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Posts posted by Alexa

  1. Martin,


    I made a simple MOD, modifying both attributes "JumpSpeed" and "NetFallDamage". I played with the MOD, the MOD works because I jump really high just like I set the "JumpSpeed" value. But I die also. I checked the C++ sources of BOTH Nolf1 and Nolf2. The "NetFallDamage" attribute is apparently a Nolf1 attribute and can be set for the server by the user (can't check this, dun have it installed any more), but it is NOT used in Nolf2 at all! So you CANNOT set the fall damage in an easy way. I reckon you would have to do some simple C++ programming, which I also can't do right now...

  2. Think he wants to know how to make the player invulnerable (at least to fall damage). I seem to remember a command called "falldamage" or so, but can't really help here. Confirm anyone?


    EDIT: I believe this can only be done via a MOD. Guess the "FallDamage" value cannot be accessed via the SCMD Game options...

  3. Problem solved yet?


    I believe when the guards change to "search mode", a certain tune is played. Maybe it's a sound problem? For testing, try to turn off everything that has to do with music/sound, and *tadaaaa* incredibly new proposal: update your audio driver. And/or use DxDiag and in the "Sound" tab move the hardware acceleration slider all to the left (no accel).


  4. Knix' date='May 9 2007, 08:56 PM' post='71981']

    Here are some more tidbits, how the US is not struglling en masse due to bs jobs deflating the employment rates (alla the USSR back in the day)..



    Nothing to argue about there, but I'm not sure about the reasons for that. I believe for a solid economy you need more than a liberal job market and long working hours. Ideas like Sarkozy's didn't help GB and Germany. I'm honestly interested in seeing what is gonna happen to France.


    Also interesting are numbers about poverty. I don't claim they look bad!


    Sorry but U.S.A. does not produce:


    AK47 machine guns

    Not for discussion, just for the sake of completeness: US AK-47 manufacturers


    And Alexa, there is a paper trail that implicates France, Russia and Germany.....so don't be so quick to say it has long been proven false....it depends on where you pull your info.

    There is more than a paper trail I reckon. The official UN report - I believe and am to lazy to look it up - states that companies from that countries, including US and UK breached the 90 UN embargo. It also states AFAIK that "suspicious, military important parts" had been delivered. The Iraq was massively equipped in the 70-80, guess Saddam didn't need so much more in the 90s. But talking about things past, lets take a look at the world's hot spots: usual suspects earning a lot, nobody cares - till next war.

  6. Knix' date='May 9 2007, 07:30 PM' post='71975']

    I guess this is just due the vast amount of fast food chains currently available in the former group.

    Not completely sure what you're trying to say but I guess I tend to agree with you. Swiss, by the way, has anything but a flexible job market, low wages and an overall liberal market.


    I mean Germany struggles with minimum wage (=we don't have such).

  7. The point is that the United Nations came up with a pile of resolutions for Iraq that restricted trade between Iraq and any UN member country. No UN country was supposed to violate these restrictions; however, France, Germany and Russia (the countries you say you have "respect" for their oil exchange policies) completely disregarded the trade sanctions. They helped Iraq rebuild their military by trading high tech weapons and parts for oil and by trading cash for oil.

    I know it's repeat myself but: this has long been proven a lie. Most notably in the original source it was stated that there have been found huge amounts of British weapons. Seems some news sources just don't report it all, to make sure you don't decide "wrong".


    And the No. 1 weapons deliverer for the Iraq was of course the U.S. (the biological weapons that were turned against some Iraqis) represented by Mr. Rumsfeld.

    U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup

    There is a better and most of all more up-to-date source about a hearing of the British Government where some politician-weasles admit that they knew this but didn't want to "hurt" their partner (US) in war. Sorry can't find it by now.


    Near the whole world equipped the Iraq although they all knew about Mr. Saddam.


    Anyway, when Mr. Sarkasy has finished his 'lil trip to the Bahamas I'm sure he'll find the time to abolish unions, increase the working hours and lower capital taxes etc. in order to maximize company profits. The common idea is: more profit, more jobs. Doesn't work here, didn't in GB (low-wage jobs spawned, full paid jobs were converted), but I'm keen to see if it will work in France.

    Afterwards he may think about building a huuuuuuge hot tub into his basement, because there just isn't a better place for deciding the fate of the average Frenchi then in a hot tub toghether with a lot of lobbyists and service ladies.

  8. Yes I have had a good start. However i have also worked hard to sustain that lot, and increase it. I work frequently late hours here in the city, and don't see my kids a night. I consider myself a happily married weekend father. I do this not out of ego. I do this so I know that I will be able to provide whatever my family will need.

    It's another story, but the question is if that is THE way to live. Many people are unemployed, number rising, the rest just works harder, usually for lesser money.


    How about prevent both...at the same time?

    I don't see politicians doing that. Bashing the weak is a lot easier.


    But I'm sure they should understand the plight of the middle class French Bus driver, not wanting to drive an extra 5 hours a week,

    It's ok that investor's money makes 20% each year, but compensation for the inflation of the worker's wages is not? Strike - IMHO - is the fight that should be preferred. The alternative I wrote a few posts above...


    I guess your paycheck would depend on the work you provide.

    And that may be the key here. Your guess is wrong. The trick is to use the magic word: globalisation. I'm not contra productivity, I have no problems with industrial automation. But saving money by enslaving abroad is, well, perversion again. So I prefer 5.


    To be a bit on topic, I will certainly feel Mr. Sarkozy in my pocket. I don't like that.


    What about:

    6. Create an economic environment (e.g. by voting) that appreciates the human being, is fair and humane and environmental friendly thus leads to full employment


    By the way, we use Carlson.

  9. Knix' date='May 8 2007, 08:44 PM' post='71941']

    How is the contract broken where people cannot "reach everything"?

    It is at least broken when people work their hands to the bone and can't feed their family. Can't even eat an apple because the tree is "owned" by somebody.


    My father started with "nuttin" and became a multi-millionaire....and not by working 35 hours a week, 2 months vacation, etc.

    Well, sounds like YOU had a good start in life? He "became" also involves quite certainly people paying for the services of your father. With money they have been working for also, prolly? Good thing this still works!


    You find it difficult to understand my displeasure in MY OWN COUNTRY with dead people being on the welfare rolls?

    Just what I said. 2 cheaters, the one stealing billions, impovering hard working people, the other stealing 400$ a month. Prevent both, but start with the first one.


    Young mothers who can't keep their legs together and thus have 4 kids before the age of 24, for which they cannot provide but I partially do?

    Well, that one I don't comment. Well, just kinda did.


    You don't need to be corrupt to be a capitalist. I am a succesfull businessman due to hardwork, honesty, and yes a little luck, not because of insider trading, missapropriation of funds, or incorrect figures in my accounting.

    I just long for a social market with fair conditions. True whiners? Companys. Our government is thinking about paying the wages for the workers even for big companys that are making huge profits. That is nothing but a perversion. I don't pretend capitalism is the root of all that's evil if you stop pretending that the world is made up of poor small businessman that are strangled by their useless employees.


    If you choose to live your life altruistically, and not want to work hard to better your lot in life, that is up to you.

    I work hard, long and near certainly do incredibly good work. My paycheck is no indication of this. And I know this holds true for my US collegues too.

  10. Knix' date='May 8 2007, 07:43 PM' post='71937']



    Yes I agree. We should take all incentive to better themselves monitarily. How about we just create a global commune? There will be no leaders, or followers, no hierchy in acheivement.


    Power to the people!


    (goes to the shower, as is now dripping with sarcasm)

    It's pretty easy, Herr Knixen. The society contract goes like this: I am born with nuttin, and I can reach everything. In case this contract is broken, I'm gonna break some rules myself. I'll get a big fat gun, and find myself a nice house which I will make unoccupied pretty fast. WHEN I have the feeling the unspoken unsigned contract is broken is mine, and may vary for different people. Working poor, the result of great neoliberal politics is good enough for me for example.


    Apart from that, name 10 great inventions that made the inventor rich, and I name 100000 that didn't. So much for the "fruit of one's labour". I rather spend some effort citicising the perverted managers that steal billions instead of criticising the "evil" welfare-check-cashers. I'm a human being, not a money-making device thingy.


    Stop dripping already! And check if it's really all sarcasm.

  11. Sarkozy will later be mentioned in the same breath as Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and our very own Helmut Kohl - all great conservatives that are best known for one thing: great economics. Zip unemployment, privatisation of the most sensitive government-owned businesses. Improvement of health care goes without saying. Disempowered unions? Best thing since sliced bread!


    Typical altruistic representatives of the people.

  12. “The United States and France are historic allies and partners. President Bush looks forward to working with President-elect Sarkozy as we continue our strong alliance,” said Gordon Johndroe, spokesman for the White House National Security Council.

    *Insert badly faked German accent here*

    And zey laughted az I buried my V2 in ze garten! Eva, prepare ze bunker! Don't forget ze Sauerkraut!

  13. Think I'm researchining sumtin in the field of communications. Or so. Don't ask, it's not interesting at all (this holds true for the whole field of engineering, despite some peeps saying otherwise). By the way the window size you'd have to increase is of course the cellar window of your grandma's house, unless she lives more than 10 miles away from you.

  14. I understand your ping usually isn't that high? Well, then u got the problem some, including me, also had before. God knows what the problem is, usually traffic overload so your packet routing has changed. May be temporary (easter holidays etc.). Sit and wait I'd say...then again, I'm not the expert (that I should be, o how I love my job).

  15. You lag because of your high ping!? 260 ms is not good. This has nothing (directly) to do with your transfer rate. Ping -> time a packet (rather small one prolly) takes to travel from client to host and back (so I think). Once the data flows the ping is merely a time delay. Think traffic shaping is usually done by the (very old and not very good) TCP -> transfer control protocol, which (hope I do not completely err here) also chooses the size of the IP packets and the frame/window size (don't ask), and THAT are important parameters when it comes to transfer rate.


    In short, your ping suxX.

  16. Hello again! Jup I did. First of all we do talk about the Nolf 1 (!) mod here!? And the mod only seems to run with version 1.004 of Nolf 1, according to this. You should update anyway. See UnityHQs download section!


    I ran the installer (.exe) and started the mod using the shortcut it created. Otherwise you have to click "Advanced" in the launcher window and add "-rez custom\FORGOTTEN_BUNKER.rez" to the command line field.

    After that you should see a forgotten bunker loading screen, Cate is replaced by Jack in the starting screen and the missions show up.


    To be honest, I liked the mod SHOWDOWN more. Be sure to try it!

  17. You should have checked the nolfcmds.txt file, because that was very likely the source of the problem. And yes, Nolf 1 runs on XP, think I played it on XP SP1 and deffo played it 3 months or so ago having SP 2 installed. 2 CDs sounds like the originally distributed version (+GOTY?).

  18. Do you have a game magazine edition of NOLF 1? I do, and I had problems because they messed up the installer (files stayed read-only, Nolf1.rez was in the root directory of the DVD).


    Check the root of the install directory. There should be a file called nolfcmds.txt. It should look something like this:


    LITHTECH.EXE -windowtitle "No One Lives Forever" -rez NOLF.rez -rez NOLF2.rez -rez NOLFdll.rez -rez NOLFl.rez -rez custom -rez Nolfu003.rez -rez Nolfcres003.rez -rez NolfGoty.rez +multiplayer 0 +DisableMusic 0 +DisableSound 0 +DisableTripBuf 0 +DisableHardwareCursor 0

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