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Virgin's plans to destroy the internet neutrality

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Well not that I am kind of person that is careing about the world that he lives on and trying every best he can to help it, but on the other hand never late to start. :P


Today I've runned into a banner on a web site for web designer tutorials and Idercided to sign in, if anyone wants can do the same. I preffer the internet neutrality stays the same. :)





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For the American voters among us, the positions of the two candidates:



McCain is against government regulation of network neutrality unless evidence of abuse exists[97]. He is quoted as saying "let's see how this thing all turns out, rather than anticipate a problem that so far has not arisen in any significant way." Until such a time, he supports allowing network owners to control what sites consumers view, saying, in May 2007, "When you control the pipe you should be able to get profit from your investment".[98][99] In 2002, McCain introduced the Consumer Broadband Deregulation Act of 2002, a deregulation measure aimed at preventing the government from requiring broadband providers to offer access to competing ISPs in the residential broadband market.[100][101]



In a June 2006 podcast, Obama expressed support for telecommunications legislation to protect network neutrality on the Internet, saying: "It is because the Internet is a neutral platform that I can put out this podcast and transmit it over the Internet without having to go through any corporate media middleman. I can say what I want without censorship or without having to pay a special charge. But the big telephone and cable companies want to change the Internet as we know it."[24] Obama reaffirmed his commitment to net neutrality at a meeting with Google employees in November 2007, at which he said, "once providers start to privilege some applications or web sites over others, then the smaller voices get squeezed out, and we all lose."[25] At the same event, Obama pledged to appoint a Chief Technology Officer to oversee the U.S. government's management of IT resources and promote wider access to government information and decision making.[26]
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