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I would like to make a request for the DM server.Is it possible to maybe throw in a few DD maps in along with the original line up?Maybe bring back Conflict in Calcutta and Violence in the villa or maybe try some others?I remember when i first started playing a while back and those maps were on the DM server. they were great for good ol DM.Also,pretty much every player i've talked to hates Volkovs lair.It seems that when that stage comes up,everyone leaves.There have been times where we all fight with just our katanas just to try to make it bearable.I think that just about any DD map would make a good replacement for Volkovs lair.It would be nice to hear from other DM players to see what DD maps(if any)they would like to see on the server.What do you guys think?


Are you requesting this for the {SFI} DM server ? as I have the UnityHQ DM running custom maps?


I remember this 2. Violence and kalkutta where in the {SFI} DM Server.And they fit good in DM. The problem of Customs are: theres still some peeps ( maybe somewhere in Timbuktu) who dont have all of them. And most players join the server with the regular maps so if you join customs u play most time alone (dunno why, maybe not enough DM-players to fill 2 servers). I think its a good idea to change the rotation of the DM's a little bit sometimes. Violence, Kalkutta and maybe Japan would be fine DM playgrounds. smile.gif


Yes,its a request for the {SFI} server.I agree with Natter.I thought those DD maps fit right in with the DM maps. smile.gif


I agree with Starman, I think we need a little more variety. Secondly, I've woken up in a cold sweat on several occasions in absolute horror, contemplating how much I hate Volkov's Lair... pcangry.gif


I'll see what I can do wink.gif


Thanks eliteone.BTW,i hope that i didn't come off as being rude for the request.i was kind of hesitant to ask.And thanks for the support natter and Daybreak! smile.gif And yes i have had those nasty nightmares too!Usually Lucifer is chasing me around volkovs Lair with a Rocket launcher and all i have are bananas!He blows me to bits,and i respawn right in front of him and he does it again!The respawning DOESN'T STOP! HE OWNS ME! WHEN WILL IT END?Then i wake up.Someone get me a seat on DR. Phil! blink.gif

Thanks eliteone.BTW,i hope that i didn't come off as being rude for the request.i was kind of hesitant to ask.And thanks for the support natter and Daybreak! smile.gif And yes i have had those nasty nightmares too!Usually Lucifer is chasing me around volkovs Lair with a Rocket launcher and all i have are bananas!He blows me to bits,and i respawn right in front of him and he does it again!The respawning DOESN'T STOP! HE OWNS ME! WHEN WILL IT END?Then i wake up.Someone get me a seat on DR. Phil!  blink.gif




No worries that's what I'm here for (to save you from Dr. Phil tongue.gif )


So I took out Volkov's Lair and added Violence in the Villa for DM play cool.gif


Can you also remove Siberian Strife from your DD server? I hate that friggen map with every ounce of my being. Phantizen's Peril in Poland which is a Modification of that map is like 1000X better.


(Does the Vulcan hand signal and skulks back into the shadows)




I was going to talk to eliteone about SS the next time I caught her online, KNIX. It seems like everyone leaves the server when it comes on. Or if I'm there, I skip to the next map if the majority wish it. The only time Strife is tolerable is when there's a full server, which doesn't happen a whole lot. I agree, Peril in Poland would be a lot more fun. I just hope everyone has downloaded the map by now.


BTW, requests for the SFI server really should be handled at SFI or though email/pms. This forum is for UnityHQ business, not SFI business. I realize it's easier to post here, though, and I won't get too nitpicky about it as long as people keep in mind that SFI and UnityHQ are two completely separate entities. smile.gif


Okies For map requests on {SFI} servers visit [sFI}Clan Forum




OR you can email me regarding server requests at e1@sficlan.net **Put Server map requests in the subject line**


I think that removing Volkov or any other maps is bad thing. Add new maps. Don't remove old!


Its great to be back in Calcutta DMing away again! biggrin.gif One small little problem though.I think you loaded up the trailer park instead of Violence in the Villa by mistake.oops laugh.gif So we get the trailer park twice in one session. ohmy.gif Oh yeah,i almost forgot.Can we have Kios back?Its been gone for only a few days and we miss it already.

Its great to be back in Calcutta DMing away again! biggrin.gif  One small little problem though.I think you loaded up the trailer park instead of Violence in the Villa by mistake.oops laugh.gif So we get the trailer park twice in one session. ohmy.gif Oh yeah,i almost forgot.Can we have Kios back?Its been gone for only a few days and we miss it already.




Adds to list wink.gif ****secret to get a task to the top of Eliteone's list in regards to servers------ Send a Donation to help cover costs wink.gif ****





PMed to you wink.gif

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