Eliteone Posted March 15, 2006 Posted March 15, 2006 No One Lives Forever 2 - A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way English (North America) version 1.3 Readme File February 6, 2003 *********************************************************************** About This Document: Thank you for purchasing No One Lives Forever 2 - A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. This document contains last-minute information about No One Lives Forever 2 - A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way. and other information about the program not found in the game manual. This README file includes information that pertains to general problems and questions you may have concerning the game or your computer. Should you experience any problems with No One Lives Forever 2 - A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way, please refer to this file for additional help on answering questions about the game and solving technical difficulties. *********************************************************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS III. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IV. CHANGES TO THE MANUAL/UNDOCUMENTED FEATURES V. NOTES ON COMPATIBILITY VI. MULTIPLAYER NOTES VII. MULTIPLAYER MODES vIII. KNOWN ISSUES IX. PERFORMANCE X. VERSION HISTORY XI. NOLF 2 SITES XII. CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS XIII. CONTACTING SIERRA I. INTRODUCTION =============== The villains of H.A.R.M are back with only one obstacle to thwart their quest for global domination: Cate Archer, the daring super spy who foiled their last nefarious plot. They've summoned the world's deadliest assassins to take her out of the spy trade once and for all. Meanwhile, the United States has uncovered a top secret Soviet project that could bring about World War III. Can Cate avert a nuclear holocaust and simultaneously keep herself out of H.A.R.M.'s Way? II. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ======================= In order to install and play No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.s Way, your system must meet or exceed the following minimum system requirements: 500 MHz Pentium® III or equivalent US version of Windows® 98 / 98SE / ME / 2000 (with latest service pack)/ XP 128 MB RAM (256MB for Windows XP) 32MB Direct3D compatible video card with HARDWARE T&L, 32-bit color support, and DirectX 8.1 compatible driver DirectSound® compatible 16-bit sound card with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver Windows® compatible keyboard and Mouse DirectX® 8.1 (included) or higher 1.4GB free Hard Drive Space for installation + additional hard drive space for a Windows swap file and saved game files. 100% Windows 98 compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM, video card, sound card and input devices) 56k Modem or LAN for multiplayer games* In order to play the game at the recommended resolution, detail and performance levels, your computer should meet or exceed the following specifications: 1 GHz Pentium® III or equivalent US version of Windows® 98 / 98SE / ME / 2000 (with latest service pack)/ XP 256MB RAM 64MB Direct3D compatible video card with HARDWARE T&L, 32-bit color support, and DirectX 8.1 compatible driver DirectSound® compatible 16-bit sound card with DirectX 8.1 compatible driver that supports EAX 2.0 Windows® compatible keyboard and Mouse DirectX® 8.1 (included) or higher 1.7GB free Hard Drive Space for installation + additional hard drive space for a Windows swap file and saved game files. 100% Windows compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM, video card, sound card and input devices) Broadband Internet connection or LAN for Multiplayer* *Please note that in order to host or join a multiplayer game, your computer should meet or exceed the recommended system requirements. III. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ============================== Install: This option will launch the InstallShield setup utility. Setup consists of a series of screens, each containing choices that you must make regarding your installation preferences. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation. Once installation is complete, this option will be replaced by the "Play" option. Display: This option only becomes available once installation is complete and will allow you to choose from a list of available display resolutions prior to running the game. Note that this will also occur automatically the first time the game is launched. Options: This section contains options that can be used to turn various game features on and off and is only made available after installation is completed. These options should only be used if you encounter problems when running the game and should not be changed if everything is functioning normally. Uninstall: This option becomes available only after the game has been installed. It allows you to easily remove the game files from your hard drive. Please note that certain installation files may become shared by other programs, so you may be prompted for confirmation before some of these files are removed. Also, you’re saved game folders will remain in case you want to reinstall at a later date. Quit: Closes the Launcher application. Play: Once installation is complete, the Install option will no longer appear, and the Play option will appear instead. Click on this to launch the game. The first time you launch, you will be prompted to choose a performance setting that fits your particular system configuration. Read the descriptions of each setting and choose the one that is the closest match for your hardware. Please note that choosing a setting higher than your system can support will likely result in unsatisfactory performance. IV. CHANGES TO THE MANUAL/UNDOCUMENTED FEATURES =============================================== Due to last minute changes, the manual is incorrect in the following areas: Under Installing and Launching, the available installation types are listed as "Maximum" and "Typical". These have been changed to "Recommended" and "Minimum". In the "Menu and Interface System" section, please note the following changes and additions: Options/Display/Resolution: Only 4x3 aspect resolutions are supported. Options/Sound: Music quality cannot be set to high in low detail settings. Under "Agent Training/Object interaction", there's a note about messages written in invisible ink. These no longer exist in the game. Several new features have also been added since the manual was printed, including: Snowmobile contouring: By default, your snowmobile view will conform to changes in the terrain. This can make steering more difficult. Turning this option off will keep the snowmobile level at all times (like in NOLF). This can be found in the game options menu. Load Screen Tips: These appear at the bottom of the screen whenever a scene loads or reloads. These tips can be very helpful, but can also reveal aspects of gameplay that you may want to discover on your own. Turn this option off if you'd rather not see the load screen tips. This can also be found in the game options menu. Performance Test: A "Test Settings" option has been added to help you find the optimal detail level for your system. Please see the performance section of this file for more information. V. NOTES ON COMPATIBILITY ========================= FUNCTIONALITY No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.s Way is designed to function with Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP-compatible graphics and sound cards. Drivers for these devices are provided by Windows itself or the respective card manufacturers and may occasionally result in compatibility problems beyond our control. No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.s Way does not support the Windows® 95 operating system since the application requires proper installation and functionality of DirectX 8.1 or higher. Microsoft does not provide or support DirectX 8.1 for Windows 95. If you experience any problems, it is always recommended that you obtain the latest drivers for your hardware. Driver updates resolve the overwhelming majority of compatibility issues. Most hardware vendors make their drivers available on their web site. If you are unsure of a web site URL for a particular hardware vendor, you may want to try accessing one of the popular Windows software update sites such as http://www.windrivers.com. Additionally, a brief list of the chipset and board manufacturer web sites appears below for your reference. SUPPORTED VIDEO CARD CHIPSETS WITH LATEST DRIVER VERSION INFO: NVIDIA NVIDIA Detonator Drivers (WIN 2000/XP): v40.71 NVIDIA Detonator Drivers (WIN 98/98SE/ME) v40.71 GeForce 256 Series GeForce 2 Series GeForce 3 Series GeForce 4 Series ATI ATI Radeon Catalyst Drivers (Win XP): v6.13.10.6166 ATI Radeon Catalyst Drivers (Win 2000) v5.13.01.6166 ATI Radeon Catalyst Drivers (Win98/ME) v4.13.01.9062 ATI Radeon 7200 ATI Radeon 7500 ATI Radeon 8500 ATI Radeon 9000 (9000 Pro) ATI Radeon 9700 (9700 Pro) MATROX Matrox Parhelia Drivers (Win2000/XP): v1.01.00.080 Parhelia 512 WEB LINKS ATI: http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html Creative: http://www.americas.creative.com/support/w...asp?RD=download Matrox: http://www.matrox.com/mga/support/drivers/latest/home.cfm NVIDIA: http://www.nvidia.com Turtle Beach: http://www.turtlebeach.com/site/kb_ftp/585ftp.asp VI. MULTIPLAYER NOTES ====================== The Nolf 2 cooperative campaign consists of highly interactive environments and many AI. This results in the need to send large amounts of data between the host and client(s). Unfortunately, this means that systems that only barely meet the minimum system requirements may experience unexpected disconnections and latency issues in multiplayer games. Furthermore, hosting a game on a system that falls below the recommended system requirements will result in poor performance for both the host and all clients. Please also note that hosts running on a 56k connection should set the player limit no higher than 2 to avoid bandwidth saturation and packet loss. Please see the serverreadme.txt file in your main Nolf2 installation folder for instructions on setting up and running a dedicated server. VII. MULTIPLAYER MODES ======================= Cooperative: In cooperative mode, you become a member of an elite team of UNITY agents who's job is to go in an tie up loose ends. As in the singleplayer game, you can choose to achieve your mission through brute force, stealth, or a little of both. You can also use your radio (default "V") to communicate with nearby teammates. Deathmatch: The object of this mode is to get as many kills (frags) and non-lethal hits (tags) as possible to score points. When the score or time limit is hit, the player with the highest score wins the round. Team Deathmatch: In team deathmatch, the rules are the same, but you will only score points for tagging and fragging members of the enemy team. At the end of the round, the team with the highest combined score wins. Doomsday: A team based multiplayer mode where the object of the game is to collect 3 pieces of the doomsday device and assemble them in your base. The location of the pieces the device are indicated on your compass. Pieces can be picked up and dropped with the "Move body/Object"key (default "G"). To add a piece to your doomsday device, you must stand next to and aim at the device and then drop the piece. The core of the device is heavier than the other 2 pieces and will slow your movement to a walk when carried. Furthermore, you cannot jump, fire a weapon or use a snowmobile when carrying the core. It is highly advisable to have plenty of backup when trying to get it back to your base! Once the device is completed, it will activate and wipe out the opposing team and end the round with your team as the winner! VIII. KNOWN ISSUES =================== Global: Make sure that all applications that are running in the background such as Virus scanners, Desktop Utilities (menus/toolbars), Media Players, and chat programs are disabled before running No One Lives Forever 2. Task-switching with ALT-TAB or the Windows Key back to the desktop while running the game is not recommended. WINDOWS® 2000/XP: Windows XP users must have access to the Computer Administrator's account in order to install and play No One Lives Forever 2. Windows 2000 users please download the latest service pack (Service Pack 3) before you play No One Lives Forever 2. Striking the Shift key five times may cause the 'Stick Key' feature to become enabled in Windows 2000. If this happens, the feature will task switch to a desktop dialogue box with options related to this feature, including one to disable it entirely. WINDOWS® 98/ME: If you're experiencing the game not restarting just after exiting the game, initiate the Windows Update program that's usually located on top of the Start Programs Menu. Make sure that you have all the Critical and Recommended Updates to resolve this issue. GRAPHICS: SYSTEMS WITH VIA CHIPSETS: Always update the 4 in 1 drivers to avoid possible instability problems with your graphics card. You can find these here: http://downloads.viaarena.com/drivers/4in1/VIA_4in1_443v.zip ATI RADEON SERIES: Mouse cursor flickers on screen during game after changing in-game resolution. Make sure that the latest Radeon Catalyst drivers are installed. Also going back into the menus and then back into the game will also correct this issue. Detail textures currently appear washed out and dull on all Radeon cards. A future update from ATI should correct this. In the meantime, it is recommended that you turn Detail Textures OFF in the Display options menu under Performance. ATI RADEON 7200: Textures on very thin polys (such as power lines) may appear to be broken into small pieces. ATI RADEON 8500: When the hardware cursor option is enabled, the mouse cursor may appear black and white or appear corrupted. Also, the position of the cursor may be slightly off after changing performance options. Try disabling the hardware cursor from the "Options" Launcher to correct this issue. Some detail brushes such as intelligence items may disappear when viewed from a distance. Lockups may occur in some cut scenes and during certain gameplay situations. ATI has fixed this issue with a special driver version. You can obtain this driver at http://www.ati.com/support/infobase/4094.html ATI RADEON 9OOO SERIES: During cinematics, semi translucent bars may appear at the top and bottom of the screen. Please make sure that the Texture Quality option under the ATI Direct 3d settings which can be found under Display Settings is set to highest. MATROX PARHELIA 512: Some very early versions of this card may exhibit missing textures on some surfaces when weapons are fired or the key chain flashlight is used. During certain cinematics, shadows on the faces and necks of models will appear to be very jagged. Frequent lockups may also occur with all driver revisions for this card prior to v1.01.00.080. Please be sure to update to the latest driver prior to playing the game. NVIDIA GEFORCE CHIPSETS: Running the game with outdated drivers may result in crashes during gameplay. It is highly recommended that you first update to the latest detonator drivers available before playing. Refer to Section V. for more information on the latest drivers available. UNSUPPORTED VIDEO CARDS: Any video card that's not equipped with Hardware T&L (Transform and Lighting) will suffer either poor performance or complete malfunction. Even though the Matrox Millennium G550 and S3 Savage Chipsets are known to have T&L support, these cards only support this feature through their "Software" and do not meet the minimum requirement of support through "Hardware." Please review Section V. for the supported Video Card Chipsets list. SOUND: GENERAL: If the in-game sounds and dialogue (voices) do not play, or there are problems with the quality of these sounds, then please try each of the following steps (in order) before playing again. Note that you should only try one solution at a time, since trying them all can greatly reduce the overall sound quality of the game unneccesarily. 1. Make sure that you have the latest drivers available for your sound hardware installed. These can usually be found on the manufacturer's website. 2. From your main installation folder (Default C:\Program Files\Fox\No One Lives forever 2), double click on the file named WMFADist.exe, and then follow on-screen instructions. This will manually install the audio codec that is required by the game. 3. From the in-game sound options menu,change the sound quality option from high to low, or vice-versa. 4. Refer to the sections below for specific troubleshooting information for your particular sound card. 5. From the Nolf2 launcher application, click on the "options" button and then click on the box next to "Disable Sound Filters". 6. From the Nolf2 launcher application, click on the "options" button and then click on the box next to "Disable Hardware Sound". Please note that since No One Lives Forever uses an MP3 codec for sound, the Nimo codec pack may cause speech and sound to drop out completely. Please uninstall the Nimo codec pack before installing No One Lives Forever 2. If you have already installed the game, please uninstall both the Nimo codec pack and the game, and then reinstall the game only. Also, subtitles will not appear in the game if you do not have a soundcard, or if your soundcard is not detected, or if you have disabled sound completely in the advanced options menu. WINDOWS 98: There have been some reports of static during hitches in game performance on various sound cards. We're still looking into this. SOUND BLASTER LIVE! SERIES: If you are using DirectX 9, you may experience performance problems when enemy gunfire is heard. This is a driver issue. To fix the problem, lower your sound hardware acceleration level in the control panel or in the sound section of the Dxdiag utility. You may experience missing sound effects and speech with older drivers (v.4.xx). It's highly recommended that you update to the latest series of drivers (v.5.xx) to correct this issue. You can check your current driver version as follows: 1. Click on the "Run" option from the Windows start menu. 2. Type "Dxdiag" (Without the quotes) in the command line and press <Enter> This will initiate the DirectX Diagnostic Tool Menu. 3. Select the "Sound" tab to see information on your sound hardware. 4. In the right-hand column of this window is your sound card driver information. SOUND BLASTER PCI 128: If you’re experiencing speech and audio dropout, please try the following: Initiate the NOLF2 Launcher, click on options, click on the "Disable Sound Filters" option. Also check on the Creative website and obtain the latest driver. SOUND BLASTER AUDIGY: Weapon fire and AI voices may stop playing during heavy firefights. An updated driver for the Audigy will fix this issue. Also, EAX sound filtering effects on some weapon sounds may not reset correctly after climbing out of water or other areas. HERCULES GAME THEATER XP: The volume of certain sound effects may seem unnecessarily loud. A future driver from Hercules may correct this issue. DIAMOND MONSTER SOUND I&II: Music throughout the game may be muffled when using these cards. Currently the manufacturer does not supply DirectX 8.1 audio drivers. NVIDIA NFORCE AUDIO: All aspects of game audio suffer from high-pitched static and popping noises. An updated driver (V1.13) should correct this problem and can be found on NVIDIA's website. (www.nvidia.com) TURTLE BEACH SANTA CRUZ: If sounds seem missing or the volume of certain sounds changes erratically throughout the game, please install the latest driver (currently v.4161) from the manufacturer's web site. This should correct the problem. AUREAL VORTEX I&II: The last available drivers for these cards with Vortex chipsets are not fully Direct 8.1 compatible. Therefore, these cards cannot be supported in NOLF 2. Users of these cards may experience muffled background music, and missing or muffled sound and dialogue. PERIPHERALS: LOGITECH MICE: When the scroll wheel is set to a special function in Mouseware, activating the scroll wheel during gameplay may have undesired results. Setting the scroll wheel's function to "Middle Mouse Button" in Mouseware should resolve the issue. ADVANCED OPTIONS If you're encountering problems running the game, you can try tweaking some advanced settings in the "Options" window on the game launcher (double-click NOLF2.exe and click the "OPTIONS" button). Please note that this is for advanced users only, since tweaking these settings could very well create other problems in the game. DISABLE SOUND If this box is checked, there will be no sound effects or subtitles in the game. Also, dialog and lip-synching will not play correctly. Music will still play. If you are experiencing problems running the game and suspect your sound card may be the cause, you might check this box and see if the problem goes away. If it does then the problem may be due to a problem with your sound hardware or drivers. DISABLE MUSIC If this box is checked, there will be no dynamic DirectMusic in the game. Please use this option for troubleshooting purposes only. DISABLE MOVIES If this box is checked, the intro logo movies will not be shown. Use this if your system is having trouble playing these movies. DISABLE HARDWARE SOUND If this box is checked, this will disable DirectSound 3D sound support and could cause performance issues. DISABLE ANIMATED LOAD SCREENS If this box is checked, this will disable the animated loading screen. DISABLE TRIPLE BUFFERING If this box is checked, video output will not be triple buffered. With certain video cards, this may help performance. DISABLE JOYSTICKS Disables input from joysticks and gamepads. Certain joysticks and gamepads may interfere with normal mouse or keyboard control in the game. If you suspect this is occurring, checking this box before running the game may resolve the problem. DISABLE HARDWARE CURSOR If the mouse pointer is missing, flickering or otherwise distorted in the game menus, checking this box may fix the problem. DISABLE SOUND FILTERS If this box is checked, sound filtering effects (reverb) will be disabled. Only cards with EAX 2.0 support will benefit from this feature. If you experience problems such as static when firing a weapon underwater, you may need to play with sound filtering disabled. IX. PERFORMANCE ================= DETAIL SETTINGS When launching the game for the first time, be sure to choose the detail setting that best fits your system configuration. After the initial launch, You can change this setting at any time through the performance options menu. UPGRADING If you are unsatisfied with the level of detail that your system can handle, then you may wish to consider upgrading. Nolf2's performance is most affected by your video card, followed closely by the amount of installed memory in your machine. A high end video card will usually result in considerable framerate improvements, while installing more RAM will result in shorter load times and less hitching during gameplay. ASSET PRECACHING If you are using a system with 128MB of RAM, please note that enabling asset precaching will result in significantly longer load times. Unfortunately, leaving this option disabled will result in more hitching during gameplay. Note that this option defaults to OFF in the low detail setting. X. VERSION HISTORY =================================== Version 1.3 (February 6, 2003) ------------------------------ New Features: * Added Team Deathmatch and Doomsday MP modes. Please see the section of this labeled "Multiplayer Modes" for more information. * Added ability for hosts to specify score values for tags, frags and other mode-specific actions. * Added FX to weapon respawn locations. * Added the Server name and IP to system menu when connected to a remote host. * Added the server name to client score screens. * Added the ability for hosts to restrict any weapon, ammo type or gear item from the game. * Added functionality to select custom mods and resources from the launcher. Gameplay Tweaks: * Added a 30 second countdown timer for multiplayer games with a timelimit set. * Increased multiplayer headshot damage somewhat. * Increased the max deathmatch score limit to 100. * Increased the max deathmatch time limit to 60. * Lowered the splash damage radius of micromissiles somewhat. * Increased the damage and accuracy of the Gordon SMG. * Removed snowmobile radar icons from deathmatch to reduce radar clutter. * Fire bolts have been improved! They now cause mild splash damage and leave behind a residual flame that will burn anyone who walks through it. * Player bodies in co-op mode now fade to searchable backpacks. Bug Fixes: * Fixed a bug that would cause the game to crash when launching standalone server from within the game. * Fixed several memory leaks and crashes that were causing instability in dedicated servers and problems with load times in singleplayer. * Improved singleplayer quickload times by 33-50% (Depending on level). * Fixed the bug that was preventing the player from automatically un-holstering their weapon after dismounting a snowmobile. * Fixed a bug that was preventing minimum spec machines from performing well as dedicated servers. Bandwidth limitations still apply. * Fixed problems with camera rotation after slipping on a banana. * Coop: Players should no longer automatically fire their weapon after being revived if they were firing when they died. * Coop/Team modes: Added the ability to remove your revivable body (but the respawn timer remains) * Hats and other player model attachments should no longer appear before the player is actually in the game. * Electrical darts now properly display their FX when they hit a surface. * The T3 and custom bandwidth options for Internet servers now work correctly. Please see the updated serverreadme.txt in your main Nolf2 installation folder for details on setting custom bandwidth. * Fixed the bug where bananas would "detonate" on bodies and backpacks. * Players already affected by non-lethal damage cannot be tagged again until 2 seconds after the effect wears off. * Characters should no longer have weird pitch angles when they slip on a banana or are sleeping. * Players under the influence of poison, fire and glue damage will animate normally if they fire a weapon. * Co-op: Players on snowmobiles when a game is saved will be standing next to them in loaded games. This fixes problems with unusable snowmobiles if some players don't rejoin. * Fixed a bug where zooming out after targetting a player sometimes left the player's name onscreen. * Fixed a bug preventing joysticks from being disabled. Version 1.2 (November 15, 2002) ------------------------------- * Added Deathmatch support. * Added Dedicated Server support. * Fixed the Angry Kitty so it can now be shot to detonate. * Armed Angry kitties are now much more noticeable. * Added SCMD system for remote server maintenance. * Changed the color of player chat from white to yellow for better visability. * Updated input code to handle both gamepad and joystick devices under DirectInput 8.1 * Players should no longer lose thier animations when they die while leaning. * Player Vehicles will now get removed properly when the level ends. * Hitting F8 for screenshot will no longer count as "any key". * Fixed a bug where you could send empty chat messages. * Fixed the bug that caused the player to play damage FX after they had died while taking special damage. * Changed server directory listing for internet games to only show the current maps file title, not the full path. * Adding the same coop mission to the same campaign twice will no longer result in an incompletable level. * Fixed a bug where objects in certain levels would appear in the wrong place on some systems. * AmmoBoxes will now dissapear whenever any ammo is removed from them, and then respawn after the specified time with full ammo. * Fixed a 3d sound issue where select and deselect sounds on weapons would play as if they were coming from the other players. * Fixed player respawn points to reduce players spawning on top of one another. * Fixed a bug where weapons would sometimes fail to fire if the fire key was pressed, released and then pressed again too quickly. * Fixed an issue with the keyboard configuration where assigning some keys would cause others to become unassigned. * Fixed player hit detection so that players crouched under geometry cannot be killed by shooting above thier heads. * Tweaked the range of certain weapon sounds. Version 1.1 (October 1, 2002) ----------------------------- * Corrected an issue that would allow the game to use an incorrect audio codec, even when the correct codec was installed. * Single load weapons will now fire every shot if you have invested greater than 6000 points into the weapons skill. XI. NOLF 2 SITES =================================== WEBSITE LINKS For more information on No One Lives Forever and additional options for technical support, and the latest updates please visit the following web sites: The Official Site http://nolf2.sierra.com FOX Interactive http://www.foxinteractive.com Sierra Entertainment http://www.sierra.com Monolith Productions http://www.lith.com XII. CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS ==================================== FOX INTERACTIVE PRODUCTION TEAM PRODUCER Chris Miller ASSOCIATE PRODUCER Aaron Blean QUALITY ASSURANCE Q.A. ASSISTANT MANAGER Igor Krinitskiy Q.A. LEAD Francis Choi TEST TEAM Geoff Bent Scott Carroll Michael Graham Jen Johnson Cris Lee Jonathan Masterson Billy Pamier Denise Pater Luke Thai Hal Zabie LOCALIZATION LOCALIZATION MANAGER Kristian Davila SPECIAL THANKS Eric Asevo Steve Bersch Pete Cesario Lindsey Fischer Ivo Gerscovich Greg Goodrich Tim Hall Tim Harrison Michael Heilemann Becky Kneubuhl Luke Letizia Dan Mackechnie Gabriel Mann John Melchior Megan O'Brien Paul Pawlicki Michael Pole Rich Ragsdale Tim Ramage Jamie Samson Kirk Scott Dave Shaw David Stalker Kristin Sutter (www.The site that shall not be named.com) Tim Tran Jack Van Leer Ellen Williams Chris Wilson Asylum Studio (www.asylumstudio.com) Lisa Fredsti (Fox Library) Brian Thomas (Fox Library) Brian Harvey (NVIDIA) Jessie Lawrence (Creative Labs) Mike Drummelsmith (Matrox) Marisa Porter, MCA Van Riker, 1600 Records John Dongelmans (Microsoft) Tim Godwin, Line 6 Working with the NOLF team continues to be a great experience. Thank you for all the late nights, the lost weekends and most of all, for your incredible commitment to the quality of this game. You're awesome! -CM MONOLITH PRODUCTIONS DEVELOPMENT TEAM (In Alphabetical Order) James Ackley, Lead Sound Designer Scott Albaugh, Senior 2D/3D Artist/Animator Ellen Beeman, Producer Curt Collins, 2D/3D Artist Brian Davis, 2D/3D Artist Michael Drummond, Level Designer Kevin Francis, Senior Engineer Terry Franguiadakis, Engineer Jim Geldmacher, Engineer Jon Gramlich, QA Lead Nathan Grigg, Composer Chris Hewett, Director of Development J.J. Hoesing, Engineer Rodney Houle, Level Designer Craig Hubbard, Creative Director/Lead Game Designer Steve Lee, Senior 2D/3D Artist David Longo, Art Director/Lead 3D Artist Dan Miller, Level Designer John Mulkey, Lead Level Designer Jeff Orkin, Senior Engineer John O'Rorke, Engineer Brian Pamintuan, Sound Designer Russ Pecoraro, Engineer Brad Pendleton, Lead Engineer Sasha Runnels, Senior 2D/3D Artist Samantha Ryan, Producer Wes Saulsberry, Art Lead Kevin Stephens, Director of Engineering Akika Tanaka, 2D/3D Artist Cassano Thruston, Sound Designer Simon Wong, Motion Capture Engineer ADDITIONAL LEVEL DESIGN: Nathan Cheever Dan Thibadeau SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING MONOLITH PERSONNEL Matt Allen Andrea Barringer Bryan Bouwman Wayne Burns Dan Fagan Andy Grant Jason Hall Patti Kail Eric Kohler Gary Kussman Kevin Lambert Rick Lambright Brian Legge Spencer Maiers Kristin McLellan Andrew Megowan Ryan O'Rourke Matt Scott Mark Spadoni Jim Totaro Sandra Watanabe Kiyotaka Yaguchi SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING LITHTECH PERSONNEL Jonathan Branam Bob Givnin Brian Goble Matt Grimshaw Chris Hedberg Jeff Hutt David Koenig Dan White Paige Young SPECIAL THANKS TO Steve Burke, (NVIDIA) Justin Cooney, (ATI) Todd Clauson, (Intel) Keith Galocy, (NVIDIA) Greg James, (NVIDIA) Matt McClellan, (Intel) Derek Reynolds, (Intel) Randy 'ydnar' Reddig MUSIC NOLF 2 THEME and GAME SCORE: Nathan Grigg CUT SCENE SCORES: Nathan Grigg Guy Whitmore MUSICIANS: Andrea Wittgens: vocals (NOLF2 Theme) Nathan Grigg: vocals (NOLF2 Theme, India, Island) Jack Klitzman: saxophone (NOLF2 Theme, India) Vincent Gates: guitar (NOLF2 Theme) Lori Goldston: cello (H.A.R.M. Motif, arranged by Guy Whitmore) RECORDING ENGINEERS: Jay Kenney Vincent Gates Nathan Grigg SPECIAL THANKS: Rich Ragsdale (for the use of the NOLF 1 theme) VOICE CAST Jen Taylor - Cate Archer, Isako, Ninjas, and Bystanders Jock Blaney - Dmitrij Volkov Ken Boynton - Santa, General Morgan Hawkins, Mischa the Pilot, Kamal, Anoop Banerjee, Crazy Harij, Balaji Malpani, Soviet Personnel,India H.A.R.M. Personnel, and Mimes David Scully - Isaac Barnes Deena Burke - Mother and Ninjas John Armstrong - The Director, Pierre "King" of Mimes, and Soviet Personnel, H.A.R.M. Personnel, and Man-Crates Gary Schwartz - Mimes, Soviet Personnel, and India H.A.R.M. Personnel John Patrick Lowrie - Bruno Lawrie Todd Licea - E.A. (Evil Alliance) Personnel and H.A.R.M. Personnel Jeff Steitzer - Dr. Otto Schenker, Super Computer, and Robots Andre Sogliuzzo - Magnus Armstrong Terrance Sloggins - As Himself MOTION CAPTURE CAST Jenna Hawkins John Kaufmann Lisa P. Leon-Guerrero Justin Emeka Kerry Wong Hans Altwies SIERRA ENTERTAINMENT/VIVENDI UNIVERSAL PUBLISHING EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Bill Dugan PRODUCER Bernadette Pryor DIRECTOR of MARKETING Lee Rosini BRAND MANAGER Mike Rodgers BRAND MANAGER Rozita Tolouey VICE PRESIDENT STUDIOS Rich Robinson VP of MARKETING Barbara Schwabe NETWORK DEVELOPMENT Mike Nicolino PRODUCTION SERVICES MANAGER Julie Pitt PR MANAGER Sarita Churchill QA DIRECTOR Gary Stevens QA SUPERVISOR Ken Eaton QA TEST LEADS Tharlie Richardson Craig Bradford QA TESTERS Erinn Hamilton James COok Rick Gusa MANUAL DESIGN Sweeney Designs ONLINE MARKETING MANAGER Guy Welch ONLINE EVANGELIST Mike Taskey PRODUCT CERTIFICATION DIRECTOR Randy Linch PRODUCT CERTIFICATION DIRECTOR Rod Shean PRODUCT CERTIFICATION LEAD Chris Rooker PRODUCT CERTIFICATION LEAD Cyra Talton PRODUCT CERTIFICATION LEAD Brandon Valdez PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ENGINEER Richard Benavides PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TESTER Ben Chan TRADE MARKETING MANAGER Mary Barker SPECIAL THANKS Erin Alvarez Molly O'Brien Pat Callahan Julie Daino Tracy Gibbs Adam Lumsden Peter Della Pena Eric Roeder Mike Ryder James Shaw XIII. CONTACTING SIERRA ==================================== A) Customer Service, Support, and Sales Technical Support C) End User License Agreement D) Legal Information A) Customer Service, Support, and Sales ---------------------------------- United States Vivendi Universal Games 6060 Center Dr. 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone 310-649-8048 Business hours are 8:00AM- 5PM PST Monday-Friday United Kingdom Vivendi Universal Interactive Publishing UK Ltd. Main: (0118) 920-9111 Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fax: (0118) 987-5603 Disk/CD replacements in the U.K. are £6.00, or £7.00 outside the UK. Add "ATTN.: Returns." 2 Beacontree Plaza, Gillette Way, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0BS United Kingdom France Vivendi Universal Interactive Publishing France 32, Av de l'Europe Bât Energy 1 (2e étage) 78 140 VELIZY-Villacoubaly France Téléphone: 01-30-67-90-50 Lundi au Jeudi de 10h à 19h Vendredi de 10h à 18h Fax: 01-30-67-90-65 Germany Vivendi Universal Interactive Publishing Deutschland Gmbh. 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The Program may also contain a Level Editor ("DEdit") that allows you to create custom levels or other materials for your personal use in connection with the Program ("New Materials"). All use of the Editor or any New Materials is subject to this License Agreement. The Program is licensed, not sold. Your license confers no title or ownership in the Program. 2. Ownership. All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Program and any and all copies thereof (including but not limited to any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, and "applets" incorporated into the Program) are owned by Fox or its licensors. The Program is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, international copyright treaties and conventions and other laws. 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The Program may not be re-exported, downloaded or otherwise exported into (or to a national or resident of) any country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods, or to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Denial Orders. By installing the Program, you are agreeing to the foregoing and you are representing and warranting that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list. 7. Limited Warranty. The Parties expressly disclaim any warranty for the Program, Editor and Manual(s). The Program, Editor and Manual(s) are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Program and Manual(s) remains with the User, however Sierra warrants up to and including 90 days from the date of your purchase of the Program that the media containing the Program shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. In the event that the media proves to be defective during that time period, and upon presentation to Sierra of proof of purchase of the defective Program, Sierra will at its option 1) correct any defect, 2) provide you with a product of equal or lesser value, or 3) refund your money. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. 8. Limitation of Liability. NEITHER FOX, SIERRA, VIVENDI UNIVERSAL GAMES, INC. ,OR THEIR PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES, SHALL BE LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE PROGRAM OR USE OF SIERRA ENTERTAINMENT, INC.'S ONLINE GAME NETWORK, SIERRA.COM INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES. SIERRA FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO YEAR 2000 COMPLIANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. ANY WARRANTY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED IN SECTION 2-312(3) OF THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE AND/OR IN ANY OTHER COMPARABLE STATE STATUTE IS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. FURTHER, SIERRA ENTERTAINMENT, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR THE LOSS OR DAMAGE TO PLAYER CHARACTERS, ACCOUNTS, STATISTICS OR USER PROFILE INFORMATION STORED ON SIERRA.COM. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SIERRA ENTERTAINMENT, INC. 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In the event any litigation is brought by either party in connection with this License Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover from the other party all the costs, attorneys' fees and other expenses incurred by such prevailing party in the litigation. 10. Limitations on License. Nothing in this License Agreement shall preclude you from making or authorizing the making of another copy or adaptation of the Program provided that (1) such new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in your utilization of the Program in accordance with the terms of this License Agreement and for NO OTHER PURPOSE; or (2) such new copy or adaptation is for archival purposes ONLY and all archival copies are destroyed in the event of your Transfer of the Program, the Termination of this Agreement or other circumstances under which your continued use of the Program ceases to be rightful. 11. Miscellaneous. This License Agreement shall be deemed to have been made and executed in the State of California and any dispute arising hereunder shall be resolved in accordance with the law of California, without giving effect to its conflict of laws principles. You agree that any claim asserted in any legal proceeding by one of the parties against the other shall be commenced and maintained in any state or federal court located in the State of California, County of Los Angeles. This License Agreement may be amended, altered or modified only by an instrument in writing, specifying such amendment, alteration or modification, executed by all parties. In the event that any provision of this License Agreement shall be held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the remaining portions of this License Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This License Agreement constitutes and contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the foregoing License Agreement and agree that the action of installing the Program is an acknowledgment of my agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the License Agreement contained herein. I also acknowledge and agree that this License Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the Parties and I and that the License Agreement supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either oral or written, and any other communications between the Parties and myself. LGL\241480 v1 MCO 08-16-02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2002 Monolith Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2002 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. No One Lives Forever is a trademark of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Cate Archer and A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way are trademarks of Monolith Productions, Inc. This product contains the LithTech Jupiter System licensed from LithTech, Inc. LithTech Jupiter System © 1997-2002 LithTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sierra is a trademark of Sierra Entertainment, Inc. Copyright (2002 Sierra Entertainment, Inc.) Windows® is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, NVIDIA The Way It's Meant to be Played and other NVIDIA Marks are trademarks of NVIDIA corporation in the United States and other countries. Uses Bink Video Technology Copyright © 1994-2002 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Thanks for playing No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way Quote
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