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I decided to check out the NOLF1 world since it's been a while, but I came across a problem. Seems I have version 1.05 and everyone else is playing version 1.04. Anyone have a suggestion on how to go back down to 1.04?


uninstall then reinstall wink.gif

Guest BritneySpears

I had the same problem, but when I re-installed it I still had version 1.005 again! blink.gif I don't remember how I got the 0.000 version again.


I never heard of 1.05, so I'm thinking it could be in a rez file. Remove your rez files from the ADD menu.


Ah, I'm guessing you chicks have the Game of the Year edition, because that automatically installs 1.005. Tough luck! blink.gif (I have the same thing...) Any ways to reverse that, techies?


according to here No one lives forever official downloads


1.004 is the last official update. The 1.005 was one some came out with in the community to fix the "glitch" where gamespy told everyone the password to the locked server I believe. It's not an official release anyhow.



So a removal of the particular Rez may revert you unless the version 1.05 wrote a version to the windows registry.


Then uninstalling might be the easiest way to clean it up.


actually, the v1.005 is a .rez file that you add into your custom folder, and tell the game to load via the advanced/custom button on the pre-load screen, just as you would tell it to load a map pack. Just delete that file, and there's no way for it to load. you will then be at v1.004. It does not alter any registry settings, or change the game's source code unles it is told to load as a custom file.


Looks like I'm going to have to reinstall. Even though the nolfgirl_nolf1_mp_1.05 file wasn't checked on the loading screen and even after the file was deleted it's still running with the 1.05 version.


I've had the GOTY version playing 1.04 before, this 1.05 is something new.


I just hate reinstalling, I remember trying to do it a couple years ago and having trouble. *crosses fingers*


Thanks for the advice all. smile.gif


If ever you are not able to reinstall NOLF1, which happens quite often, just ask me. wink.gif Uh, if I remember well, I once wrote a post about that on our forums... Gotta check and maybe copy it here in the tech section... smile.gif






Of course, it's not working. No big surprise there. I only got 3% into the download and then got this error:


Component....Rez Minimal

File Group......Rez Minimal


Error..............Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)


Anyone have a suggestion?

Of course, it's not working. No big surprise there. I only got 3% into the download and then got this error:


Component....Rez Minimal

File Group......Rez Minimal


Error..............Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)


Anyone have a suggestion?



Yeah come see me I have all these files wink.gif (how you think I made a server cool.gif )


Still don't have anything working. What file is it that I need, eliteone? And where do I put it since I don't have any of NOLF1 installed yet?


sent you info on MSN wink.gif



Okay, tried a bunch of different things (many thanks to all of you for your help!!!) and I'm coming to think it's my CD that's not working. So I'm looking to buy a new one. My question is...


I can get NOLF1 at a cheaper price than NOLF1:GOTY. Is it a hassle to update to the Game of the Year edition? Which do you recommend I buy, the original or GOTY? huh.gif




*tickles KNIX*

I need to have something to do when the master server is down! comando.gif


Well I'll just repeat my above statement; the Game of the Year version (at least mine) comes already updated to 1.005. I know this because when I was having sound issues with my GOTY Nolf1, I was trying desperately to update my game until I realized it was already updated. So if you really need 1.004, I strongly suggest you get the regular and cheaper version and update that according to what you need. Good luck!


the goty update is included with any recent The site that shall not be named map pack version, so it's acutally redundant to get that, unless you wish to not get the map pack.


Yay, it's working now! biggrin.gif


I went and made a copy of my NOLF CDs on my other computer and used those to install with. Badabing, it installed fine and I had a great time sniping in a server. Happy me!! gun.gif


BTW, with the GOTY edition, you're installed at version 1.04. I don't know what you have going on there, Mari. blink.gif


Hm, maybe I'm mistaken. I was sure it was 1.005 but then again I would be likely to figure "hey, what's the difference, it's only one number apart". But the most important thing is that your game is working! Happy happy joy joy.

  • 11 months later...

So updating to version 1.005 is not a good idea?

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