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Explore Sumeru these Genshin Impact 3.0 guides

Genshin Impact 3.0 forest area

(Image credit: miHoYo)

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The best Genshin Impact characters are those that you choose. Seriously, it's a game all about picking companions that you like and investing time and effort building them with strong weapons and artifacts. Investing in a character in Genshin is never a minor thing, especially if you get into the nitty gritty of artifact farming and either wishing for five-star weapons, or getting the best no-spend alternative you can through quests.

That said, it's handy to know what each character's strength is, especially if you're just starting out. There are a lot of characters arriving all the time as with Collei, Tighnari, and Dori, and now Sumeru's released, it's likely that we're going to get lots more. If you know how characters compare to each other in terms of strength and versatility, it makes creating a decent party that little bit simpler, especially as you're never going to have every single character in the game. Unless you bankrupt yourself that is.

In this Genshin Impact characters list, I'll go through every potential party member, rank them, and talk a little bit about what makes each of them unique. Lower down I'll also explain about upcoming characters, how banner Pity works, and who you can grab for free simply by completing various quests.

Here are the best Genshin Impact characters

SGanyu, Hu Tao, Raiden Shogun, Venti, Ayato, Arataki Itto, Bennett, Xingqiu, Zhongli, Albedo, Ayaka, Jean, Eula, Kazuha
ATighnari, Heizou, Yae Miko, Shenhe, Yun Jin, Gorou, Klee, Diluc, Kokomi, Yoimiya, Aloy, Yanfei, Mona, Tartaglia, Xiao, Diona, Sucrose, Keqing, Ningguang, Razor, Fischl, Noelle, Xiangling, Kuki
BCollei, Thoma, Aloy, Barbara, Sara, Sayu, Beidou, Chongyun, Kaeya, Rosaria, Qiqi, Xinyan
CLisa, Traveller (all elements), Amber

Genshin Impact tier list



Genshin Impact character Tighnari in Avidya forest

(Image credit: miHoYo)


Genshin Impact character Collei with her floral ring

(Image credit: miHoYo)


Genshin Impact tier list - lisa character art portrait in front of a Liyue Harbor screenshot

(Image credit: MiHoYo)

New characters

Genshin Impact character Dori in Port Ormos

(Image credit: miHoYo)

Who are the new Genshin Impact characters?

The new Genshin Impact characters are Tighnari and Collei; both Dendro bow-users who arrived in version 3.0.

Tighari is a five-star whose playstyle centres around firing off arrows that split into multiple homing projectiles, while Collei, a four-star, is all about supporting your party with Dendro reactions through her boomerang skill and AoE burst. You can actually get Collei for free in version 3.0, too, so be sure to grab her if you're curious about Dendro.

Around September 14, Dori will arrive; a four-star Electro claymore-user who features on Ganyu and Kokomi's rerun banners. Dori is a support character who can attach a tether between her djinni and the active character to heal them and regen energy, so she'll be a useful energy support if you don't have the Raiden Shogun.

Looking even further into the future, Cyno, Nilou, and Candace have all been previewed on the official Genshin Impact twitter, meaning they are likely to arrive in version 3.1 around October 5. Cyno is a five-star Electro polearm-user, Nilou is a five-star Hydro sword-user, and Candace is a four-star Hydro polearm user.

We'll also undoubtedly get Dehya and Alhaitham at some stage, since they both featured in the Archon quest, and Nahida, too, considering she's the vessel of the Dendro Archon. Unlike Inazuma, the Sumeru Archon quest is set to run up until version 3.2, so we'll likely see them arrive then.

How banners work

genshin impact characters Klee, Yoimiya, and the Traveller

(Image credit: miHoYo)

What is Pity in Genshin Impact?

To get Genshin Impact characters, you have to use the game's gacha system to 'Wish' on a banner. You use Genshin Impact Primogems to purchase Intertwined Fate or Acquaint Fate that amount to a single wish and can be used individually or in sets of ten for a guaranteed four star hero. 

Different banners feature different characters and boosted pull rates, so if you want a specific character and don't want to spend money, it's better to save up your Primogems and wait for them to be featured. The Genshin Impact pity and soft pity systems are also important to understand:

  • After nine wishes without a four star, the tenth wish is guaranteed to be four star.
  • After 89 wishes without a five star, the 90th is guaranteed to be a five star. From 75 wishes onwards the chance to pull a five-star is increased every wish until it hits 100% on the 90th.
  • After 79 wishes on a weapon banner without a five star, the 80th is guaranteed to be five star. From 65 wishes onwards the chance to pull a five-star is increased every wish until it hits 100% on the 80th.

If you pull someone you already have, they are converted into an item that lets you unlock a Constellation upgrade for your current version of the character.

Free characters

Genshin Impact character Xiangling

(Image credit: miHoYo)

Who are the free characters in Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact also gives you five free characters (and one who is technically free) for completing various story quests and challenges. Here's how to get them and the order they are available in:

  • Amber: Complete the quest "Wind-Riding Knight"
  • Noelle: Use ten of your free starting wishes on the beginner banner
  • Kaeya: Complete the quest "Crash Course"
  • Lisa: Complete the quest "Spark Amongst the Pages"
  • Barbara: Complete the 'Song of the Dragon and Freedom' quest
  • Xiangling: Clear floor three, chamber three in the Spiral Abyss

You can purchase further characters from a rotating pool at Paimon's Bargains with Masterless Starglitter, a resource you accumulate through wishes. It's lesser twin, Masterless Stardust, is also earned through wishes and can be used to buy both kinds of Fate for use in wishing.

It's worth keeping an eye out for free four-star seasonal characters as well, like Fischl in the upcoming Summertime Odyssey event in version 2.8.

Frequently asked questions

Genshin Impact characters Kazuha, Fischl, Mona, and Xinyan

(Image credit: miHoYo)

How many Genshin Impact characters are there?

As of version 3.0 there are 52 characters, though with Sumeru now out, this number is likely to rise pretty sharpish. These characters are split between:

- 27 four-stars
- 25 five-stars
- Eight Anemo
- Seven Geo
- Nine Electro
- Two Dendro
- Seven Hydro
- Ten Pyro
- Ten Cryo

You can view every character in the archive in your in-game menu.

Who is the strongest Genshin Impact character?

I think the strongest Genshin Impact character is Zhongli. While it's a hard question to answer given that different characters have different roles, the five-star Geo Archon provides so much value in terms of his shields, and he's incredibly simple to build.

All you need to do is get him as much HP as possible, then have him whack down a Geo pillar to give your party almost unbreakable defense. When it disappears, simply use the skill again and you'll almost never take damage. He can also pop in and occasionally drop a meteor that decimates shields and turns enemies to stone.

Who is the most meta character in Genshin?

The most meta character in Genshin Impact is Bennett. While Genshin doesn't feature a meta in the same way a lot of games do, since it isn't PvP, Bennett and his Fantastic Voyage burst consistently appear in high damage parties.

That's because he pairs exceptionally well with everyone; you just plant his AoE burst for the attack boost, then do whatever else you're going to do. It's essentially a flat increase to the party's damage output, and that's never not useful. As a four-star, he's also easy to get, and his burst's attack boost scales with his own attack, so he can still pack a punch while providing that support value.

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