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Prepare for Dragonflight with a free copy of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

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If you don't own World of Warcraft's Shadowlands expansion, you can get it free for the next few weeks—as well as a level 50 character boost—though you'll need to claim it by September 5.

Regardless of how you feel about Shadowlands—I actually think Season 4 is pretty great—the next expansion, Dragonflight isn't far off. If you're planning on returning to Azeroth for the pre-patch to check out the new Drakthyr, this is a handy way to get access to the current endgame activities so you can test out the new class in raids, dungeons, or even Torghast. And if you were thinking of leveling a new character, the character boost can help with that too.

Naturally, there are a couple of stipulations. The first one might seem obvious but you can't already own Shadowlands—that applies to any WoW accounts linked to your Battle.net. So if you have, say, a second account for auctioning or crafting, you can't claim a free Shadowlands upgrade if you already have the current expansion on your main WoW account. You'll also need to have any previous expansion license attached to the account you want to upgrade.

If you're eligible to claim a free copy of Shadowlands, you should find a "gift icon" in the top-right corner of the Battle.net desktop app. For more details, check out the post on the official site.

This offer is available now and will run until September 5.

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