jacques has had little or no contact with animals and if so we can't blame him for being detatched in this way. There are many children and young people out there who for practical reasons have never had access to pets of some kind or another. This is where the schools come in. At my school we bring children to farms and do units of work regarding animal care! It is a positive thing to educate the young I think and when young; children are very open to learning about compassion and caring for other life forms! Quote
Death in a Box Posted August 21, 2005 Posted August 21, 2005 Humans are animals too ya's know. If you killing an animal just so you can satisfy your taste buds, then you need to get a grip on your body, and let the cows and such live. Testing on animals and whatnot is no different. Quote
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