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The Genshin Impact Dendroculus is the Sumeru version of the collectibles you use to level the Statues of the Seven across Teyvat. Now that version 3.0 is here, we can finally head to Sumeru, the land of the Dendro Archon. This lush forested region has plenty to explore, but you should also be on the lookout for these green orbs.

Like Electroculus in Inazuma, or Geoculus and Anemoculus in Liyue and Mondstadt, respectively, these Dendro orbs can be gathered and used to upgrade their region's statues—in this case, Sumeru—and to claim rewards, increasing your stamina and getting you shrine keys. So if you need a helping hand, here's how to find every Dendroculus in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Dendroculus: How to find these green orbs 

Dendroculi are found all over the new region of Sumeru. Like the orbs from the other areas, you'll have to look high and low to find every last one. Some are easy to spot, hovering at the top of a tree or building or next to another landmark, while others are harder to find and might be hidden in a cave beneath you or floating high in the air.

Once you've found a few Dendroculi, you should take them to one of the Statues of the Seven in Sumeru. You'll find the first statue just as you enter the new region for the first time, east of Gandharva Ville. Once at a statue, offer each of the Dendroculus you've collected to level up the statues—this applies to every statue in the Sumeru, so it doesn't matter which one—and you'll be rewarded with Dendro Sigils and Shrines of the Depths keys to gain access to additional treasures.

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Genshin Impact Dendroculus locations

Dendroculus locations in Sumeru. (Image credit: Teyvat Interactive Map / miHoYo)
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Genshin Impact Dendroculus locations

These green orbs are found throughout Sumeru. (Image credit: miHoYo)

Genshin Impact Dendroculus locations 

There are a lot of Dendroculi to collect—over 100, in fact—but luckily you can find the location of every one of them on the Teyvat Interactive Map. The screenshot above should help get you started. Just remember that if you think you're in the right location but still can't see it, look around for possible puzzles or hidden caves the green orb might be hiding in.

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