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Posted (edited)
:( Hey I don't know what is it about missions in CONTRACT JACK, I've play til the end but the box list is more space to contain the missions more but I only saw 7 missions!!! Or is it all of those missions? my version is 1.1 so what can I do? please.....I'm just install it last Sunday 10th July 2005...... Edited by KenEzthex
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Sounds about right. Contract Jack's Single player was shorter than most games Single player.


If I'm wrong though someone will correct me I'm sure wink.gif


Yes, CJ was supposed to be longer, originally. 10 missions. But there are only 7... That's life... Eh, after all, Bowling Point was supposed to be a great game. laugh.gif


You get the other three missions if you can kill Bruno with hair spray at the end. You don't really kill him, you set his hair on fire. Let me back up...




Ok when you're in the boat with the old man, look for a can of hair spray. Then when Bruno is talking to that old man, set his hair on fire. He will run away and drop a key. Get the key. Then jump into the water and go to the bottom of the lake thing and open the chest. Get the coin in there with the pearl's. When you come up. The guards will be talking to the old man telling them what happened. Toss the coin to make them go into the other room. Then make your escape to the other levels...

You get the other three missions if you can kill Bruno with hairspray at the end.




awww now I'm going to have to go try that tongue.gif

Read up there Elite! I edited. Hope I didn't ruin it for you!!! smile.gif




Cool never did that when I played the CJ single player


Thanks a lot for that tip, Coty! *re-installs CJ* I heard a lot of people whine about the "missing levels", but I didn't know they were secrets. Good thing to know! wink.gif


That is either ...



A) Veryyyyyy Cool, and is tempting me to by the game




cool.gif Veryyyyy funny joke by Coty, that will have streems of people re-installing/re-playing/ and buying the game for the first time....all for nothing.


argh, i'm torn!


  • 2 weeks later...

almost went and looked for the CJ CD??


It's in your cdrom as usual isn't it? tongue.gif



In over 10 missions you will brutally assassinate hundreds of enemies, maybe hit one or two buttons, and for once not sneak around a single corner! Contract J.A.C.K. is a true first person shooter! Although it is not like its forerunner No One Lives Forever 2, it still maintains a humorous dialog and unique style. The spy-ish gadgets (exploding kitties, lipstick spy cameras, bananas) have been replaced by rapid fire guns and grenades… with those you will surely give your enemies a lesson in the art of killing!


e1 i think you need to change somehthing in there tongue.gif


  • 1 year later...

That's all right, thanks for all your help man!!! :angel:


I was never here for a long time because I try to play the others like A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way, and the other games :happy1:


You played too much NOLF2 so you weren't around for two years? Yeah, can really see where you're coming from here. Really appreciate it.



You played too much NOLF2 so you weren't around for two years? Yeah, can really see where you're coming from here. Really appreciate it.




This has to be in the top 5 funny posts I've seen on this board.


Actually as it was posted by someone who's native language is NOT English, this has now jumped into 2nd place.......


yet still light years behind the "Factor/spaz chicken choking" post of '04.



chicken choking?


Please post a link to that topic ;)


Sorry...American slang.


Uh....Google "Choking the chicken", turn off safe search :)


If it does not ring a bell, come back hee and I'll dance around some more.




I've played Contract CRAP all the way through long ago, and I have to say...well...it's CRAP!


Why the hell would anyone pay money to play 7 missions of nothing?


To describe it's crappiness, imagine taking NOLF2, then removing EVERYTHING that makes it a great game, and adding some different guns and a new face. Also, take away the storyline and replace it with one that is completely irrelivant to anything.


There, now you have Contract CRAP. A game just like any other first person shooter, only without purpose. If you play all the way through the game, I gurantee you will feel a sense of disappointment and confusion.


While I'm at it, if you're looking into FEAR as many people have, DON'T. It is also a disgrace to the NOLF2 series even though the storyline has nothing to do with NOLF. Many people for whatever reason seem to think this is a cool game...IT'S NOT! It's nothing more than a modern day Contract JACK with an even more uncreative and pointless storyline. Also, it seems like a combination of Max Payne, Far Cry and maybe NOLF2. Great games, but they're not games that should be mixed.


Bottom line: If you're wondering why game developers are doing this to you, then just remember it's all about the buck and not about the quality of the game anymore. It's too bad to, because these games had so much potential.


Well, you get NOLF2 with Contract JACK - so it's not exactly like throwing the money outta the window. There've also been quite some cases in which having two NOLF CD keys came quite handy.


CJ was very linear, it was surely a little "dumb" compared with NOLF2 but I had still some laughs. You just cannot see it as a fullprice game ;).

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