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I'm hosting two .TXT file mods, but my guest can't log on. They keep getting, " error in c global client mgr message". They've typed the same command as me (HOST) in options/Command Line i.e., -rez Custom. And checked the "Always pass commands...." box. But no go. Can anyone help. Thank you!


I'm hosting two .TXT file mods, but my guest can't log on. They keep getting, " error in c global client mgr message". They've typed the same command as me (HOST) in options/Command Line i.e., -rez Custom. And checked the "Always pass commands...." box. But no go. Can anyone help. Thank you!



Which mod are we refering too?



I made two mods for CO-OP play. A MODELBUTES.txt file which adds Cate to the player gallery. I took

the action Cate model and added the multi_overcoat2 (black) to model 61:





Name = "MultiPlayer_6"



ModelFile = "chars\models\multi\cate_action.ltb"

Skin0 = "chars\skins\multi_overcoat2.dtx"



Then a WEAPONS.txt file which removes the tracking darts from CO-OP play.



Both these files are placed in a Custom/Attributes folder. When I HOST myself they work fine. When

a second player tries to launch the game they get: "error in c global client mgr message". In the options

Command-Line "-rez Custom" is typed w/o quotes. When they type '-rez\Custom" their game launches but they're banned from my server when they try to join. :huh:


You DO seem to know what you're doing, but I'm wondering about one thing: is the use of the Custom/Attributs folder the right thing to do? According to the Nolf 2 Documentation (from the Source and Tools package):


Custom Directory Structure


If you wish to make any code or attribute file modifications you will need to place those .rez files within a separate folder inside the Mods folder. These files are only visible when the user selects your specific Mod to play. The Resources folder is always available regardless of the Mod selected. Each mod needs to be in its own folder within the Mods directory and the name of the folder needs to be the name of the mod. So when adding a new mod your .rez file(s) need to be in a directory that look like this:




I'd suggest you pack those two .txt files into a .rez (I understand you didn't do it that way, right?), place it into the matching (e.g. Custom\Mods\Saltymod\Saltymod.rez) folder and host it as a regular mod. And don't forget (again from the doc):


When setting up your content packs and mods it is important to use an exact replica of the directory structure used in NOLF2. If your files are in different directories the game will not be able to find them and no one will be able to play your maps.


So place those files into an "Attributes" folder within your .rez!


The reason I could imagine why the modifications may work for you but not for you friends is that NOLF2 may use the files in the Custom/Attributes folder for playing (and hosting, thus NO cheatcheck), but the anti-cheat file check may ignore this and check the regular files.


Another dirty fix may be to backup your old butes.txt files, overwrite the old with the new ones and start NOLF2 regularly (of course all would have to do this).


I followed the Directory structure in " LithRez and Rez files". It worked fine. Now I'll try it with a client.

Thank you Alexa!


One question:


The reason I could imagine why the modifications may work for you but not for you friends is that NOLF2 may use the files in the Custom/Attributes folder for playing (and hosting, thus NO cheatcheck), but the anti-cheat file check may ignore this and check the regular files.


What is the "anti-cheat file"???


Alexia is refering to the Anti-cheat mod as it looks for changes to the nolf 2 directory structure of the clients etc.


Oh, I guess I didn't put it clear. Next try: i meant the anti-cheat file-check.


Not only the Anti-Cheat mod, indeed our beloved NOLF2 itself (and most other MP games I reckon) do have anti-cheat file-checks on board. That means that NOLF2 checks client's game files for changes (-> it checks if the host and the server have identical files). In case the files are not identical (maybe using a checksum?), the client with the differing file(s) may be using a cheat. Furthermore I do believe that in case you are hosting a mod, the mod's files are included in this file-check instead the 'old' ones from regular NOLF. So are the client's. Thus the mod's files are compared to each other.


My explanation for your problem was: You are not using the regular mod way I believe. Your way of modding MAY have worked, the .txt files were used in the game (prolly a programmers backdoor for quick testing or a dangling end) but when it comes to the file-check it fails (e.g. the client's files that are checked are the regular ones, not the Custom/Attributes ones while your files, as a host, AREN'T checked, you may host a cheat if you want to :P ).


I'm doing a lot of guesswork here, as I'm still not in the mood to go through the sources completely. Neo is here prolly the one who knows the most about the sources (and also about such things as file-check). :)


By the way your question inspired me. As far as I know, when using custom COOP missions (SP missions) you have the problem that just changing the COOP mission file in the game folder causes it to get overwritten by the regular one if you start NOLF GUI. So you do have to host a dedicated server with the new mission file. What about using a mission file mod? I have no idea if that's novel, since it should be pretty obvious (and somebody may already have thought of it), and I dun know if it will work but I'll try. ;)



I copied the Missions.txt missions into a copy of the Coopmissions.txt file. Created a SPMCOOP/ATTRIBUTES folder structure to hold the Coopmissions.txt. Then I rezzed (Lithrez) the whole thingy and ran it as a mod. I was able to start NOLF2 regularly and play all the SP missions in COOP (the missions showed up in the COOP campaign editor). Now that was easy. Anybody ever did that?

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