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Three years after the initial battle of the Clone Wars, the long and tiring conflict between the Separatists and the Republic is nearing its end. However, Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a Jedi Master, and Anakin Skywalker, now a Jedi Knight, learn a shocking development. Coruscant is under attack! They hurry back to Coruscant to counter the attack led by General Grievous, the leader of the Separatist droid armies, and a much bigger threat than even Count Dooku, a former Jedi turned Sith. They are now charged with bringing him to justice, but there is more going on than just an attack on the center of the Republic. Little by little, Chancellor Palpatine transforms the Republic into a tyrannical regime, putting him at odds with the Jedi Order and a few non-corrupt senators, who have all grown weary of his staying in power. Anakin, on the other hand, has grown closer to Palpatine, but he also suffers from disturbing visions of his wife-in-secret, Senator Padme Amidala. He has been leaning closer and closer to the dark side since before the Clone Wars began, and Palpatine encourages him to embrace it. When it all comes down to it, Obi-Wan Kenobi will have no choice but to face his former apprentice in battle, and as the Clone Wars end, the seeds will be sown for yet another conflict which will determine the fate of the galaxy...



I saw the movie 2 days ago and I am really impressed.

George Lucas managed to create a really great, dark Star Wars episode to connect the new ones with the old ones.

Fortunately this damn annoying Jar Jar Binks is gone along with the impelled funniness. This movie occurs way more serious than the other 2...at least thats my opinion.


I give it a 9/10


What do you guys think?





The film is good enough, too much FX for me but I liked it.

Other point : The End is Botched.


Star Wars V is still my favorite smile.gif


I give it a 8/10


saw it last night. I think that a LOT of questions I had were answered, but the way Anakin was lured to the dark side by Cidious was a bit weak. Yes, it was much darker feeling. I got emotional when vader (before he got owned by Kanobe) went to the jedi tower and murdered the younglings. That was harsh.


(anyone notice when vader said "you are either with us or against us" was a cutdown of bush?)




soooo good, I loved every moment of it. the acting was better, the action was amazing (that first scene in space, I was like wow that's cool..... WOW that's cool... sweet living elvis this is awesome!)

2 problems, firstly, some idiot let off the fire alarms halfway through the screening, so we had to evacuate, secondly (mild spoiler alert), jar jar survives. couldn't anikin have killed him just for completeness?

  • 2 months later...
Guest Doffy90

its a cool movie but we all know what happens at the end so that was kind of bad :/


Then in about 6 months what do you bet they'll come out with the 'Collector's Version'. Then later on Episodes 1-3 in a special DVD boxed set. Then a year later, all six for the collectors in a cool hologram box. Can we ca 'ka-ching'? wink.gif


Does anyone ever watch G4 (gaming television)? There's an advertisement for "EB Games" where you can trade in old games and dvds for cash to buy new games. In the commercial, the dude hands over a stack of dvds to the cashier to trade, and on top of the pile is a copy of Episode III. I was wondering how the *^*% did he get his hands on that, and why the *^*% would he get rid of THAT movie?!


Shocking, isn't it? wink.gif

But you KNOW it's going to happen somewhat like that. I now own both the VHS and DVD collectors editions of the original trilogy due to smart marketing. tongue.gif


I watched like half the movie. Saw too much talking, and from seeing hte other movies, I knew exactly what was going to happen, and I hate predictable movies. So I left and played NOLF2 or something, lol.




Thanks for giving me your imput. I will remember to come to you next time I try to liven up a thread, as you obviously know what is and what is not funny. My god it was that bad eh? Sent you to play nolf, even with all the "NOOBS and Jerks" you mentioned just yesterday was keeping you from the game? Wow, my clip above musta been really bad to force you back in the game like that and suffer those people. I hope it wasn't too rough for you.

Tell ya what, why not for next time, try posting something yourself? Ya know instead of just sitting back with your very creative avatar, and commenting on being too lazy to sit through a wopping 6 minute clip.

Hey I got it! Post your nose hair collection! That would be a hoot! wink.gif


Knix, stop being so snarky! There's no need to get personal just because someone doesn't enjoy the same things you do. He could just as well have been talking about the movie instead of your clip... which I've seen numerous times already and found amusing.




(adjective) describes a witty mannerism, personality, or behavior that is a combination of sarcasm and cynicism. Usually accepted as a complimentary term. Snark is sometimes mistaken for a snotty or arrogant attitude.



Her snarky remarks had half the room on the floor laughing and the other half ready to walk out.

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