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About This File

These are the rez files installed by the NOLF patches.

I've added the rez file for the GOTY version as well. May be needed to join the UHQ NOLF servers.

I've included them here since some of them won't self extract on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 64 bit machines.


Once you placed them in your root folder ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Fox\No One Lives Forever) you need to take the code below and save it as nolfversion.reg to your desktop and run it to update your NOLF version correctly.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Monolith Productions][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Monolith Productions\No One Lives Forever][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Monolith Productions\No One Lives Forever\1.0]"WorkingDirectory"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\Monolith Productions\No One Lives Forever""Version"="1.004""Update Command Line"="-rez Nolfu003.rez -rez Nolfcres003.rez -rez nolfu004.rez""Content Version"="1.002""Content Command Line"="-rez Nolfc001.rez -rez Nolfc002.rez"

What's New in Version 02/18/2014 04:08 AM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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