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I hope the server admins will do something about the prevalent "wallhacking" problems present in their servers.


Consider this a push for the 'DXFix' servers to be run on all NOLF 2 servers.


I hope everyone understands that in order to see people who were using the hack, I myself had to have it on in order to see how they were honing in on my location.


Many people don't believe for a second that people use the Nolf2 Multihack, I hope this changes your view of the current situation.



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I hope the server admins will do something about the prevalent "wallhacking" problems present in their servers.


Consider this a push for the 'DXFix' servers to be run on all NOLF 2 servers.


I hope everyone understands that in order to see people who were using the hack, I myself had to have it on in order to see how they were honing in on my location.


Many people don't believe for a second that people use the Nolf2 Multihack, I hope this changes your view of the current situation.


Your link there appears to be broken.


I agree! Not much to question there.


Even with his silly wall hack, we were still pwning him...he left in the middle of the game.


I am glad to see people realize that there is an existing wallhacking problem in our small Nolf2 community.


However, I surely hope no one believes this is one isolated case. There are many players, some you may even know and truly believe do not wallhack, but in reality are one of the most frequent wallhackers out there.


I have many other small clips, but I do not possess all the time in the world to monitor every server 24/7. Another problem that arises is that certain players are more *skilled* wallhackers (for lack of a better word). They do not act so obvious in their playing. They do not hone in on your position and track you down, yet they have the fortunate luck to know where you always are. Instead of killing you head on, they'll take the back way around, pretend like they dont see you, and "stumble" upon your position.


As I stated before, I do not have all the time to track down people. I also do not play with the wallhack on all the time. When I realize and become suspiscious of certain players, I investigate. When other people's suspicion arise, they ask me to keep an eye on a certain individual.


I am posting this video in order to deter current wallhackers from using the hack. Hopefully they will realize that they are not safe, seeing as how they will not know who is in a server with them.


I still suggest the DXFix be run on ALL Nolf2 servers in order to prevent anything like this from happening, or even being speculated, again.


Here is just a thought: ...Yes this film obviously shows Pixel cheating, and yes , I've known pixel already using this crouch-jump-flaw-cheat under the stairs in khios dm-map, and yes I noticed Killerhurtz being suddenly enourmsly better from one day to the next ( Me against Killerhurtz the one day: 50-12; the next day 48-50) , but the fact that someone made this film, who hasn't got a "nolf 2-famous name" (using an alias most likely) makes me think of other possibilities as well: I say maybe simply two guys faked this film, just to achieve pixel being banned for example. One of 'em could have played as pixel (although he isn't ) and the other one could have filmed him while "cheating" (the whole story arranged). ... But most likely it's really true what the film shows us, I just wanted you to consider this possibility as well...


Here is just a thought: ...Yes this film obviously shows Pixel cheating, and yes , I've known pixel already using this crouch-jump-flaw-cheat under the stairs in khios dm-map, and yes I noticed Killerhurtz being suddenly enourmsly better from one day to the next ( Me against Killerhurtz the one day: 50-12; the next day 48-50) , but the fact that someone made this film, who hasn't got a "nolf 2-famous name" (using an alias most likely) makes me think of other possibilities as well: I say maybe simply two guys faked this film, just to achieve pixel being banned for example. One of 'em could have played as pixel (although he isn't ) and the other one could have filmed him while "cheating" (the whole story arranged). ... But most likely it's really true what the film shows us, I just wanted you to consider this possibility as well...

You have to ask yourself what the motive would be...what does he have to gain by defaming another player in the community? Albeit a mediocre one at that?


I seriously doubt someone would be trying to frame Pixel.


You have to ask yourself what the motive would be...what does he have to gain by defaming another player in the community? Albeit a mediocre one at that?


I seriously doubt someone would be trying to frame Pixel.


Yeah, you're right, but we already had this thing with "Killerhurtz" and "The_Master", where the one played as the other and sweared in the servers until he got banned. So back to topic: Yes, what I said is unlikely, but not impossible....


Yes there is problems. Also leaning ones to not to mention any names :P



My skilled > There cheats :) it just gets frustrating with rockets


"n0lf v1g1lanT3"


Odd never heard of you before whats your alias?


Judging by the video you are playing under the name Super Mario?


Why didnt you come out with the post as your real name/playname?


To suglylinni: Sure, there's the possibilty in what you said, but what would I gain from it? I WANT the DXFix servers to be implemented. Why would I post these videos showing cheaters if I am a wallhacker myself? Obviously it doesn't benefit me to "out" these cheaters. Secondly, even if I "framed" these people, then the server admins should just ban the IP behind the name. Problem solved.


To Slyguy: I've been around the Nolf2 scene for a while. Yes, in that video I was playing under 'Super Mario'. It would kind of defeat the purpose of catching these wallhackers if I joined a game under "n0lf v1g1lant3", wouldn't you say? My point in posting my videos and publicly announcing the fact that I am out to catch cheaters is an attempt for those smart enough, not to take the risk of using the wallhack, because they will never know who is really in the server with them.


This looks weird...this is not my Nolf game


But on the other side....who cares ;)

the cheater in this movie make a few more kills....who cares ;)

the cheater in this movie dont love the game like it is...who cares ;)

the cheater in this movie have no fun...who cares ;)

the cheater in this movie leave the game after a while bcs...theres no surprise for him


but who cares ;)




I tend to agree with Lasso Luke here... It's stupid, stupid, stupid, but who cares?


Anyone who uses such crap is an embarassment to the community and to themselves. Why not just consider it a challenge when playing for fun, and playing all clan matches (when it kinda sorta counts) in anti-cheating servers? It's what SFI has done so far... Works well for us.


"n0lf v1g1lanT3"


Odd never heard of you before whats your alias?


Judging by the video you are playing under the name Super Mario?


Why didnt you come out with the post as your real name/playname?

Let's say that there's a very good player behind "n0lf v1g1lanT3". He would be constantly accused of still using the hack, or of having it used at that and that event in the past, for sure. I'm totally content with somebody giving proof (and this video is the best proof I ever saw) under an alias. If he wanted to fake it, he could do so one way or another.


but who cares ;)

I tend to agree with Lasso Luke here... It's stupid, stupid, stupid, but who cares?

Hope you both know that I agree with you, since I surely don't play for score (it just got too boring to pwn you all, ya know?). But yesterday's events showed that wallhaxXing is a nuisance. I believe you can use the wallhack to easily sneak into the enemy's base and steal the part with no effort. Then place it and frankly, it's ok for me to place after 30 secs., but that wasn't fun yesterday


By the way what's a LassoLuke?


Lool, a Lasso Luke is a cowboy...an outlaw...

a dangerous player who comes from El Paso to us to play nolf with us.

His best friend is a gal named Sixshooter Suzy and if they both in server...

WOOOOt...better hide fast ;)


To topic..

look at the cheater...sits scared in his lonesome corner with rockets

and his wallhack.....laughable and poor :lol:


I say: Come out ur corner and play with us....its funny :D



To topic..

look at the cheater...sits scared in his lonesome corner with rockets

and his wallhack.....laughable and poor :lol:



No, what is laughable and poor is that people constantly 'accuse' people of wallhacking with no definitive proof. I believe this IS the definitive proof people have been looking for. Basicly, you are condoning wallhacking in ANY public server, but then playing with the DXFix during clan matches. What sense does that make?


I can level with you that it is stupid and whoever does wallhack is an embarrassment to the community, but how will we all know who's doing it and who's playing fair? Many of the players that are thought to be one of the best could be a wallhacker. Many players show up one day, and magically gain skills the next day.


Yeah, Sixshooter Suzy and Lasso Luke are about the most lethal folks down in El Paso lately (at least among those without wallhaxx). Dun mess with'em!


Alexa - Like Natter said, stinkin' cheaters are gonna leave quickly anyway when there's no surprise in the game anymore. Besides they still gotta kill us! The problem yesterday was more than wallhaxxing, four novice otters on the same team. Thus to get equally strong teams, one had to be vastly outnumbered and therefore vulnerable to piece steals. Special circs, in my opinion. :ph34r:


Vigilante - Proof yeah, definitive no, but certainly enough to warrant a real discussion. I, like you, have no sympathy for crying foul publicly without a shred of evidence. I guess (get ready for the kicker) I just don't feel it's that big a deal. You're right that people I play with every night and trust not to, could be cheating. Right, it's an unfair advantage. For clan matches, the real tests of strength, I wouldn't want to be without. But for the fun games... Well I'm gonna trust the community as a whole to be above such idiocy. Bear in mind that this is but one player of several hundred.


One big problem with servers running the DXfix............is how to get newcomers to it? It would be nice to get Serria/VU games envolved with supporting the DXfix...I don't know how?


But we don't want to become an elite band!


We should make a new version of NOLF2, including the fixes. The modified source code should be published (Sierra should help us there) for modders to use, since it would include all the fixes. I reckon that instead of running the fix as a mod, you could extract the mod's files and overwrite the games orignal ones, thus it would be an 'update' (there may be implications, though). We could also fix some other problems in the netcode etc. We just would need a little team, since it's too much for one alone.


I wonder if Dan would publish his sources....


And I agree that the proof is good but not definite. Some of my actions in the game would look the same. You'll find me running around corners shooting wildly thus every now and then scoring miracle points. If you're a clever player, maybe even memorize other players' behaviour you'll look like a cheater (we had that discussion before I remember). Though I'm sure curious about more vids from our friend. By the way I don't have a problem if the peeps would apologize, promise not to do it again and keep playing.


We should make a new version of NOLF2, including the fixes. The modified source code should be published (Sierra should help us there) for modders to use, since it would include all the fixes. I reckon that instead of running the fix as a mod, you could extract the mod's files and overwrite the games orignal ones, thus it would be an 'update' (there may be implications, though). We could also fix some other problems in the netcode etc. We just would need a little team, since it's too much for one alone.


I wonder if Dan would publish his sources....


And I agree that the proof is good but not definite. Some of my actions in the game would look the same. You'll find me running around corners shooting wildly thus every now and then scoring miracle points. If you're a clever player, maybe even memorize other players' behaviour you'll look like a cheater (we had that discussion before I remember). Though I'm sure curious about more vids from our friend. By the way I don't have a problem if the peeps would apologize, promise not to do it again and keep playing.



I can ask him if it will help. :P


Knix' date='Apr 16 2006, 03:26 PM' post='52059']

I can ask him if it will help. :P

That would be so kind! With your superhuman diplomatic abilities this should be a piece of cake!


Although I thought Dan was kinda mad at you ever since you ran over his pet deer with your SUV and threw its flesh on the grill making a coat out of its fur.


By the way, on a more serious note than Knix's diplomacy, one thing about cheats:


It is quite possible to sneak a trojan or whatever into the code, turning your machine into a spammobot. That's the one reason why I never even TESTED a cheat out of curiosity. I suggest you don't either. And a virus scanner could be easily bypassed from within (<- you starting NOLF2 manually). Now if I was a haXxor earning money for spam mails I send, how could I get peeps to install my malware...

  • 1 month later...

yeah, here you have my opinion:


first kill: you aren't really good hiding, you can be seen through the shell

second kill: you're hiding at a place, where lots of players usually pass by, and no one runs backwards into this box and there is a lot of time, to notice you and start shooting at ya

third kill: same bout the time thing, but not about the "usually pass by" thingy, but a) you were hiding not far from this spot during the first kill, so one could guess that you were camping there for a long time b ) you could have given away your position earlier


So my opinion: NO CHEATING!!!!!

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