Leesy Posted July 25, 2005 Posted July 25, 2005 If there was any tool, map, mod etc. for NOLF (any of the games) - what would it be? If it's possible, we might be able to get a few people together and give life to some of these ideas. For example, at the moment I'm considering writing a new update tool for NOLF - like the SierraUpdate tool used to update the game version but this one will deal with maps, mods and anything else I feel should be included. So, let's get some ideas going people. Keep the suggestions realistic. Also some detail, pictures etc. would be useful. Simple one lines like "I want a map with a castle" aren't going to spark my interest. Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted July 25, 2005 Posted July 25, 2005 Maybe we could get that workaround for the server not working put in automatically? Or maybe a new way around that? Quote
Genesis Posted July 25, 2005 Posted July 25, 2005 Since we're almost "on our own" now, not hoping for any kind of help from Monolith or Sierra regarding the community and its future, we really should try to add CJ's Demolition mod to NOLF2. Which would mean: - Setting up a 24/7 server running Neo's mod - Creating new maps - Advertizing about this Quote
Leesy Posted July 25, 2005 Author Posted July 25, 2005 That could be possible. It would be tricky though. It would involve doing two things: 1) Updating the main program so that when the master server was down, it used another list of available servers. 2) The server program would then have to be changed so that when the server master is down, it looks somewhere else for the server list. I'll have to check if Sierra have released the source code for NOLF2 (I know they did it for the first NOLF). Otherwise, I can't do anything involving the actual game. Also there could be a problem getting this update onto the machines hosting the games. If somebody rents a server off a company and they manage the install of NOLF2, I can't see them being too willing to put a modified version of the game on their server for security reasons. Still, one to think about. Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted July 25, 2005 Posted July 25, 2005 I think I saw something about source in the tools folder... Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted July 25, 2005 Posted July 25, 2005 Oooh!Oooh! (raises hand like horshack from Welcome Back Kotter) Idea I always had, but have no idea how to do the MOD. Ok what are the biggest complaints in DD? 1) Hacking 2) Spawn Tagging 3) BASE R.A.P.E Ok... The hack problem has a resfix solution by E1, yet nobody seems to download it. So if you are lame enough to still use hacks, don't be obvious, or we will mock you from here to eternity...and shave your dog. The Spawn Tagging problem cannot be fixed by any mod that I can think of, lest we have a SCMD person in a game getting spawn tagged, and thus banning the offending party back to the stone age. I DOOOOOO have any idea about item number 3, yet I need the help of my Computer savy friends in this community to let me know if this is feasible or not. You know how in the co-op mode you have a aspect of the game that requires all members to be at the check point prior to moving on in the game? Ok would it be possible to apply the same aspect to DD? What I would suggest, is that for one team to complete a device, all members of that team (whether they be 1 person or a full 8 persons) BE in the room where the device is situated. This would require all players on the winning side to give up attacking the opposition and hussle back to the device so the team can complete it. This also allows the losing team (or team about to lose) the opportunity to respawn and kill any stragglers, thus having the straggler need to respawn, thus giving the losing side a better chance to get a piece back, or just to engage the opponent again. I figure this would keep a couple of players from hanging around and spawn killing folks, while their teammates are waiting for their sorry butts to get back and complete the device.....The end. Anyone have any modification to this idea, please feel free, as the patent office is closed...so i'm screwed...free idea...run with it! Quote
Leesy Posted July 26, 2005 Author Posted July 26, 2005 I doubt it would work. For one, they'll just base rape for the whole level, gradually going back one by one. By the time you manage to kill the last base rappers, the rest of them are already in the base waiting for you - bananas laid, weapons at the ready etc. You wouldn't get far. Also, what's to stopping them base rapping and then just killing themselves along with you. They'll respawn next to the completed device, you'll respawn miles away. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 I doubt it would work. For one, they'll just base rape for the whole level, gradually going back one by one. By the time you manage to kill the last base rappers, the rest of them are already in the base waiting for you - bananas laid, weapons at the ready etc. You wouldn't get far. Also, what's to stopping them base rapping and then just killing themselves along with you. They'll respawn next to the completed device, you'll respawn miles away. 8306[/snapback] Well you're just a ray of sunshine aren't ya Leesy? I see you're points, but I think it just needs to be tweaked, in a way that would help alleviate the rapping. Like I mentioned before, if anyone can take the idea and run with it..well god's speed to ya! OK! I got another idea...thus the smoke you probably all have been smelling lately. Ok it revolves around spawn tagging! On every standard map there are spots which have flawed spots. These spots are unusable to place nannas or traps. While you can stand on them, lean against them, etc, all attempted tag placement on them are just swallowed up into the ground. For example in Japan...where the missles are located. the back wall of that little alcove it basically a fake wall. While you can't walk through it, you can toss bananas into its abyss all day. I remember in Sgt. Pepp's map More Violence in the villa. The doorways near the device were not allowing placement of tags, which were just dissapearing into them.... SOOOOO now for the idea. Can a mod be created to put these "spots" in each spawn location of every map used. I think there are what 6 spawn points on each map? If someone could redoo the maps only putting in these "dead spots" for a 1 or 2 foot radius around the respawn location, this would alleviate the spawn tagging WHICH inturn may aide in alleviating some Base R.A.P.Ing. Any thoughts, questions, poems, anything? Quote
Leesy Posted July 26, 2005 Author Posted July 26, 2005 I have to knock down every idea. Otherwise, I might actually have to try and make some of these ideas happen. That means I will actually have to do some work!!! The spawn tag thing could work. It would be more a case of re-doing the maps I imagine instead of a mod. I'll check with some mappers to see what causes that error. It might be a case of we can't actually do it without a wall being in the immediate area but I'll check. Base 'base storming' <-- Could we get this word filter changed. It doesn't make sense. Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 Yeah thats it just redoing the maps where these 6 or 8 areas having a 2 foot (scaled) circle of dead space where a banana or trap cannot be placed, without being "absorbed" into the floor. The base "storming" thing has been covered here lees. I tried to fight the good fight but E1 feels its being used in lighthearted context when applied to Gaming, and thus should be replaced with the P.C base storming . Quote
Leesy Posted July 26, 2005 Author Posted July 26, 2005 KNIX,Jul 26 2005, 04:11 PM]The base "storming" thing has been covered here lees. I tried to fight the good fight but E1 feels its being used in lighthearted context when applied to Gaming, and thus should be replaced with the P.C base storming . I also brought it up in the moderator forum we have a long time ago. But it used to just change the word rap.ing to "storming" not "'base storming'". Kind of screws up the sentences a bit. Quote
Eliteone Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 Too answer Knix on his points 1) Hacking 2) Spawn Tagging 3) BASE R*** 1)include the fix in an update (I've thought about just running this since I seem to be the server provider) haven't yet lest I be accused of being on a power trip 2) If someone has to be so cheap to do this..... could pull the tags out in the cfg file if the problem became to much a pain. 3)Too those engaging in this practice. You aren't helping your CSPorts rating as I block Csports scanner from scanning my Doomsday servers. So all you are doing is irritating people. Quote
Factor Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 on ur #2 resonse e1... thats the farthest from what we want...if we wanted it like that...there would be no nolf2...cuz we would be in CJ i definatly think that we need to rush Neo to finish his mod...i think he is done...just tryin to add maps...and then in the final version of what is popularly known as ModX...we can attach the DXfix...so we take care a a few problems...and to the makin maps for the DE version of Neo's mod...its under control, i made one, and 2 maps got put in from koyasha...and if there r maps that u like that u think could work for this gametype, and u can get ur paws on the .ltc...neo will change it i think he needs to put the final version of the mod out though, and start putting maps out seperatly, not as part of the mod...cuz thats just wasting time from the final mod...and ppl just have to keep downloading the same exact mod over and over for 1 new map...so i will talk to him about that... but i think we can just throw the DXfix into his mod, and if we can figure out how to make that weird thing ur talkin about knix, we can have it thrown into every map in Neo's mod...but u dont really have to worry about spawn tags in DE...so it would be kinda pointless...but just if u wanted... Quote
Eliteone Posted July 27, 2005 Posted July 27, 2005 I have preconfigured anti-cheat servers ready to go already and it only requires a small download for the clients. Rebuttal on the #2 taking out the tags would eliminate the problem or that server rule starts getting enforced or we deal with those who take the easy route as every game out there has people like that. nolf 2 is by no means alone by having a few "lamers" who have to rack points anyway possible, even by spawn tagging Quote
MajorPayne Posted July 27, 2005 Posted July 27, 2005 Sorry if I tick anyone off with the next comments. But As a former Quake gamer, Counterstrike and clan member. To gripe about people camping out to frag/tag you at spawn points is as old as online gaming. It's going to happen. You either stop the factors involved (remove the ability) or join them at their own game (the latter tends to make the noobs stop as they don't like their own medicine being used on them) As far as this base stuff. If a team can't secure their base then, well, you're going to get overrun. People should though not abuse the objective of the game only to be cyber jock of the week in the server stats. Ok I'll pass the keyboard off now just wanted to comment as one gamer to another. Quote
Eliteone Posted July 28, 2005 Posted July 28, 2005 Well being from the Eliteforce CTF league days in the beginning I can relate to what Major says. If we didn't hold the base the other team would take it over and frag you as soon as you spawned. In nolf 2 we can control some of these concerns As I said before Csports scanning doesn't work on the SFI DD server so doesn't benefit anyone for "pumping up their point totals. I could switch the servers to run the anti-cheat (this would stop the cheaters) As far as the tagging it's in the SFI server rules not to do it. Guess it could be enforced more. Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted July 28, 2005 Posted July 28, 2005 If anyone knows how to do that thing to prevent spawn tagging, post it in the DEdit parts of this forum and the gluefactory one and I'll add it to my maps. Quote
Eliteone Posted July 28, 2005 Posted July 28, 2005 Sonic Goo,Jul 28 2005, 08:34 AM]If anyone knows how to do that thing to prevent spawn tagging, post it in the DEdit parts of this forum and the gluefactory one and I'll add it to my maps. 8711[/snapback] Easiest way turn off the tags in the cfg file Since I seem to be on the NO SOUP FOR YOU list at TGF (I'm unable to post there presently) it's not an option for me to post info there Quote
[FF5]Knix Posted July 28, 2005 Posted July 28, 2005 nooooo bad idea turning off tags. That is throwing the perverbial baby out with the bath water. Is it hard to basic copy the same 6 maps we have in rotation, just adding those "dead" spots which I refered to at each respawn point? Make these new modified "retail" maps mandatory in the servers. spawn tags gone forever. Again, I am no puter afficianado. Maybe goo, bahamanut, skizzor, pep, etc can't see if this works, or no. Quote
Eliteone Posted July 28, 2005 Posted July 28, 2005 nooooo bad idea turning off tags. That is throwing the perverbial baby out with the bath water. Is it hard to basic copy the same 6 maps we have in rotation, just adding those "dead" spots which I refered to at each respawn point? Make these new modified "retail" maps mandatory in the servers. spawn tags gone forever. Again, I am no puter afficianado. Maybe goo, bahamanut, skizzor, pep, etc can't see if this works, or no. 8727[/snapback] While I'm not a mapper I believe if you made that kind of change they would be in a sense "new" maps and everyone would have to download the revised version to play in the server. Quote
Belladonna Posted July 28, 2005 Posted July 28, 2005 I can't believe I'm saying this... keep the tags!! Yes, I trip on most of the nanas out there, but I've learned to enjoy them. Anyone who doesn't like them can play NOLF1 or CJ. Quote
Leesy Posted July 29, 2005 Author Posted July 29, 2005 There could be a much easier way which I'll take a look at. In Co-op - you revive somebody they are invincible for a few seconds. Hopefully we could get a mod that will allow us to do this in DD for spawning - not for revives. I'll see if Neo can shed some light onto this over the weekend. Couldn't do it for revives as it could lead to somebody getting killed outside the base, being revived and then haveing a few secs to run in the base and get in a good position. This would solve the problems, tags wouldn't have to be removed, it would stop spawn tagging and base rapping would be a little harder. Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 I think spawners have a field where you can add a property for something to spawn with - something like that maybe? Might mean editing the maps, though. Quote
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