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Today is Darwin Day, celebrating over a hundred years of Charles Darwin and his greatest achievement - On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. It was not perfect, but over the years his discoveries have been confirmed and expanded upon by Mendelian genetics, the discovery and use of DNA and more. Nevertheless, there's still a lot of resistance toward his ideas, especially in the US. Apparently over half of Americans believe God created humans in their present form. There are even people who want their alternative theories taught in science class in schools, giving rise to the phenomenon of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. But, then again, there are also still people who believe in geocentrism, or that the earth is flat. To get back to Darwin, here are some arguments for and here are some against.


Are there people here who believe that Darwin was wrong, that the earth was created in a matter of days?


(Bonus link to the Darwin Awards)


I personally never understood why science and the concept of God cannot co-exist. Is it such a stretch to consider that perhaps God created the universe and thus its inner workings? Saying that everything appeared out of thin air essentially reduces God to parlor tricks.


I personally never understood why science and the concept of God cannot co-exist. Is it such a stretch to consider that perhaps God created the universe and thus its inner workings? Saying that everything appeared out of thin air essentially reduces God to parlor tricks.

Wow, the stars must be in alignment...daybreak and I are on the same page.


You see, from the point of view of church it's heresy, because bible says that god created humans. any variations on this topic are heresy, and few centuries ago yo'd be burned as heretic:)

yeah well about the same time as they were burning heretics, science was making great progress with leaches and blood letting ;) More to the point, the thought of science and religion being tied together is not considered heresy anymore.


Well, it's considered cutting edge science at the time, and evolution of theory when it is dissproved. What percentage of Eurassia believes in God?


yeah well about the same time as they were burning heretics, science was making great progress with leaches and blood letting ;) More to the point, the thought of science and religion being tied together is not considered heresy anymore.



Not to mention my all time fav of Phrenology. With this science we could have predicted the anti-social behavior of Foxsy, just by measuring the bumps on his cro-magnum head :P

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