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I would like to say a couple of things in reference to some mud slinging posts in TGF. A reality check for all the disrespectful punks in this community came from an outside gamer and can be found here I would have continued this post but apparently I am not allowed to register at TGF (and most of you have been banned by now) tongue.gif .


I think we need to put a couple of things in perspective:

1.) It is a computer game - nothing more.

2.) E1 has been gracious enough to supply this community with a means to play this game. She rarely receives even a simple 'thank you' for her efforts. Think about it. She can run it anyway she feels - we are all guests here.

3.) For all of you who take joy in publicly bashing E1 - SHAME ON YOU! So you didn't get the response you wanted or so you received a reply that was snippy...stop crying like a bunch of premadonnas, ask your mommies to wipe your noses and move on. Words can barely describe the absolute disgust and dismay I feel after reading the posts by AE and the likes. BTW, AE....you need counciling on how to forgive and forget....you delight in bringing up the same ol' BS for the past two years.


This post is meant to be direct and to the point so I will stop it here. If any of you have a problem with what I said, you can kiss my azz tongue.gif



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As long as this doesn't turn into a topic bashing TGF or individuals, I'll allow it to remain up. It IS possible to make a point or raise a concern without trashing others and personally attacking them. Remember that. RXS raised some good points that I hope will be considered.


Thank you, eliteone, for all that you do and the personal sacrifices you make for the NOLF community.


Thank you E1 and everyone else who contributes to the NOLF community! smile.gif


When I read this topic on TGF yesterday, it was a real shock. There is no, and will never be, any good reason to attack someone - no, spit on someone would be better - the way some members of this community did with EliteOne.


I plea guilty, because I gave the PM which was posted at TGF as a proof of E1's "absolute hunger for power" or something like that. In fact, two names appear in this PM, and I thought it was normal to let these two people know what was said about their behaviour.


I couldn't imagine that this PM would be given to someone who, in the past, has done everything he could to destroy SFI' reputation, along with all its members'. That was a fine way of putting fat in the fire.


Apparently, the people originaly involved in this incident wish to stay cool from now on. That's a point. But the problem is they don't understand what was wrong with their behaviour, and, even worse, I felt they were quite proud of what happened. So, let me tell you one or two things.


1 ) What your "friend" did on TGF is a shame, I wouldn't do this to my worst enemy. There is no possible excuse for that.


2 ) You told me that you wanted to "inform" people about what the bad, evil EliteOne was doing to this community. Come on, we're waiting for your explanations. It's easy to post on a forum she can't visit, and which is full of people who think we're all a bunch of morons. Why don't you post right here? Guess what, I think you have NO arguments against EliteOne. You just don't like her. What did she do, except trying to protect her clan, lending us bloody servers, and KEEPING THIS COMMUNITY ALIVE??


3 ) SFI is not responsible for all the sh*t that happened in this community. Childish behaviours are, and what AE did is a good example. I remember a time when SFI players were admired because they tried to stick to high standards in terms of fair-play. Nothing has changed. Bella's still here, making sure that we build a community instead of burning it down to ashes. EliteOne is the same person that she was two years ago when I started NOLFing. So, where does all that hate come from? What's the point in such low, miserable, pathetic attacks?


4 ) Many people at TGF thought Dan was right when he said that all NOLF2 players were a pain in the *ss. Thank you very much, you just proved them right. You've ruined all the efforts Bella made to show that we don't spend our time fighting each other.


5 ) If you have something to say to EliteOne, any of you, why don't you send her a PM? If her behaviour is such a shame, fell free to tell her. I guess she'd be more than willing to discover what she did to deserve this mistreatment.


6 ) We just can't perfectly get along with everyone in the community. But putting the blame on the only person that keeps it alive is a big mistake. Take a look at yourself. Do you feel fine? Do you think your fellow NOLFers will let you do this again? Certainly not. I know that accidents happen, but now is the time to say "sorry". If you feel like there's no reason to be sorry, then I guess there's no reason why we should play together again.


Since some can't post on TGF here is my post from there which is my comments on this subject.


to the person who started it(The original thread) you started a thread with a legit question


To those who decided to hijack it (the original thread) and do a smear campaign ***** hypocrites


IF you use this site, use a gameserver or use another community site then BLAST, insult and humiliate the people who run it then congrats you are lower than dirt.


These people owners of The site that shall not be named, UnityHQ, Clanworld, NolfWorld, Sparedlife and the people who pay for servers for these games do it for all of you. If you've never given them a dime for their time and expenses then SHUT UP you've no right to badger them.


All you do is complain complain complain. Step up and you do it. Host the servers everone can play on 24/7, host the community sites. You don't though cause you are too cheap and it's easier to ***** about it.


this shouldn't be about this clan or that clan or this site or that site these people who go above and beyond because they like these games and want to make your experience more enjoyable playing them. Instead you treat them like crap.


Seems to be only a few who do this to them too. In any other game community your gaming butt would be toast you'd be blacklisted added to PB etc. but considering you treat these people like this and they still let you visit/play there you are damn lucky they do I'd boot the lot of you who hi jack a thread like that to humilate people.


So take the Hypocrite award.


It is my understanding that the hi-jacked thread started because someone took a private message and handed it off to one of this community's biggest trouble makers. Shame on the person who did that.


*clears throat to get Goo's attention*


Errr... Dr Evil Goo. One million dollars isn't that much money nowdays. Last year Monkeys R Us made 5 billion doctors alone.

I'm not sure what this is about - could it have something to do with this thread?


Ahem, no, Goo, it all came from another topic. Sorry, I won't post the link. It really isn't necessary to add even more problems to those we're facing right now.


Neeeed drama....can't access TGF ......must get new IP to read what all are talking about.....must mock Dan......arrrrrrrrrgh.....


For those of us banned in TGF can someone tell me whats been said? I have no idea what y'all are talking about.

KNIX,Jul 29 2005, 06:43 AM]Neeeed drama....can't access TGF ......must get new IP to read what all are talking about.....must mock Dan......arrrrrrrrrgh.....


For those of us banned in TGF can someone tell me whats been said? I have no idea what y'all are talking about.



It smeared me pretty bad basicly you should be able to browse that site without being logged in.


As a result we are going to change somethings in regards to the servers. because cause his latest campaign (Angeleyes) against me is all the crap I wish to take. I've given to this community for over two years by providing 24/7 servers and no longer wish to be treated like crap.


Also am tired of people accusing others of cheating without proof, definative proof.


Alright, I'll get the crappy stuff from there and post it here. After all, nothing worse can be said, and people who don't know what we're talking about need to see what it's all about. And Dan has nothing to do with the drama this time, mon ami laugh.gif




Narf, the site's down for a "major update". And I'll wait until I can talk to Bella and EliteOne about that anyway - I wouldn't wanna move drama from one site to another. If both of them agree, I'll post. Since some poeple (privately) claim to have reasons to bash EliteOne (publicly), so be it. Do it, voice your accusations loud. Let her defend herself on her own playground.


The reason why you didn't post here before is, to my mind, that you have absolutely nothing interesting to say. Of course, all the people at TGF who consider our NOLF2 community as rubbish, due to the recent incident there, are too happy to shoot the hearse, even if they don't even know who Elite really is.


(Please read what I wrote above VERY carefully - I'm not accusing TGF, Dan or Wondy of anything, and I'm happy that Wondy locked this topic. I'm just saying that some people there jump on any occasion to bash our community, because they consider that we're the only people to blame for all the bad things that happened lately.)

It smeared me pretty bad basicly you should be able to browse that site without being logged in.


Goes to TGF, with big Dan whooping stick in hand.....types www.theglueforums.com....waits....response.



You don't have permission to access / on this server.


Waves big whooping stick at computer screen...types www.The site that shall not be named.com......



The site that shall not be named - Forbidden

You don't have permission to access / on this server.


You may have been banned from this server.




I must have been put on double secret bannishment! Musta been the part when I made fun of Dan eating Bangers and mash that put me over the top.




Are the SFI servers up or no? Need to have some sort of functioning server in the game. Last night I spent most of the time doing a moonwalk, due to lag, in some individual's hosted server.


(Goes to sit down and wait for Bella's standard PM chastisement for bashing, room temperature, spelling, etc tongue.gif)





It smeared me pretty bad basicly you should be able to browse that site without being logged in.


As a result we are going to change somethings in regards to the servers. because cause his latest campaign (Angeleyes)  against me is all the crap I wish to take. I've given to this community for over two years by providing 24/7 servers and no longer wish to be treated like crap.


Also am tired of people accusing others of cheating without proof, definative proof.






I've been on vacation so I just wanted to say I'm sorry this has happened to you. You don't deserve this treatment.


Didn't I warn you and everybody else about Angeleyes way back in December? He is

nothing but a troublemaker.




It was his ultimate goal to destroy the community and he has succeeded.


Hang on - I gave that topic a quick once over and I didn't see AngelEyes laying into you specifically EliteOne. I saw him laying into Lodingi plenty but not you. I would check the topic again to confirm this but I can't - it's "down for a major update".


Oh boy............Let me take this from the beginning then......*sigh* Someone post a screenshot in TGF about this cheat used by player X from SFI....That was what the topic was about...first.....then angeleyes post a story about when he had PM..

too long to go into that......and + he post this conversation E1 had with Genesis about ME and NIXSA.....Well, i solved that with E1 already so nvm..Why did he post it ? Well Genesis showed it to me and yeah i was pissed off when i saw it but then talked to E1 so it was ok then..But before i talked to E1 i sent it to angeleyes, because he showed me some of his convos with E1 in the past so i said, take a look at this...blah blah...And from what i saw in this conversation between Genesis and E1 i was first of all dissapointed because she talks to Genesis and not me since i am clanleader......I wont bite or anything..I like people who tell me things straight out and no talking behind backs bs....So anyways, i said that E1 only wants to show her powers and what she can do if you dont follow her rules..Sometimes it does seem like that....I never said i dont appreciate your server E1 or you cause i do appreciate it..I told you that when i talked to you the other day..



Quote from Genesis



2 ) You told me that you wanted to "inform" people about what the bad, evil EliteOne was doing to this community. Come on, we're waiting for your explanations. It's easy to post on a forum she can't visit, and which is full of people who think we're all a bunch of morons. Why don't you post right here? Guess what, I think you have NO arguments against EliteOne. You just don't like her. What did she do, except trying to protect her clan, lending us bloody servers, and KEEPING THIS COMMUNITY ALIVE??



When i read this i dont know what to say really....wtf are you trying to prove genesis? Trying to be the hero or something? Yes i said i people should know some things and not just think eliteone is a goddess or something....I never said said she was a BAD person...I just said that E1 and SFI controls too much sometime and from the post AE made in TGF it looked like same thing happened in the past too...I wasnt here back then but i wouldnt be surprised if it was like that..I have nothing against anyone here and i give a sh*t what some people think about me...You dont know me apperantly..And Genesis, you should think before you post something...I dont want to hang anyone out here but why dont you say how u feel about E1 too like you did on msn before...Its cheap trying to run away and hide and then pretend to be on her side...Also,the reason that thing was posted in TGF was because it would probably have been deleted from here....

So anyways...If people want to know what started all this, then read....


Quote from E1



"My paitence is wearing thin with Moody and Nixa decided to o attack SFI servers and forum in the master server thread.


Especially from Moody as he is supposed to be a clan leader. His actions reflect upon the whole =NS= clan as far as I'm concerned.


I'm asking that you chill him out or =NS= won't be allowed in SFI servers as I don't feel I have to take that crap from Moody and Nixsa about a server I pay for."



Well, like i said, i solved this with E1...I hope..but this is what started this whole thing...I really dont like threats thats all..Especially not threats that affects the whole clan for what 1 or 2 people did..Not that we did anything wrong except posting in the wrong section, wich i didnt even knew that we did, im such a noob.


So that was the thing i showed to AE...


One more thing to Genesis...Im not afraid to come with explanations, and from your post it almost looks like you want to put me in more trouble..And since you are supposed to be a member of NS where i am one of the leaders that feels strange..But you should deffinately not make posts like that when you dont have all the facts....I did say that E1 think she owns the whole community and thats what it feels like but I never said i dont appreciate her servers,all her effort for this etc and thats why i think this sounds weird.....


Well, Genesis told me today that SFI locked the server because of all people who complains aboit laggg etc......I dont know about that but most of the time i play free from lagg, sometimes a bit laggy but nothing serious.....I dont understand why you lock a server because some people complain about lagg since i remember you said in one of your posts that we should tell you if we experience lagg or some other problems in the server...So whats the problem? Thats what i mean..Sometimes its like you cant take it when people say something that make your servers or clan look bad...We dont dislike you or anyone else because we have laggg in the server lol....It doesnt mean anything bad against you or SFI or anyone else because we say that the server lags sometime....Wich is not often, its good most of the time..I think you're doing a good job with the server and the clan cause its not easy, i understand that..Everyone cant agree and have the same opinions about everything and what happened in the past is the past anyway.

I replied to Angels post in TGF about what i think it was like..about PM..But i wont bother about that since that was years ago..The best thing is if everyone could get along and just have fun in the game..Cause thats what its all about anyway..

I think its ridicolous to lock the server because of this, if you dont want some people to play, then just bann them and let the others have fun! If you want to bann me, fine..We'll get our own server up during the week so i can play there.

But i think its childish to lock it because it only looks like you want to prove anything then...Mess with me and you cant play! Something like that.

So whatever anyone said or did, I do like the sfi server and all the effort you put into that E1..i dont know how many times i said that now huh.gif


I hope this can be solved in a mature way without any hard feelings.

And if you got something to say then say it to me, not through Genesis or anyone else biggrin.gif...I really think this thing is ridicolous and its made bigger than it actually is.

I think everybody here got 1 thing in comment then, and that is that we all like nolf2 and want to play it..So just bann me if you doesnt like my thoughts..Dont stop the rest from playing.........



I hope my weird spelling made any sence to anyone out there.


Piece out!



As I told you before, Moody, it's not becasue you don't like someone that you can feel free to bash him/her or give someone the means to do so. And this sentence is quite strange:


I did say that E1 think she owns the whole community and thats what it feels like but I never said i dont appreciate her servers,all her effort for this etc and thats why i think this sounds weird.....


So you don't like the person, but you like the time and efforts she puts into keeping your favorite game alive? How ironic.


And no, I'm not trying to sound like a hero. I'm definitely against any kind of unfair treatment - against anyone, friend or foe. And your position as leader of NS doesn't give you the right to say or do what you want without facing the consequences if I have to disagree with you. So, consider me gone from NS. I guess we will never come to any kind of agreement, anyway. Live long and prosper.


To conclude, let's see what you said about Elite and I. You should be aware that SFI has leaders who are almost always here to listen to possible complains, and are always willing to put an end, if possible, to a bad situation. I don't feel like EliteOne and I had a "friendly" relationship, at least not as much as I expected, and I told you that I was disappointed. Oh, I also said that, to my mind, she overreacted a bit about this "clan bashing" issue. You forgot to mention that it was clearly written in my reply to her PM. But, however I felt about E1 or anyone else in my former clan, SFI, Bella was always the first person to know, as my division leader. I went to her and spoke my mind. I'm pretty sure that Bella and Elite talked about any problem we discussed.


What's definitely funny is that now, in a way, you're trying to say that I'm responsible for what happened... laugh.gif All the accusations fly towards me, while it seems you chilled down a bit regarding other people.


moody, i've got nothing against you and im sure you've got nothing against SFI. e1 isn't locking down the servers because people complain of lag, she's locking down the servers because she puts in so much into the community and gets crap flung at her for no reason.


people complain about SFI and how we're all power hungry because we dont allow people to use map flaws, curse, harass other players, etc. thats all bs to me. if these servers were in complete control of the public, then im sure there'd be a drastic increase in cheating, map flaws, cursing, harassing, everything that we prevent.

I really think this thing is ridicolous and its made bigger than it actually is.

I think everybody here got 1 thing in comment then, and that is that we all like nolf2 and want to play it..So just bann me if you doesnt like my thoughts..Dont stop the rest from playing.........


I second that.


I'm going to add my two cents although I'm keeping this short as I'm making my view clear in the moderator section. First - will people stop blaming Angel for everything. I know he overreacts and he acts like a prick at times but everyone gives him just as much stick as they dish out. He wasn't the only one in that conversation complaining of cheating.


Secondly, nobody - not even Angel - is doubting the fact that NOLF2 would have been dead a long time ago if it wasn't for E1. Nobody. Everyone here is infinitely grateful for what she has done. So will people stop saying that other people are. That's just stupid. I do personally feel that E1 handles things incorrectly sometimes but that doesn't mean I'm ungrateful and I take my issues up with her and her alone (well. her and the other mods in this place).


Let's just let this drop. There will always be people complaining of people cheating. It's human nature. We should just let these subjects stay between the two parties involved and not get involved in a bitching match - just like this.


That's my views on the subject. I'm not going to say anymore. I just hope this isn't going to kill of NOLF because from where I'm sitting - it could happen.

So you don't like the person, but you like the time and efforts she puts into keeping your favorite game alive? How ironic



I don't most the politicans in the UK - doesn't mean I don't respect the time and effort they put into keeping the country running. Moody's entitled to that opinion.


Right, back to my not talking.



Yeah you're right, Lee. Furthermore, we know their will be the same old teams, the good guys and the bad ones (switch to whichever you prefer), as it was in the past. We keep hearing the same complaints from the same people, on and on, so I think trying to calm down and discuss in a cool way would be the best thing to do. Alright, let's keep private stuff private from now on, everybody could read the arguments given on both side. Now let's face it, we'll never agree on how things should be run. Instead of criticizing E1, Moody, AE, myself or whoever, let's try to IMPROVE this poor community... smile.gif


Indeed. And I've just realised - I can delete any stroppy posts I want to get rid of! So let's just get rid of all of Genesis's posts.... just kidding.


From now on - keep it polite in this thread. Any bitching about anyone else and I'll simply delete the post and forward it onto the person in question as a PM advising you both to take it up privately.

Guest AngelEyes

biggrin.gif Apperently I am taking a lot of fire (am I not always)


I would not be surprised if people nuke this post to the trashbin but I think I deserve a reasonable chance to explain why I think the way I do.


I never tried to insult eliteone personally or to INSULT [sFI]... I never used bad language or bad words. I never talk 'frell' about [sFI] to someone else. I never talk trash about eliteone to someone else or any other member they have. I never said Lodingi was a cheater, I always kept my mouth shut in matches against [sFI]. I never say 'frell' like " owned suckahz " when I win with 150 compared to a SFI with 50.. But for some reason [sFI] takes EVERY WORD I say SO RIDICULOUSLY SERIOUS. AS IF IT IS A REAL LIFE THREAT. English isn't my mothertongue so sometimes it is possible that one misunderstands me. Although I know when my post makes sense and when not.


All I have said in the past is that I think nolf is running dry because of CERTAIN INCIDENTS in the past, and that Eliteone was involved in those incidents. I also made CLEAR that I know it was NEVER Eliteone's intention to do what she did (according to my opinion) but some actions have consequences you CAN NOT KNOW beforehand.


I was in [sFI] myself for a few weeks tongue.gif (yes yes it sounds weird doesnt it ?) I know that the people there aren't bad but everyone is overprotective from time to time


**** Edi *t***

Angel, read above - stop posting stuff like that




And to those who weren't in nolf long enough to know why eliteone and I have such trouble with each other. They should perhaps stop talking trash too, you don't know 'frell' about what happened in the past and I COULD post the complete story with screenshots and all that but I am not going to since it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS AND IT IS NOT MY INTENTION TO RUIN ANYONES REPUTATION.


biggrin.gif now that I finished my post I can get a bann in peace

I can delete any stroppy posts I want to get rid of! So let's just get rid of all of Genesis's posts.... just kidding.


Thanks for your explanation, AE. It's much clearer here than it was on TGF, though. wink.gif

moody, i've got nothing against you and im sure you've got nothing against SFI. e1 isn't locking down the servers because people complain of lag, she's locking down the servers because she puts in so much into the community and gets crap flung at her for no reason.


people complain about SFI and how we're all power hungry because we dont allow people to use map flaws, curse, harass other players, etc. thats all bs to me. if these servers were in complete control of the public, then im sure there'd be a drastic increase in cheating, map flaws, cursing, harassing, everything that we prevent.



I agree.





If people truly cared about this game there would be more servers. SFI as well as ST need to be credited for helping keep the game alive.


Where were the TGF servers all these years?

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