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Patch Notes


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1: You are now unable to go into Exile while being in a Guild.
2: Rebirth Trauma Time -10% was added to the Don't Give Up Enchant.

Current Tooltip
The tide always turns in the ebb and flow of power.
XP Gain +20%.
Loot Drop Rate +20%
Honor Points gained from war and quests +10%
Honor Points gained from hunting +50

Updated Tooltip
The tide always turns in the ebb and flow of power.
XP Gain +20%.
Loot Drop Rate +20%
Honor Points gained from war and quests +10%
Honor Points gained from hunting +50
Rebirth Trauma Time -10%

Item Changes

The following items will be removed from the Manastorm store on ArcheAge Unchained.

* Bound Mysterious Planthouse
* Bound Majestic Tree
* Bound Mining Drill

Bug fix
Fixed the issue where the casting speed of the new Teleport Book did not decrease while using ArcheBlessing.
Fixed the abnormal HP error of the new Teleport Book portal.
Fixed the issue where Guild Missions were not counted while using the new Teleport Book.
Fixed the issue where Healing Skill Damage was not applied to the Stone Statue Buff Effect.
Fixed the issue where you could get on mounts as a Prisoner.
Fixed the issue where purchasing some items at the Marketplace resulted in abnormal UI.

Known Issue
There is a missing tooltip on the Don’t Give Up Enchant.



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