Eliteone Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 In the ideal world everyone would get along, share ideas and do what they can to help one another and for the benefit of the entire community. Bearing in mind that nobody is perfect we can still as a community work I believe to be our common goal to make sure these games are fun for everyone. How to accomplish this? That is what this thread is about. Post your "serious" thoughts on how this community can get along. I'll start off. The name calling finger pointing (the it's their fault type stuff) needs to stop from everyone it only further divides. My position on this refined for community unity. From now on anyone who attacks any community site, or the admins there will be frowned upon by me. This "war" is over as far as I'm concerned The community needs to adopt the "all for one and one for all" attitude. For the community to be truly one everyone needs to be treated the same. Forgive and forget. No one in this community walks on water (afterall we are all human) we all make mistakes. If you learned from those mistakes then you take the benefits of that learning experience and you move on (turn the page) To stop the cheating and exploits of the game the fixes need to be available to all. As this community has never embraced custom maps like other games then it is only logical to get them hosted in as many places as possible (most gamers want the files practically handed to them) this has been excuses cited by players in the past. So to restrict who hosts a map only further discourages people to play custom maps which in the end kills the games popularity. Other games map makers get their maps on usually at least 4 different hosting sites. They want their maps to be used which I suspect is the same for mappers for our community. All people have the ability to forgive and forget, I have and if everyone else does then think of the possibilities for community growth. Post your thoughts on this keeping in mind the place in the forum it is in. Quote
Belladonna Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 I'd like to stress how important communication is. If you are at all unsure about what someone means, talk to them before reacting! We're all guilty of making snap judgements and 'assuming' things when we don't really know all the facts. This leads to misunderstandings, accusations and all out war. By communication, I do not mean spreading around news meant to rally a group together. What starts out as 'Did you hear what so-and-so posted over at XYZ's Forums?' turns into a big public mess with each side yelling at the other and no one trying to understand whatever the problem was to begin with. (Reminds me of Washington politics) If you have an issue with someone for whatever reason, instead of trying to turn everyone you know into being upset with them along with you, talk to the individual in private. It's hard, I know, but I've personally seen how animosity and misunderstandings can be cleared up just by having an honest conversation. I'm not saying things will always work out, but at least you made an effort. No one is perfect, that is for sure. I'll be the first to admit I've made a lot of mistakes and still do. Saying you're sorry afterwards sucks big time, but if that's what it takes to move on, then do it. FYI, this advice was not meant for any one individual or group. It's all something I myself need to work on as well. So anyone assuming this was directed at them would be totally wrong. Quote
Factor Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 a few things to probably keep the community at peace and keep strife out of it would be for people to leave little problems out of public places. if u have a problem with someone, talk to them on msn, keep it personal. if u discover a hack/cheat...whatever u wanna call them, bring it to a few of the leaders of the community, dont be posting it in public forums, it scares ppl, and makes more accusations come out about ppl cheating, and then it never ends...just keeps circulating with ppl biting each others heads off. and if u r gonna post in a public place, at least dont tell how to get them, thats just not usin ur head. the last thing we need is ppl learning just howto activate cheats or stuff. if no1 knows about it, there wont be accusations, and there wont be problems. and i for one, am predicting a nice argument or two to break out in this topic before long, lets try to avoid that, since the point of this topic is to come together as a community. but there r always ppl who view differently on topics, then again, thats what u get when u come into Serious Discussions section... Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 To be honest, I don't really care about the NOLF1 and CJ community. Lumping NOLF2 together with the other 2 games does nothing to increase the NOLF2 community. These games are fun for everyone. There is nothing imho one can do to increase its enjoyability of the game. You either like it enough as it is to play it, or don't and go onto a different game. Sorry if I am not answering this topic correctly, but I really am not understanding the question. Personally I would like to add here, that I am not happy with the tact that the UNITYHQ heads have taken in regards to TGF and The site that shall not be named. Before you delete this post, I would appreciate you at least reading which I post. How many people are currently "banned " from the UnityHQ forums? I'm guessing it pretty close to ZERO. How many people do you suppose are currently "banned" from accessing the TGF's forums? I'm guessing its a weeee bit more then Zero. I don't think that stating this point is attacking anyone, it is fact. How many of these people "Banned" from TGF are mostly active in UNITYHQ? So what we are seeing is that you ask us to end this "war" (and by the way this ain't no war, and where I come from ain't even a blip on the radar on the drama scale). Do you not think it to be unfair that UNITY HQ would allow members from TGF to be active in this forum, using your servers, while a large number(INCLUDING E1 herself!)of active UNITYHQ members do not have this privlege in reverse? I say rage on. Let the players choose sides and pick one site or the other. Let this be a NOLF2 site/forum as I thought was its orginal intent when I spoke to Bella about this back in April after the rash of Bannings from TGF. I think TGF can handle the NOLF1 and CJ players quite nicely. That was the original point for UNITYHQ, as many were tired of the NOLF2 bias which became apparent from there. So you want to make this community happy? Cater to its needs. It does not need two major NOLF1 and CJ meeting places, nor does it need two NOLF2 sites. I know all of what I am writing is the written equivalent of pissing into a fan, but whats right is right , and wrong is wrong. Everytime I see the likes of Canada , asking us to link TGF here to access their forum, when the HEAD OF THIS SITE CAN"T ACCESS IT, really galls the bejeezus out of me. Lets have some pride for crying out loud, and tell TGF and their representitives that we will be more then willing to link them, hold hands with them, share a coke with them, etc when they unbann all the members of UNITY HQ that currently can't access their site. I would appreciate the moderators show the courage and leave this post up. While my opinions may not be popular with some of you, I have not cursed anyone out, but stated my true feelings on the subject. I like You have the right to state them.....or what is the point of this forum in the first place? Quote
Belladonna Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 Your post will not be deleted, KNIX, since this is a serious discussion and you didn't attack anyone. The facts are the facts. You're right, I had originally intended to just have a NOLF2 site where clan members and everyone else would be welcomed, and maybe I should have stuck with that, but I do like all three of the games and wanted to do what I could to help them out too. I didn't want to limit UnityHQ to just NOLF2 and create an even bigger split between the three games. I honestly don't understand why people have such hatred for those that play NOLF2 (or CJ or NOLF1). It's just a game, for pete's sake, we all play whichever one we consider the most fun. So Knix, you suggest we forget all about NOLF1 and CJ and concentrate solely on NOLF2? How does that help anyone? How would that make the community stronger? How would that put an end to the petty arguments that keep happening between the two forums? I'm not putting your suggestion down, I just want to know what's going on in that mind of yours. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 So Knix, you suggest we forget all about NOLF1 and CJ and concentrate solely on NOLF2? How does that help anyone? How would that make the community stronger? How would that put an end to the petty arguments that keep happening between the two forums? I'm not putting your suggestion down, I just want to know what's going on in that mind of yours. in no particular order....... 1) People come across this site all the time...they google "NOLF2 fan sites" "Cate Archer Porn" , etc. When stop by, if our site's focus is only one game, it will be easier for these new people to learn about NOLF2, download the demo, maybe even buy the sucker for $9.99 through amazon.com. If you have to split this site/forum with NOLF1 and Contract JACK, I think it takes away interest from all 3 games for any newbies who come across this site/forum. "What should I get?" " Is one better then another?", etc, etc,etc 2) NOLF1 and Contract Jack ALREADY have a major forum/site in TGF/The site that shall not be named. Now while TGF/The site that shall not be named has a NOLF2 section, the focus has mostly been made up of members who play NOLF1. And that is perfectly fine and dandy, as these people first sharpened their teeth on NOLF1 way back in the day. But with this focus on NOLF1 came to what many of us saw......... 3) A bias against NOLF2 interest, posts, members, etc. If you read the posts in TGF (sorry but I can't atm ) they say it plain as day...ALL YOU NOLF 2 CLANS, TAKE YOUR NONSENSE SOMEWHERE ELSE, IF YOU DON"T LIKE OUR RULES WHY DON"T YOU START UP YOUR OWN SITE??? Does this not ring familiar? It should cuz more then one person said it.....and again IT IS FINE!! I Agree with that person(s) (cept the nonsense part of course ) Lets have a site whose focus is on the game the marjority of us in this forum play......NOLF2! We are not discriminating against people because of the color of their skin, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientaion, etc. I am just suggesting, lets focus on NOLF2 andNOLF2 alone, to get current, old, and hopefully new players into the game when accessing this site! Don't dilute us even further by meshing all these areas with 3 different games. lets stop being PC (and no I don't mean personal computer you geeks ). Lets be a little selfish for the betterment of the game! Best of luck and warmest cuddily lollypop wishes for TGF, but this is where the majority of the NOLF2 community hangs. Quote
Coty Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 Knixx, All I see from you is this crying in every thread about TGF banning you. You got banned there so deal with it yourself (privately please). I don't give a rip about you getting banned there and I'm tired of hearing you cry about it. So now you want to kick out Nolf1 and CJ people from here too? Well so be it, I hate Nolf2 myself. Adios Amigos Quote
Eliteone Posted August 8, 2005 Author Posted August 8, 2005 Coty, no one is kicking anyone out of here. I'm with Bella in that I like all three of the games. Each have their repsective qualities. I started this topic to get thoughts on how we could unify the community after posting my own thoughts on it. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 Knixx, All I see from you is this crying in every thread about TGF banning you. You got banned there so deal with it yourself (privately please). I don't give a rip about you getting banned there and I'm tired of hearing you cry about it. So now you want to kick out Nolf1 and CJ people from here too? Well so be it, I hate Nolf2 myself. Adios Amigos Gee Sherif who was that masked man??!! See?! not allowed to have an opinion I guess, even if you don't swear, threaten , etc. Coty , me stating a fact does not equate to crying. If you want to see crying you and me can talk face to face one time . (Try not to break my foot w/ your azz if you can help it). And Coty for someone who weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'd like a stuck pig when we discussed the reasons for the failings of CJ, you got some nerve. I have an opinion. E1 asked what we think we need to do to optimize the community. I gave you my views. If you disagree, state your reasons, don't even think in your best wet dreams of trying to talk smack with me. Bella confirmed that this was the intent of UNITYHQ at its inception. Unfortunatley we seemed in my opinion to lose our way on this, and now are hesitant to hurt anyone's feelings for the betterment of NOLF2. Go back an read my reasoning before you start yipping at me like my shi-zhu. Quote
Spacko Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 I must again agree with KNIX. I do see some Nolf1/CJ players hanging about here, but the fact remains probably 90% of Unity's users are Nolf2ers, even if they might own CJ or play Nolf1 now and then. Fact is this very idea was spawned from, at least partially, the Nolf2 crackdown at TGF. I'd claim that as a community we were kicked outta there, whereas Nolf1 and CJ still have a hangout in TGF where they are obviously happy - considering they sure aren't showing up here. I think KNIX is absolutely right to ask the question if we shouldn't focus all the good will and positive energy of UnityHQ on Nolf2 in stead of trying to fullfill an, at best, marginal demand for Nolf1 and CJ resources. In any case and more directly back on topic, I agree with most everything written before me. Always take the time to hear the supposed offender's side of the story - often it's just a mistake. Don't make accusations you can't support with something solid and if you're really annoyed, find someone damn trustworthy to whine and slander the object of your annoyance to. Don't bother the whole world with your grudge. Finally and most importantly, no one gets upset unless they want to. Roughly, at least. Make a decision to handle any problem you encounter in a peaceful and mature manner and it will be so! Quote
Eliteone Posted August 8, 2005 Author Posted August 8, 2005 Actually the idea of unity was concieved long before events at TGF. It was orignially to expand upon the nolf2 clans forum that was started some time ago. Reasons for including all the games. Some people who visit here play them all. Also is it fair to "treat" people who play the other games in the series different? even if that has happened in the past it doesn't make it right to do the same back. I knew there were some strong feelings put there and that was part of my goal with the topic to get people to get them out in the open with the goal of coming to a universal ideology perhaps since all of us whether we like Nolf 1, Nolf 2 or Contract Jack we play theres games cause we enjoy them. That is something we all have in common. Quote
MajorPayne Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 In the ideal world everyone would get along, share ideas and do what they can to help one another and for the benefit of the entire community. Bearing in mind that nobody is perfect we can still as a community work I believe to be our common goal to make sure these games are fun for everyone. How to accomplish this? That is what this thread is about. Post your "serious" thoughts on how this community can get along. I'll start off. The name calling finger pointing (the it's their fault type stuff) needs to stop from everyone it only further divides. My position on this refined for community unity. The community needs to adopt the "all for one and one for all" attitude. For the community to be truly one everyone needs to be treated the same. Forgive and forget. No one in this community walks on water (afterall we are all human) we all make mistakes. If you learned from those mistakes then you take the benefits of that learning experience and you move on (turn the page) To stop the cheating and exploits of the game the fixes need to be available to all. As this community has never embraced custom maps like other games then it is only logical to get them hosted in as many places as possible (most gamers want the files practically handed to them) this has been excuses cited by players in the past. So to restrict who hosts a map only further discourages people to play custom maps which in the end kills the games popularity. Other games map makers get their maps on usually at least 4 different hosting sites. They want their maps to be used which I suspect is the same for mappers for our community. All people have the ability to forgive and forget, I have and if everyone else does then think of the possibilities for community growth. Post your thoughts on this keeping in mind the place in the forum it is in. 10837[/snapback] Well put sometimes we have to put our grudges aside for the good of the group. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Well put sometimes we have to put our grudges aside for the good of the group. I may need to go back over my post, because there is an idea out there that I have a grudge against NOLF1 or CJ. I own NOLF1 and I took the time to download both sp and mp versions of CJ. If you like them, thats great more power to you, and enjoy it to your heart's content. A lot of people like Beets, while they made me get physically ill the 3x i've tried them. I think it to be a great mistake to spend the resources on a forum by dividing it into a 3 game community. Each game is unto itself. Liking one does not preclude you to liking another. Again NOLF1 and CJ users have a place to download maps, have open discussions on Dedit, strategy, skins, w/e. This place is TGF. While TGF does have an area for NOLF2, it has clearly looked upon like week old diapers. Thats their choice, their nickel and thats fine. When all the drama went down over at TGF when NOLF2 players (including a crying, blubbering , sobbing your's truly) were banned, I went to Bella on MSN. I suggested to her that she speak with E1 (as they are the most organized leaders in the NOLF2 community IMHO) to create a forum where all NOLF2 and our wonderful drama would be welcomed. Bella said that she had in fact been working on such a project, but was busy with her kid's school I think, and would start it up in the summer. She did make it quite clear that she did not want this to be an "in your face" type website against TGF, but a place for us wayward NOLF2 players to have a place to call our own. Somewhere down the road from this conversation, it was decided to include NOLF1 and CJ into the fold. I have not said a word on this until this topic was created. Please put all the other emotional stuff aside for a sec, and look at the logistical reasoning I have given you. 1) Finite number of players in the NOLF2 community 2) Lack of any other forum for us as a community to go to as a whole entity. 3) Opportunity to enlarge our games popularity to visiting new comers by focusing on it, our maps, our map makers, our strategy, our clans, our GDI's , and all the things that go with it. The community made of 3 games will never live together in a glorious, lets hold hands, sing koombaya means of existence. If you want to promote the game the large majority of us in this forum play, do what is neccesary to accomplish it, or its not worth asking the question in the first place. We will just keep going around and around and around in circles , and find ourselves right where we started. Quote
Factor Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 knix, we cant just say ok, NOLF2 players, go here, u get stuck in this little clique called UnityHQ, and then everyone else, go over there... listen, there r many players that play both nolf1 and nolf2, or nolf2 and CJ, and different combinations. there isnt HUGE fueds between them. there is just a disagreement between a very small few. and i know, u were the "leader" of the revolt thingy against TGF, becuase u started that by questiong Dan *GASP*...i respect u for that, and u got banned...life moves on, if u dont like them, u dont have to go there, besides, ur banned anywayz... but i mean, we shouldnt be restricting people to certain areas. all these 3 games share a common name. No One Lives Forever, (CJ says "prequel to Nolf") so we should not be actin "childish" like this...srry i had to use that childish word, cuz God knows i am the most childish outta everyone here, but i mean, i think it fits this situation best... Quote
Spacko Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 90%! Nolf2 players make up the vast majority of members of these forums. How is ignoring that and pretending our member base consists of three equally sized gangs less discriminating than just admitting "you know what, Nolf2 is what we're best at, what the most of us know, most of us prefer, most of us play - let's focus on that". I think this is a great project no matter what - but we all know that few Nolf1 and CJ players have even lifted an eyebrow over UnityHQ, much less registered or expressed their excitement about a new community site. It's been Nolf2 all along. I fear we're trying to fullfill a need which just isn't there, when we could be focusing all our energies on a need which is certainly there. Especially in these rocky times for Nolf2 with dropping clan activity and an ever slowly shrinking player pool... I mean, really think about it. Quote
Genesis Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 I agree with this matter of "focusing our energy on NOLF2", after all that's what we do when we put the disc in our CD-ROM drive and play the game for hours every night, week-end or month, whatever. But I don't see how closing sections in this forum and site would bring anything positive. If they're not used regularly, to say the least, that's no big deal. For example, there are important techy informations for all 3 games, and interesting stuff about modding and mapping - not having new, so far unknown people registering on the forum doesn't necessarily mean that no-one ever visits in order to grab the info. And if effectively we never have new visitors, what's the problem? It's not a waste of time, energy, or money. Also, if Bella can offer an alternative download site for NOLF1 & CJ players without spending too much money, why not let it be? I took a quick look at the number of downloads from UnityHQ for NOLF1 and NOLF2 mappacks: NOLF1: 22 downloads NOLF2: 35 downloads It's not as if it was a 90-10 thnigy, you see? Well, unfortunately, we only have one file for CJ, and zero download for it so far, while it would be a good thing -IMO- to put at least the Pegasus mod in the dl list... After all, Coty and Spawn worked on this project and are regular users of this forum, so why wouldn't we host it too? Quote
Belladonna Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Off topic reply to Genesis - The Pegasus Mod wasn't put on the list because I knew a new one was going to be released real soon. Problem is the release date kept getting pushed back. Hmmm, maybe if I put that one up, the new one will be relased the next day? Quote
Leesy Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Time for my input. First to E1's comments about the community not taking up the custom map thing. I believe this was more down to the fan base of the game. If you look at games like Half Life or Guild Wars for example you get a number of sites hosted by the big game portals - PlanetXYZ (e.g. PlanetHalfLife), WarCry etc. There was never a network supporting NOLF and maybe that was the problem. A PlanetNOLF would have been able to host a great number of files and help to improve the exposure of the game via the exposure on their network. That said, I also feel that unlike other games - the NOLF editing tools weren't plugged as well as other games. How do our modders & mappers feel about DEdit and other Sierra provided tools - Are they easy to use compared to mod tools for other games? As for the whole dedicating this site to NOLF 2 - I feel it would have been a good idea to start with. But can we just abandon those NOLF1/CJ players who do visit here? That wouldn't be very fair. This site was started up by SFI's leaders. Last time I checked (and it was a long time ago) SFI weren't as well known in the NOLF1/CJ worlds. It was clans like PM or BoS or whoever leading the way in those games. Due to our inexperience in those games we aren't able to cater for those gamers as well as we can for the NOLF2 peeps. To make this page more appealing to all 3 games we need to have experienced/well known players deciding how the site runs. That way the site is run in a way balanced for all 3 games. No offence to E1/Bella - the site is great. I just feel that maybe there would be a different angle on things if there were seasoned NOLF1/CJ players aiding the decisions. Finally, I know this site wasn't a direct consequence of the TGF "war" but it seemed to be come out of it for some people. This could have caused the site to get boycotted by certain users, shrinking an already small target audience. This could be why we don't see too many NOLF1/CJ players. Also the amount of NOLF2 centered chat might be intimidating to some of the NOLF1/CJ peeps, feeling they don't have a place here. That said, there isn't much we can do about that without a number of NOLF1/CJ players here aiding a push. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 I agree with this matter of "focusing our energy on NOLF2", after all that's what we do when we put the disc in our CD-ROM drive and play the game for hours every night, week-end or month, whatever. But I don't see how closing sections in this forum and site would bring anything positive. If they're not used regularly, to say the least, that's no big deal. For example, there are important techy informations for all 3 games, and interesting stuff about modding and mapping - not having new, so far unknown people registering on the forum doesn't necessarily mean that no-one ever visits in order to grab the info. And if effectively we never have new visitors, what's the problem? It's not a waste of time, energy, or money. Also, if Bella can offer an alternative download site for NOLF1 & CJ players without spending too much money, why not let it be? I took a quick look at the number of downloads from UnityHQ for NOLF1 and NOLF2 mappacks: NOLF1: 22 downloads NOLF2: 35 downloads It's not as if it was a 90-10 thnigy, you see? Well, unfortunately, we only have one file for CJ, and zero download for it so far, while it would be a good thing -IMO- to put at least the Pegasus mod in the dl list... After all, Coty and Spawn worked on this project and are regular users of this forum, so why wouldn't we host it too? 10883[/snapback] Genesis check out these numbers regarding activity in topics for each game in this forum... NOLF1 Chat about NOLF1 topics here Topics - 4 Replies- 48 Contract J.A.C.K Chat about Contract J.A.C.K topics here Topics- 6 Replies- 44 NOLF2 Chat about NOLF2 topics here Topics- 34 Replies- 424 ------------------------ NOLF1 Mapping & Modding Topics- 4 Replies- 23 CJ Mapping & Modding Topics- 1 Replies- 3 NOLF2 Mapping & Modding Topics- 16 Replies- 166 These numbers speak for themselves, on who particpates in this forum. Quote
Genesis Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 As I said above, Knix, it's not because only a few people actually post on the forum that no-one visits it. I don't even KNOW 22 people who play NOLF1, but the fact is that 22 people came here instead of... another site in order to dowload their mappack Furthermore... Focusing on NOLF2, and thus becoming a "closed" community, is a bad idea because new people still discover NOLF, NOLF2, and CJ every week. Some will start playing on NOLF1, or CJ, and they might wanna give NOLF2 a try one of those days... (and hopefully join the ever-shrinking ranks of NOLF2 players) Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Is it not the worth of a forum to be based on the people who actually use it? So we have 22 downloads for NOLF1 maps. Of those 22 downloads how many people actually participate in these forums? I disagree that new people will come to this site, get NOLF1 or CJ , and say ..hmmm I remember there being a 3rd game in that site, lets go try that. If we focus our attention into just NOLF2, these new people will go straight for it. We are not abandonening the NOLF1 or CJ players, AS THEY ALREADY HAVE A PLACE TO GO. We inturn only have UNITYHQ or "untouchable" class status over at TGF. It has been made clear that the original intentions where to make this a NOLF2 focus site. Once again I feel we cut our legs out by adding the other games. This community is not big enough to warrant two seperate site/forums covering the same 3 games. IT IS REDUNDANT. And for the reasons I have already stated at Nausea, a NOLF2 only site/forum is warranted, and will directly , and most imediately benefit the NOLF2 community. That is my focus, and that I feel of the majority of people who use this site. Quote
Eliteone Posted August 9, 2005 Author Posted August 9, 2005 Is it not the worth of a forum to be based on the people who actually use it? So we have 22 downloads for NOLF1 maps. Of those 22 downloads how many people actually participate in these forums? I disagree that new people will come to this site, get NOLF1 or CJ , and say ..hmmm I remember there being a 3rd game in that site, lets go try that. If we focus our attention into just NOLF2, these new people will go straight for it. We are not abandonening the NOLF1 or CJ players, AS THEY ALREADY HAVE A PLACE TO GO. We inturn only have UNITYHQ or "untouchable" class status over at TGF. It has been made clear that the original intentions where to make this a NOLF2 focus site. Once again I feel we cut our legs out by adding the other games. This community is not big enough to warrant two seperate site/forums covering the same 3 games. IT IS REDUNDANT. And for the reasons I have already stated at Nausea, a NOLF2 only site/forum is warranted, and will directly , and most imediately benefit the NOLF2 community. That is my focus, and that I feel of the majority of people who use this site. 10932[/snapback] Curiosity question What about the Nolf 1 and CJ players who can't access the other site? I really don't see what the big deal is if Unityhq offers things for all three games (not being sarcastic either) it's not taking up that much space to include them and since we have people here who play all 3 games why should they have to go to multiple sites. Part of the reason we are such a small community is the maps etc were not farmed out to places like filefront etc from the beginning. People like to have choices and they do right now. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Ok I already explained I think the reason why it is a big deal to not innundate this website with 3 games. In the words of George H.W. Bush "Not gonna doit" again. Quote
Eliteone Posted August 9, 2005 Author Posted August 9, 2005 So by your context if the person plays the other games (Nolf 1 and contract jack) and can't access the other site for whatever reason. They are or should be out of luck? It's not a Simpson's topic either but a fair question. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 If he helps promote NOLF2 to the masses? Yeah those 3 people of whom you speak will be out of luck. Have them come to me for any new map requests, I know this guy who owes me a couple of favors. Big picture, is the betterment of the game the most of us play. The way it is now, we ain't gonna grow....It is redundant to have 2 main sites covering the same 3 games in a small community. Quote
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