Genesis Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Split from the "gay marriage" topic, quote from Moody: And when i say people take things serious i mean nolf, this forum, the whole online thing... This is not real life but many people think it is... Well to me, Moody, there is no difference between communicating with other people via forums, e-mails, letters, phone calls, SMS, or having a face-to-face discussion with them. I think the same rules of good behaviour aplly to any of these cases. What is the difference? For example, if we have a "serious discussions" sub-forum, I think it's because we felt the need for it. Also, it seems that many people love to chat there. We might disagree, but we try to stay polite. If things go wrong, which happens sometimes, we apologize, just the way we'd do in real life. Genesis is an alias, but it's me, Julien Roturier, who writes his words. It's not another person or personality. I'd like to hear what people think about that, general behaviour on boards, in games, etc. What do you consider right or wrong? Are there things you do accept online that you would not accept in your "real life"? Quote
Spacko Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I agree with you here Gen - in fact it's often useful to be even more polite and clear communicating by text only, because it's hard to pick up irony, understatements, and so on, like this. We may talk about other things than in our offline existences, but it's still real people, with real feelings, who deserve real respect, at all ends of a conversation. Quote
Moody Posted July 18, 2005 Posted July 18, 2005 Is this topic about what i said in the "gay marriage" now? COOL! Ok im sorry if i didnt make things clear. When i said people take this "online" thing too serious i mean stuff like.. 1) Some people build their life around these things online and seems to forget theres a real life. 2) I think the clans take the things too serious, when i say clans i mean especially some of them..Im not going to go any further in that disgussion as it will cause trouble.. 3) This has nothing to do with being rude Gen, of course you shouldnt be rude here just as you shouldnt be in the real..Thats not what i meant. 4) I've only been around this stuff for about 2 years now and believe me..I met some real originals ..But also i made some good friends.. But what i mostly meant when i said people takes it too serious i think i meant nolf..When i started to play nolf about 1 year ago PM was still here..And I thought PM was the bad guys lol, even tho its just a game but you know what i mean..PM was the bad clan and ST,SFI,FF5 the good ones..But then i got to know people from what used to be PM and they're cool..Thats what i think atleast..I think there used to be a lot of jealousy around here, just like in real life and thats why most people left nolf2..Many people left because others wanted to be in charge and control everything here..Just like in real life..Just like a real goverment.. So that is what i mean that people takes this "online" stuff too serious.. Quote
Genesis Posted July 18, 2005 Author Posted July 18, 2005 hehe Moody, it's not about what you said, it's more general, but I thought that your sentence was interresting. Many people DO believe that they can do whatever they want on the net because they're "protected" -no names, just avatars, nicknames, aliases, etc. I know you didn't mean the same thing as most of them, no problem. Anyway, thanks for clarifying your point of view, Mood I'm sorry I misinterpreted your words. OK, a bit off-topic, but regarding what you said in your last post: Personaly, I think that people tend to be serious when they LOVE something. Sometimes, they feel like they'd do better than the person who's in charge, "like in the real life" as you said. Sometimes, they're a bit jealous of those who are more gifted (or trained harder) than themselves, like in real life. On a side note, the problem with PM was a vicious circle, I think. People didn't like them because they were pretty gifted, so they bragged about it thinking "well, no-one really likes us anyway", and people liked them even less... Yup, that's exactly how it happens in real life too. I think we are really lucky that most of us take this game "seriously", otherwise I think we wouldn't have a server anymore, and to be honnest, what would remain of this community? I heard some say, recently, that it would be better without the clans. uhuh no. Would I trade the "serious" clans for people who'd swear, brag, behave like sh+t because no-one would control them? No. Some left NOLF2 because they weren't free to do what they wanted anymore. Do I regret them? Not really. I'd rather play with 10 "serious" people than with 1000 morons. Quote
Death in a Box Posted July 18, 2005 Posted July 18, 2005 Sounds like you are breaking people into two categories, serious, and morons. You sure there's not anymore out there? Quote
Genesis Posted July 18, 2005 Author Posted July 18, 2005 DiaB, of COURSE there are other "categories". And I didn't "break people in two categories", by the way. I said I prefer "serious" people -the way Moody discribed them- to morons, or, more specifically, to people who are aggressive, who bear names like AdolfHitler666, who swear, who treat girl-gamers wrong, etc. I guess you got the picture. I don't consider myself as a very "serious" person. But do I prefer playing with people who can listen, who don't spend their whole time bragging, etc? DEFINITELY. One more example. Tonight I was playing Guild Wars. One of the missions is extremely difficult. I tried it 5 times with "real" people, and got tired, and fed up with their behaviour. Even if they were warned that the mission was long, difficult, and that I wanted "serious" people, they joined and finally screwed the game up. After that, I gave the mission a try with bots only. I found out exactly what to do to finish the mission and its bonus, but got killed in the end because my bots weren't strong enough. So, I went back to the city and asked for people who were looking for a group. I told them what happened to me before, told them how the mission was meant to be played to take as few risks as possible, and we won. It took us 2 1/2 hours, it was long, painful sometimes, but it was FUN and we had a great moment together. Not to mention, we were also very proud of ourselves On the other hand, during one of my failed attempts to complete this mission before, one guy joined ONLY to rush to the monsters and force us to give up after 30 seconds. Is that funny? Not really. Well, I hope he laughed his poor *ss off, but we were 5 angry players. So, I guess it's not really a matter of "serious people or not". It's education. With people who take time to speak, listen, and who are always cool, you complete the missions, strangely. Quote
Moody Posted July 18, 2005 Posted July 18, 2005 DiaB, of COURSE there are other "categories". And I didn't "break people in two categories", by the way. I said I prefer "serious" people -the way Moody discribed them- to morons, or, more specifically, to people who are aggressive, who bear names like AdolfHitler666, who swear, who treat girl-gamers wrong, etc. I guess you got the picture. ???? ???? Quote
Genesis Posted July 19, 2005 Author Posted July 19, 2005 WTF did I say, Moody??? I suppose you got this sentence completely wrong OK. Let me sum up. 1 ) you described your conception of "seriousness in game" in a previous post. 2 ) I said I prefer "serious" people to those who make @sses of themselves. 3 ) DiaB said I was breaking people in only two categories. 4 ) I said no no, there are different kinds of people, but if I had to chose, I'd rather keep on playing with the "serious people", the ones you described, than with the morons I described. What's wrong with that? D'you think I was putting you in any of the two categories? Absolutely not! I hope it's clearer now Quote
Death in a Box Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 You guys think some people are bad in NOLF2, go to a game where people REALLY REALLY care about the game, like Diablo 2. People will join a game where you are trying to kill a boss, rush ahead, and kill it him/herself, so you don't get the quest, and then laugh. I find myself quite often in that game nowadays making passworded games so moronic idiots don't join up and steal all my loot. Whenever a boss in that game is killed and loot is dropped, its not divided; everyone just clicks madly and tries to get it all, not sharing one bit. Out of all the games I've played so far, Diablo 2 has some of the worst people in it. But it also has some very nice people too. Quote
[TNT] Sonic Goo Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 Online life is different from real life. Not better or worse, it just works differently. For example: On the one hand you're less accountable because you're anonymous, you can hide behind a name or avatar. You can even create a character that acts a certain way, completely different from the real life you. On the other hand you're more accountable. In real life you can say 'oh I read that in a book somewhere, it's true!'. But on the internet you'll be asked to substantiate that, to provide a link. To quote the famous philosopher Johan Cruijff, 'every advantage has its disadvantage'. Quote
Death in a Box Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 You can pretty much tell how a person is by the way they talk and act online. If they mouth off, and piss people off, then I'm betting that they are just like that in real life. Thus, you are how you act. Quote
Eliteone Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 No matter what game you are going to have a certain number of "bad" players. Fortunately the good courtious ones outnumber the others for the most part. Quote
Genesis Posted August 31, 2005 Author Posted August 31, 2005 No matter what game you are going to have a certain number of "bad" players. Fortunately the good courtious ones outnumber the others for the most part. 13769[/snapback] I wouldn't say that, really. Take Guild Wars as an example. People are always asking for tips and information, and most of the time, their only reply will be something like "Oh, OK". Not "thank you". And I won't mention the many times the person won't even reply at all. Only a very small percentage of the people who play online do think that the same kind of good education they got in life also applies to online games, and to the web in general. But we will remark those who stand out of the crowd - speaking in a positive way - more than the others... Quote
Death in a Box Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 Same here. But you guys should see Diablo 2. The bad people have become so common, that everyone no longer shares and divides the loot, they all just click madly and try to get what they can. Its really kinda sad how people have become there. Usually I just stand there and watch, shaking my head... Quote
Guest AngelEyes Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 you boys wanna hear a story about taking online life serious?? At this moment in combination with School/Friends/Sport/ gaming is on the bottom of the list. So I dont have much time to keep nolfing and keep my skills up to date. I switched to a MMORPG a few months ago. I am sure everyone knows what that is. Your character will never grow old. You will simple "freeze" your skills... Some player annoyed me and I killed him and his entire party... Unfortunately for him he dropped his +4Doom Plate Armor (one of the best armors in the game ) and I happen to have picked it up... Now watch how frustrated this punk got as you can see the word "FORK" got censored for - _ - that 'frack' goes too far. It is ONLY A GAME I was laughing my 'donkey' off I will never consider online life / discussion the same as real life discussion. Good thing the law doesn't either were I live... You can not see expressions or emotions and I can easily steal Eliteone's avatar and profile stuff and turn myself into a cloned Eliteone. Wouldn't that be a sight Quote
Genesis Posted August 31, 2005 Author Posted August 31, 2005 You can not see expressions or emotions and I can easily steal Eliteone's avatar and profile stuff and turn myself into a cloned Eliteone. Err, no. You couldn't. You could try, but people who know her a weeeeeee bit would getcha in less than 5 seconds. And there ARE laws on the net, and RULES on servers, forums, etc. Let me quote one rule that applies to this very board you've just posted in. It's the first post of the first section, you couldn't miss it... When posting images, make an effort to keep them as small as possible. The size restrictrion for any image is now a width of 600 pixels (recently changed). This keeps the boards easy to view and load. Gracias! And err, what was your point, exactly? I didn't really see the link between "fork", people, cool huge screenshots, EliteOne clone... Maybe I'm just too old. Quote
Death in a Box Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Wanna see bad. Go here... *link removed by Bella* Death in a Box is me, Devil is someone who randomly decided ot start picking on me in and out of game, and trying to kill me, Slayer is KYA, the former of the SS who betrayed the SS, broke the alliance with their ally (my clan) and then left right after to join the Assassins, Devil's clan. Just a little to help clarify the people there... Read that, and then you can see the abuse I have to go through on that site. Its so bad, I'm not even going there anymore, and soon, I'm leaving that server too. Quote
Belladonna Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 DiaB - I removed the link to that other forum simply because I don't think it's wise to post links to inflammatory topics which could possibly lead to UnityHQ people signing up and joining in the argument. It's not even a NOLF forum. Nothing is gained by pointing out mistreatment there. Frankly, having the avatar that you do is going to offend some people so you have to expect there to be some reaction to it. Can you imagine how people would be irritated here if you had a 'NOLF2 Sucks' avatar? This is not a topic for people to post about perceived slights or attacks from members of other forums or games, or even from people we know here. All that kind of thing should be resolved privately. Quote
Death in a Box Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Hm, ok. You can just delete that post if you want to, doesn't serve much purpose here... Quote
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